Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 502: 0 Ghost Night Walk

Lin Zhongsheng changed. For 40 years, this mountain road has been covered by vines. Gu Xing can only look for it while constantly remembering the original escape route of the golden snake.

Chu Jingtian released his thoughts and explored any missing places around him.

As for the seven or eight Wandao Jianzong disciples who were far behind, he was directly ignored by him.

Wandao Jianzong also belongs to a great sect in the Xianwu realm, and belongs to the same level of ancestors as Lotus King Kong Temple and Avenue Xianzong. These should be disciples who have gone out to practice.

Although Chu Jingtian didn't care about them, they started to retreat.

This road already belongs to the depths of the Youfeng Mountains, and the trail they walked on seemed to be in a zone of no matter how much it made them feel as if they had been abandoned by the world.

"found it!"

Just then, a call came.

I saw a very obvious dividing line in the dense mountain forest. By the periphery, it was a lush, vibrant forest. And leaning against the inner wall, it was a deadly ghost land with no vitality at all.

"Let's go back!"

Someone looked at the front and couldn't help but whisper.

"I always feel that as long as we step in, we are like we can never come back."

"Yeah, it's too gloomy in front, like Huang Quan ..."

The line is like two worlds.

This weird situation is no wonder that these disciples who have not seen the world are trembling.

Liu Zhen frowned, looking at Chu Jingtian who had penetrated into the ghost realm, couldn't help it:

"We've all come here, can we go back? And the strength of those of them is far worse than us. They dare to go, can we still be weak?"


Everyone was helpless and could only step forward.

And the other side.

Gu Xing, on the other hand, introduced:

"When you find this forest, you can find the ghost letter off. I escaped from the ghost letter off at first, and those ghosts also wanted to be hunted out. But they seemed to be trapped in this forest and they could n’t come out, so I Get back a little life! "

"There is no such forest on the map." Lu Jian departed.

"I call this forest Ghost Realm Forest!" Gu Xing turned back and explained: "This was once a battlefield for saints. Although Youfeng Mountain has nearly a hundred gates, no one has ever been able to take the entire Youfeng Mountain. I'm done exploring. I don't know how many such ghost forests are hidden in the entire Youfeng Mountain! "

Chu Jingtian nodded continuously.

About half a day, finally arrived at the ghost letter off.

Appearing in front of everyone was a majestic temple. But the entire temple was dark and dead, with no vitality. The darkened inside of the open door seemed to lead to Jiuyou.

"Is this the ghost letter gate? It doesn't look like anything special ... actually a temple?"

Lu Jianli looked curiously.

"This temple is probably built in a crack in time and space. After entering the door, the real ghost letter is closed!"

Chu Jingtian lost his hand.

His thoughts extended into it, he couldn't touch the inside at all. Obviously only after entering this temple is the real ghost letter pass.

"It's hard, then I can go in with Lu Fat."

Gu Xing's lips wriggled a bit, but eventually he didn't say the words to accompany Chu Jingtian.

As soon as he entered the Ghost Letter Pass, he had no courage to step into the Ghost Letter Pass.

"Quick, quick, quick ... finally caught up!"

Just then, a sound came from a distance.

Gu Xing looked up and saw that Liu Zhen rushed over with a group of brothers and sisters.

Everyone brightened their eyes, but did not expect to find the legendary ghost letter.

"The two boys have just entered, maybe they have started to hunt for treasure ..." Liu Zhen was impatient, but he watched Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli enter the temple with his own eyes.

"Do you want to go in too?" Gu Xing closed his eyes. "Mr. Chu has not warned you, this ghost letter is extremely dangerous, and it is definitely not a place where you can come and retreat quickly!"

Liu Zhen smiled and said with a smile: "They all went in, why can't we go in? We are the disciples of Wandao Jianzong!"

"What about Wan Dao Jianzong, Mr. Chu is a great dedication to Daxian Zongzong, his strength reaches three levels and six realms, and he is a divine doctor on the green bag list. What are you doing and dare to break into this fierce land?" Drink.

The crowd first burst into laughter.

Liu Zhen almost didn't bulge out his eyes, until a moment he laughed:

"Mr. Old, you can tell a joke. The kid is only twenty years old, and he can have three levels and six levels? Just kidding! Don't frighten us with some paradoxical words!"

Gu Xing heard the words, stomping straight.

He had already understood so clearly that, instead of being sympathetic, these guys questioned themselves.

‘Mr. Chu is right. No one can stop him if he finds himself! ’

Gu Xing snorted coldly and simply stopped talking.

And Liu Zhen over there was full of pride and thought he had broken the lies of the other party.

He turned around and told everyone:

"Now that you have reached the Guixuan Pass, you can go along if you want to go in. If you don't want to go, just wait outside the temple."

The crowd hesitated. Although they were afraid, it was like Liu Zhen said. The two younger people were less than their own.

Everyone together, entered the ghost letter level together.

I just felt that for a while, the sun and the moon were retrograde, and when I opened my eyes again, I realized that I had entered a huge and vast space. Looking out, it was a huge mountain group. On top of the mountain group there were palaces, surrounded by dark clouds, and thunderstorms from time to time.

What is more scalp is that from here to the palace on the top of the hill, there are actually dense tombs.

Chu Jingtian was looking around, and suddenly felt the movement behind him, could not help but frown:

"Did I not say, let you go?"

"Hey, this is the legendary ghost letter pass. Since it's here, how can we not come in and take a look?" Liu Zhen was also taken aback by the situation in the ghost letter pass, but quickly calmed down. .

"I didn't expect it to be the case here ..."

"You have time to go out now!" Chu Jingtian gave him a quiet look. "Wait a while, it won't be so easy!"

Liu Zhen sneered, without speaking, apparently he did not believe.

When Chu Jingtian saw that the other party did not appreciate it, he no longer spoke. He looked around and finally set his sights on the palace on the distant mountains.

At the same time, the thoughts were swung forward, searching for the natural whereabouts.

Hardly a waste of effort, he found a breath of condensing and condensing in one of the largest palaces.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian's appearance, Liu Zhen snorted coldly, and at the same time looked at everything in the Ghost Letter Pass.

Of course, in addition to these nameless cemeteries, the most noticeable is the continuous palace in the mountains.

"Well? Brother Liu Zhen, look at it ..."

At this moment, an exclamation came.

A disciple dug out a simple waist card from the mud pit. On the front of the waist card, there were four big characters of “Wan Dao Jian Zong” written on the front and a flying sword on the back.

"This is Brother Qian Songzi's waistband!" Liu Zhen closed his eyes.

Thousands of pine nuts!

The chief elder's personal disciple, Xiu, came to the Youfeng Mountain three years ago to achieve the Five Realms, but never appeared again.

"Look, this gourd ..."

In a pile of corpses not far away, someone found a yellow-skinned gourd. The disciple looked for a moment, and his face changed sharply: "This is the Tibetan sword gourd of the deacon of the headquarters!"

The liquor minister, the deacon of Wandao Jianzong Zhujiantang, was repaired as the master of the Five Realms. He disappeared after going out on a mission seven years ago.

"There is also this waist card, this should be a disciple of Dadao Xianzong!" Someone found a token with the word "Dadao" engraved from the bones. "What the **** is this place ..."

Seeing these bones, the disciples of Wandao Jianzong suddenly changed color.

How creepy it is to find those who have been missing for a long time in this ghost letter.

"What the **** is this?"

Until then, Liu Zhen finally showed a trace of panic, he screamed at Chu Jingtian quickly.

"Brother, let's hurry up." At this time, some disciples discovered that something was wrong. The tombs around them seemed to be agitated, as if there was something to climb out.

The whole ghost letter pass, it even gives people a feeling of what is there, quietly awake.

Liu Zhen's complexion is also ugly to the extreme.


However, when everyone was panicking, only a harsh sound suddenly heard. Liu Zhen quickly looked back, and saw two huge bronze doors, as if pushed by a pair of invisible hands, suddenly closed in everyone's desperate eyes.


Almost at the same time, the grave exploded, and a pair of bone-arms protruded out of the dirt. Hissing sounds came from all directions crazy.

Suddenly, the entire Guixuanguan suddenly turned into a night of hundreds of ghosts.


Looking at this scene, everyone just felt scalp tingling.

Liu Zhen even fell into the abyss.

He couldn't wait to give himself a slap. The other side had already said it many times along the way. This ghost correspondence was a terrible place, but they had never believed it.

Now I believe ~ ~ but it's too late.

There are countless ghosts and ghosts all around, it is not enough to kill them!


Even more, at the same time, there was an outrageous horror in the extended palace.

Feeling this breath, Liu Zhen was even more mournful.

So many ghosts and ghosts are enough to tear them to pieces, and now there is such a cruel and incomparable ghost emperor, how can there be their way of life?

Chu Jingtian looked at the distant palace with both hands quietly, and suddenly laughed:

"Born, you are the ancestor of Tengmaomen in front of you. You have the power. After death, you turned into a ghost emperor and suppress this ghost letter. It seems that your life is quite leisurely !?

As soon as this word came out, the whole ghost letter was quiet.

(End of this chapter)


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