Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 145: Tomb token

Almost with the discharge of unknown objects, although the Xuantian monitor lizard is still weak, the spirit is obviously better.

"Smelly! What the **** is that?"

Lu Jianli was smoked and rolled his eyes.

"this is……"

Wang Xuan stared blankly at the pile of strange things, which really made Chu Jingtian right.

"That's the shell of the Adamantite War Turtle!" Chu Jingtian said lightly. "Its turtle shell contains a small amount of Adamantite, which is the most powerful demon king in the third stage. It ’s not possible to break the shell of the Adamantite War Turtle. How can the Xuantian Monitor be digested? "

Wang Xuan endured the stinky smell and looked carefully before he accepted the words of the other party.

Chu Jingtian's judgment is correct, he already knows clearly.

"Thank you for your treatment. The blood of these demon kings is yours!" Excited Wang Xuan's eyes lighted up, and for them, beast control was the second life.

During this period of time, he has been running back and forth to treat the Xuantian monitor lizard, but it has no effect. He originally planned to try his luck at the medicine exchange meeting, but he did not expect to be cured by a teenager.

"I'm disrespectful!"

Chu Jingtian was naturally not polite, and accepted the blood of these demon kings.

"This kid ..." Ye Hu looked a little ugly. He had previously vowed to think that Chu Jingtian was just pulling the tiger pila banner, and was deceiving the animal master. He did not expect the other party to be cured.

Ye Han also pulled down his face instantly.

Chu Jingtian cured this Xuantian monitor lizard, does it mean that they are the frog at the bottom of the well?

"Lu Fatty, let's go elsewhere for a while!" Chu Jingtian glanced lightly at the two of Ye Han, ready to leave.

"Master Chu, wait a minute!" Just then, Wang Xuan called him. In Chu Jingtian's doubtful eyes, Wang Xuan said: "I have some companion masters of animal control, and they have some problems with the animal control. I wonder if you can shoot?"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Jianli shouted: "There is no problem in treatment, but the reward cannot be less!"

Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

It is the right thing to heal the beast and get paid.

"No problem, my companions are also third-order animal trainers, and they will definitely be able to give Master Chu a satisfactory reward!" Wang Xuan cleaned up the booth and respectfully asked Chu Jingtian to go deep into Wushi.

"This bastard!"

After the two left, Ye Han couldn't help but scolded him fiercely.

The other's glance as if looking at a joke almost let him feel complacent.

The most embarrassing thing is not Chu Jingtian, but the two of them!

"Brother Ye Han, you don't need to be angry!" Ye Hu calmed down at this time. "This beastmaster and his party are just crooked and evil ways. How can they be compared to martial arts?"

Hearing that, Ye Hanxi nodded.

He said, "Yes, you are right. Only strength is the essence! The blood of the demon king has already arrived. As long as this martial art is successfully cultivated, my strength will be one level higher!"

He looked at Chu Jingtian's departure and sneered.

"Chu Jingtian! Those who support this Ye family need to be strong enough after all. How about relying on crooked doors?"

As everyone knows, in Chu Jingtian's heart, not only he Ye Han, but also the whole Yefu, he did not care.

And at the same time.

Chu Jingtian has been brought by Wang Xuan to the circle where the animal master is.

"This boy is your disciple?" A familiar beastmaster greeted Wang Xuan face to face. "Are you ready for Yuandan?"

"This is Master Chu of Yefu. He was cured by my Xuantian monitor lizard, and he is also a third-order animal master." Wang Xuan quickly introduced Chu Jingtian.

"He is very clever about the disease of the beast. You can consult him if you have any questions."

Seeing that some people were not convinced, Wang Xuan hurriedly said what happened just now.

"Master Chu, can you really cure the beast-controlling beast?" Many beast-controlling beasts were somewhat heart-warming.

Chu Jingtian said, "Of course, but I have to collect some compensation. The more serious the illness, the higher the compensation. If the cure is not good, I will double the compensation!"

"Then you see what is going on with my animal control?" A middle-aged animal control master summoned his animal control.

This is a mountain-like white bear that is three meters high and very deterrent. The claws are five inches long, like a dagger.

This is a strong bear of the third-order royal family. Although it may seem clumsy, it is very powerful. At the peak, being able to easily suppress a dragon elephant's successful power is quite scary.

But at the moment, it's a little embarrassed and looks listless.

"It has bloodshot eyes, it should be poisoned ..." Chu Jingtian only said a word, and then he did not speak. Seeing this, the beast-controller quickly delivered a potion.

Chu Jingtian then continued: "You grind Tian Yuan flowers and grass into powder, and feed it with some keel vines, and it will work in half an hour."

As soon as his words fell, some animal masters prepared these things and fed them to the strong bear.

I saw that after vigorously drinking the medicinal powder, he spit out a smelly pus, and his complexion improved.

"True God!" The beastmasters around couldn't help but be surprised.

There are many types of beast-controlling animals. The same illness is placed on different beast-controlling animals. Maybe there will be diametrically opposite symptoms.

The young man could just tell a glance and be able to tell exactly the cause of the disease and how to treat it. This is something that many animal masters can't do.

For a while, everyone's eyes on Chu Jingtian suddenly became hot.


From the second day, more and more warriors participated in the elixir.

The entire city of Takeshi has also become extremely lively. You can even see some of the strongest in the fourth realm mixed in, apparently also in pursuit of elixir.

Chu Jingtian opened his fame in the circle of beast masters.

Now when he comes, many beastmasters surround him and ask some questions. Chu Jingtian simply set up a stall to collect elixir and materials to cure the beast. Really don't say, during this time, he had a lot of harvest, and the alchemy materials were all made up.

Unfortunately, none of the more advanced fourth-order materials was encountered.

"I have no shortage of third-order materials. If I can get some fourth-order materials at the medicine exchange meeting, I will not worry about entering the fourth realm."

"Little brother, would you heal the beast?"

At this time, a veteran old man stopped in front of Chu Jingtian's booth.

Chu Jingtian looked up and couldn't help but brighten. The old man's beard was unshaven. Although he looked untidy, he had a fourth-tier animal trainer badge on his chest.

He nodded and said:

"Yes! However, I will charge a certain fee according to the condition. I will charge a little for the elixir and the casting material."

"Okay, see what's wrong with my beast-controller."

The old man squeezed out a seal and released Yu Yu.

This is a lion-shaped fourth-order ordinary-level enchanter, with prestige and extraordinary posture, and has the strength of the fourth realm Xiaocheng. As soon as this lion-shaped monster appeared, it suppressed the audience at once, and many beast-masters felt that their beast-controlling beast showed a trace of fear.

Some lower-level animal beasts even turned into a ray of fright and escaped into the badge.

"Unfortunately, if you are an elite or a lord of the lord level, you can already speak." Many beastmasters secretly regret.

Monsters are also qualified.

Qualifications are divided into ordinary, elite, lord, royal family, and royal family. Like the warrior, the higher the qualification, the higher the growth space.

For example, if Xuantian Monitor was treated on the first day of Chu Jingtian, if he can break through the puppet, he can also reach the fourth realm. But this lion-type demon makes it the limit to reach the fourth realm Xiaocheng.

"It's Mo Yu!"

"The elder of the Beast Guild? His saber-toothed lion looks good. Why is there a problem?"

Many veterinarians recognized the old man and discussed it one after another.

"Did you see the problem?"

Mo Yu looked at Chu Jingtian very nervously.

The elixir exchange would not be too attractive for his existence at this level. If it wasn't for the hearing that a very powerful animal trainer appeared in the exchange meeting, he could heal the animal trainer, and he wouldn't come here.

Although Chu Jingtian was so young, it was difficult to hide his disappointment, but he still wanted to try it.

"Is it hurt?" Chu Jingtian glanced at the Swordtooth Lion before slowly.

"Yes, that's right!" Mo Yu nodded again and again. "Some time ago, I accidentally encountered a fourth-order demon envoy to the Canlong Mountains. The Sword-toothed Lion was really injured in order to save me. What should I do? "


On the side, Lu Jianli couldn't help but be surprised, he secretly dragged Chu Jingtian's clothes, and whispered:

"Boss Chu, this saber-toothed lion looks good. How do you know it was hurt?"

Not only was Lu Jian inseparable, the beastmasters present did not understand.

The beast-controlling animals that had been treated before were all sloppy, and they knew that there was a problem at first glance, but this sword-toothed lion was prestigious and did not see any problems.

Chu Jingtian glanced at Mo Yu and smiled slightly:

"Although the saber-toothed lion has been completely cured, it was used too much to save it, which caused a large part of the drug's power to remain in the body. Only on the night of the month's loss, it will be revealed. It's painful. "

Can all this be seen?

real or fake?

Everyone looked towards Mo Yu.

At this time, there was still a little doubt about Mo Yu ~ ~ When I looked at Chu Jingtian again, I was a little respectful. Regardless of martial arts, or beast control, the master of martial arts is the master.

"The little brother was right. The sword-tooth lion was breathless at first. To save it, the medicine was really used too much. Even now, although it survives, it has a dark illness."

"I don't know little brother, but how can I treat it?"

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian looked up slightly and glanced at the Sabertooth Lion: "However, the cost is higher."

"I'm in a hurry this time. I didn't bring any materials with me. Little brother, do you think this thing will work?" Mo Yu gritted his teeth and took something out of his arms.


Chu Jingtian looked puzzled, and could not help but stare when he saw the object.

"Martial Tomb Token?"

(End of this chapter)

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