Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 200: Immortal Devil Festival

Beyond Wan Moyuan, there was silence.

Everyone looked at the repelled Yan Hezhang, Li Haiyun, and Han Moning, and then looked at the arrogant Chu Jingtian. After a moment, the shock and exclamation involuntarily swept from all sides.

"Yan Hezhang, Li Haiyun, and Han Moning are all peerless existences. The three of them combined to make an unstoppable existence. Unexpectedly ..." Zhu Yadong's eyes almost did not stand out.

"I didn't expect Chu Jingtian to be so strong!" Liu Xian said bitterly.

There are countless people in the field, and his thoughts are almost the same as him.

Chu Jingtian is too strong!

In the face of these three people joining forces, not only did not fall into the wind, they even repelled them easily.

Yan Hezhang and others in the field set off a stormy sea.

Before that, they didn't dare to underestimate Chu Jingtian, so when they shot, they were their proud moves, and they wanted to kill Chu Jingtian. But I did not expect that Chu Jingtian's strength was so horrible, it was an understatement to resolve the killing bureau.

"Chu Jingtian, if you surrender Bai Ningshuang, our Japanese dynasty can withdraw from the siege. I will not hold you accountable for obstructing the masters inside and killing Fan Zhao!" .

With this remark, Li Haiyun and Han Moning's faces changed greatly.

If Yan Hezhang quits at this time, how should they face Chu Jingtian next?

But I only heard Chu Jingtian chuckled:

"You don't hold me? But I want to hold you to the destruction of Bai's family! Do you think I can only make fun of Chu Jingtian? When the killing of you kills me, I will go to peace of Da-ri royal family and Hyun Yun Han , Dongsheng Dynasty! "

"If not, others just think that I am a shocked soft persimmon!"


Chu Jingtian's faint words made Yan Hezhang all three change color suddenly, could not help but take a few steps backwards.

"Too aggressive!"

Guo Hanfeng shouted.

The others present were also stunned.

They have no doubt that if Chu Jingtian wins this battle, he will really start with the three dynasties. Such existence is simply not offensive. If you provoked him, you will inevitably lead to the killing!

"Chu Jingtian, don't be too conceited! Do you really think I'll be afraid of you?" Yan Hezhang was rejected in person, his face suddenly became gloomy. "Since you don't give up, we will never die!"

He drank a chill, and the huge infuriation swept the whole body instantly, and the whole person's breath began to rise madly. Between the movement of this breath, the void around Yan Hezhang was scrolled by the powerful qi, forming a shocking whirlwind.

Li Haiyun and Han Moning looked at each other, and at this moment took a step forward.

Suddenly, blood, mana swept out again. This second outbreak has obviously pushed its own strength to the extreme. The three parties' air fields were actually linked up and brought a terrible cyclone.

At first it was only sandstones within a hundred meters, and in the end it even expanded to hundreds of feet. Each towering ancient tree was directly uprooted by this hurricane and torn on the spot!

The onlookers were forced to retreat by this mighty force.

Whether it is Li Haiyun, Han Moning or Yan Hezhang.

They all have the pride of being strong in the four realms, but now in the eyes of the public, they can't even afford a teenager. Where can they endure this kind of shame?

"My obedience, these three people have more power!"

Looking at the tornado that soared into the sky, Lu Jianli couldn't help whispering.

"There is more than just power ..." Jiang Shaokun couldn't help but sigh.

In the previous blow, the three only came out with 70% strength. After all, in their realm, how could it be possible to take out all the hole cards in one shot? But Chu was so shocked that they not only dared not have any reservation at this moment, but also regarded this time as a battle of life and death!

The winner is born, the loser is dead!

There can never be a second ending.

"Endless?" Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows, slowly shaking his head. "For me, the three small realms are a bit tricky."

"Are you afraid?" Yan Hezhang heard and sneered.

Chu Jingtian heard the words and shook his head:

"Afraid? You're wrong, it's just a little tricky. If I kill you with all my power, it will be difficult to enter Wanmoyuan next. Stop, just stop thinking about what else to do, Wanmoyuan is in my eye Beneath my son, killed you, I can go in whenever I want. "

"Fortunately, when I left Xuanyun, I temporarily chose a method. Although it is not too strong, it should be enough to kill the three of you!"

As soon as this remark was made, the trio's complexion changed greatly.

It's all dead, and dare to speak hard!

Li Haiyun screamed angrily:

"What's wrong with him! We have besieged him today, and we have already enemies with him. If we don't kill him today, we will raise tigers in the future. No one of you should be alone!

"Not yet, when will we wait!"

He said, it was already a burst of qi and blood.

Yan Hezhang no longer wavered, immediately urged blood.

Han Moning showed cold light, almost at the same time burst mana.

Suddenly, the three powerful players from the four realms shot together, directly stimulating the power of the world. The crowd only saw that the tornado with the sky at the top and the tail trailing the earth suddenly shuddered at this moment, converging towards the center in desperation.

And the center of this tornado is where Chu Jingtian is!

The spinning gust of wind was rushing, the terrible wind was blowing the residual clouds, and the air was cut into slices of catkins. Everyone can predict that once the tornado converges, no matter who it is, it will be strangled in an instant.

"It looks like it's over!"

Guo Hanfeng sighed.

Can Chu Jingtian be better than these three?

"Grandpa, is he really hopeless?"

Guo Yiyi's fists were blanched and her eyes were full of worries. But the latter, just shaking his head slowly, obviously does not think that at this time, Chu Jingtian can still reverse it with his own strength.

"But he also said just now that he had prepared a method for Wan Moyuan and his party ..." Guo Yiyi reluctantly continued to argue.

Guo Hanfeng shook his head and said lightly:

"What kind of exercises do you think can make Chu Jingtian survive this kind of killing situation? The more powerful the exercises, the harder it will be to practice. From three to five years, as many as possible ten years."

"Li Haiyun ’s diamond glass body has been practiced for 172 years! Han Mooning ’s sky and phoenix thriller has been practiced for 54 years! Yan Hezhang ’s yin and yang tragedy has been practiced for 65 years! If not, what about the three of them? He has the power to suppress one side and the Megatron dynasty. "

"Even the mysterious Qi and Hai Gong passed down by our ancestors of the Guo family, I have practiced my whole life. What kind of exercises do you think can combat these beings in just a few days of preparation?"

"If you don't believe it, look at the others!"

Guo Hanfeng motioned to Guo Yiyi to look around. She hurriedly looked and saw that everyone looked sad and did not have much hope for Chu Jingtian. Not to mention the "temporary" exercise that he said.

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian in tornado with pity.

Bai Ningshuang, Shen Yuhao and others were pale.

Only Lu Jianli still has a confident attitude:

"Boss hasn't even called out Yin Mang now, and Greedy Dragon hasn't appeared ... once he's shot, he will definitely be able to defeat these guys like a clay chicken tile dog!"

Everyone heard the words and shook their heads. What time is it, so blindly confident!

Yan Hezhang, Li Haiyun, and Han Moning flashed a hint of pleasure in their eyes, as if they had seen Chu Jingtian completely hanged by a tornado.

At this time, Chu Jingtian was standing in the tornado, as if he had not realized that he had fallen into a desperate situation, or was indifferent:

"I originally intended to use this technique to go directly to Man Mo Yuan!"

"However, you appear to be just right. I can kill you first and then enter Wan Man Yuan."

"This exercise is called:" Undead Sacrifice "!"

He said, his eyes glowed.

Suddenly a horrible breath swept out of his body. At the same time, a surging giant phantom rises at this moment. This phantom is as high as three feet high, with only a silhouette of nothingness, his hands facing upwards.

However, what made everyone even more shocking was that the eyes of the demon shadow looked like two red lights, which was enough to look up at the blue sky and look down at Jiuyou.

"this is?"

The crowd, who had thought that the overall situation had settled, looked stunned forward. In that nothingness, a majestic figure appeared. In the face of this phantom, everyone couldn't help but have a little fear in their hearts.

This is the fear of the Xeon Power, the fear of God and nature!

"No, don't let him use this trick!"

Seeing this figure appearing, Yan Hezhang's complexion changed and he shouted in a loss.

In fact, everyone knows even if he does not remind him. In the face of this horrible demon, all the forces erupted, desperately urging the terrible tornado to tear Chu Jingtian to life.


Chu Jingtian smiled slightly, tearing his hands slowly forward.

And the terrible ghost behind him was also raising his hands at this moment, tearing towards the tornado. Just listen to the sound of "呲 啦", in the incredible eyes of countless people, this huge tornado was directly torn apart.

The uncontrollable howling wind suddenly emerged from Chu Jingtian's side, pouring like a river.


A joint shot ~ ~ was easily broken.

The three of them were also backswept, and suddenly they trembled, spitting blood and falling to the ground.

"Here, is this the" Undead Sacrifice "?"

Everyone present, stunned, looked at the shocking Chu Chutian who could not help but shouted.

This is the method of magic gate.

But it was used by Chu Jingtian at this moment, but there was no slight magic.

As if he is a monstrous demon!

PS: Thank you Yingshan Hongying? , .., 1592022 three big brothers give a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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