Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 162: Stop, stay alive

Yuefu, whether it was to her predecessor and her, was very strange.

Although her predecessor lived in this place for more than ten years, she was trapped in a small world in the backyard until she died. She was still unfamiliar with many places where she had lived for so many years.

As for her, let alone.

When they arrived outside the Moon Palace, the butler greeted them in. Because they knew there were people from the Regent Palace, the people in Moon Palace didn't dare to be too negligent.

"Miss, the master is already waiting for you in the front hall."


As soon as Yueli walked outside the front hall, she heard a loud compliment from inside.

"The Lord is really kind, and he is not as well-known as I saw him."

For others' compliments, even if they knew they were deliberate compliments, Yue Mingde listened very well. "Young Master Zhang Er is absurdly praised."

The woman sitting next to Zhang Yiyuan kept her head down while they were talking, seeming to be holding back something as hard as possible, and she seemed to be afraid.

"Master, the eldest lady is back."

Hearing the sound, the woman stiffened slightly, her emotions seemed to become agitated.

A look of disgust flashed between Yue Mingde's eyebrows, but was soon hidden by him. Since Yue Yan'er was returned to the mansion by Xiao Moxiu, she told him all kinds of "bad deeds" of Yue Li and pushed all the things she had been put on her body, saying that she was secretly framed Xiao Mo and misunderstood her before she was put off. .

Yue Mingde now hates Yue Li, if it weren’t for Zhang’s time since today, he had two thoughts about Zhang Family, otherwise he wouldn’t let Yue Li step into this mansion again.

"Let her come in." There was not the slightest love of a father in the words. All this was seen by Zhang Yiyuan.

Yue Li walked into the room and saw Zhang Yiyuan at a glance, frowning invisibly, she was also a little surprised when she saw the woman next to him. But she still went forward calmly.

"Left phase." She just nodded slightly as a greeting. She is now a person with a golden plaque, and she doesn't need to salute when she meets the queen mother, how can Yue Mingde accept her gift.

Although unhappy, Yue Mingde would not be so stupid to take this matter into account.

"Well, this is your cousin and cousin. It's hard for them to get a trip to Xijing. Today, you can stay and talk to them."

Cousin... is the daughter of her grandmother's sister...

There was indeed such a person in the memory of the predecessor. When he was young, he just met that aunt when I went to see my grandmother during the Chinese New Year. Later, I heard He Zhen said that it was her grandmother’s concubine. Okay, so the two families will walk around during the holidays.

With that said, the memory of the predecessor is clear.

"Li'er, you, you have another cousin who has married Qiu Ze in Yunan. If so, if you can't make it through in the future... just find a way to find your cousin, she will definitely help you..."

This is what He Zhen said to the front before his death, that is to say, this auntie is someone who can be trusted.

She had met this cousin at the beginning, she was much younger than He Zhen, and now she is only twenty-four or five years old.

But when she looked at the woman in front of her, her complexion was sallow and haggard that could not be covered by layers of powder, like an old woman who was forty years away.

With a maid, Yue Mingde didn't stay a lot, and soon went out with Zhang Yiyuan. Only Yue Li and her cousin, Hu Lanhua were left in the room.

Zhang Yiyuan glared at Hu Lanhua secretly before going out, and saw her wince.

"Yes, is it Li'er?" Yue Li wore a veil on her head when she came in, but didn't take it off.

"Auntie Biao." I thought these two words were a little difficult to speak, but I didn't expect to open my mouth but scream so smoothly.

"I haven't seen you for many years, your child has grown up like that..." Hu Lanhua looked very cautious, as if she rarely interacted with people, and wanted to talk for a while but didn't know what to say.

Yue Li took off her veil, revealing half of her masked face. "Auntie Cousin, don't you mind me doing this?"

When Hu Lanhua saw her face, she was stunned for a long time without speaking.

"It's very similar to the old ancestor..."

"What?" She didn't hear clearly because the words were too quiet.

"No, nothing..."

"Auntie Biao, are you not in good health?" Hu Lanhua's eyes were abnormally yellow.

An embarrassment flashed in Hu Lanhua's eyes. "No, no, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

"Why didn't Aunt Biao sleep well last night?" She didn't want to just let her escape, after all, Zhang Baoer was still treating the disease in the Prince Regent's Mansion. She wants to know how much this mother can achieve.

"I, because..."

Thinking of her son who disappeared yesterday, Hu Lanhua couldn't help but blush. But thinking of Zhang Yiyuan's threat to her again, she had to gritted her teeth and forced her tears back.

"Maybe it's a bit tired from running around."

Yue Li nodded in silence, not planning to tell her that Zhang Baoer was in her hands for the time being.

Zhang Yiyuan hadn't been to Xijing for many years, or when he came before, he hadn't even thought about visiting her relatives who were a little far away. He must have gone to the Three Treasures Palace now.

"Li'er, I heard that Auntie Cousin, you, are you separated from your husband?" Hu Lanhua really couldn't say that Yue Li was abandoned, but that was what she meant.

Yue Li nodded calmly. "Yes."

"Then, what are your plans for the future?"

She smiled indifferently, but then asked: "Auntie Cousin thinks I should have any plans?"

After the slight shock, Hu Lanhua felt even more embarrassed when he heard the irony of her words. "Auntie Cousin is not about to ask about you, but she just thinks that a woman must have a destination after all."

"Auntie Cousin, it is good to have a destination, but if that destination becomes a destiny that does not return, that is the sorrow of life. If a man can't give me happiness, why should I suffer by his side?"

Yue Li's words made Hu Lanhua speechless.

Looking at her weakness, Yue Li knew that someone must have asked her to say these words. After making her position clear, she didn't have to be so cold, so she slowed down. "Auntie Cousin, if you are my own family, tell me why this trip is?"

Hu Lanhua buzzed her lips, before she said anything, she dropped a series of tears.


"Young Master Zhang Er go slowly." The butler sent Zhang Yiyuan and his wife to the door.

Then Yue Li also followed out.

"Ruxi, go and see where their carriage is going."


As soon as Yueli walked outside the gate of Xiangfu, the butler stopped her with someone.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"It's not your turn to take care of where this lady is going. Get out of here!"

The butler did not move. "Miss, the master said, even if you are abandoned, you will still be his daughter. From now on, the eldest will stay in the house for a living!"

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