Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 133: Look down

Xuan Ye Xiaocheng's Ye Ming was hit by a stick?

The crowd who had been waiting to see the joke immediately became agitated. Especially the words of the other party make everyone feel incredible. As a follower, Lu Jianli is already so strong, isn't Chu Jingtian more powerful?

"Dead fat man, I want to kill you!"

Ye Ming slowly got up in the ruins.

Three months ago, he could easily defeat Lu Jianli, but now he is defeated by his men, and he is swept away by the other side in the eyes of everyone, which is a shame in his life!

"Ye Ming stepped down!"

Just then, a deep drinking came from Yefu.

Ye Ming, who was full of murderous feeling, was suddenly poured down by a bucket of ice water, and all his anger was extinguished at this moment. The hustle and bustle of Yefu was also quiet, as if face-sanctified.

"That is?"

Lu Jian lifted his brow, as if he was close to the enemy!

"Are you finally going to show up?"

Chu Jingtian slowly looked up.

I saw the depths of Yefu, an old man with a Confucian growth robe Hao Shou Bai Xu came slowly. His appearance as a scholar was a bit thin, just like ordinary people. But Chu Jingtian can feel that there is a power far above him in the opponent's body!


Ye Ming unyieldingly looked at the old man and pointed at Chu Jingtian and resentfully said: "It was he who interrupted my hands and feet in the wild and ancient forest, and also madly wanted to kill my Ye family and get a fair for his parents!"

"This kid is dead!" Xiao Yuan grinned grinningly.

Others heard the words and nodded secretly.

If other people show up, Chu is still alive. But if this old man, even Chu Jingtian is imperial relatives and relatives can not escape. He even dreads the existence of the royal family!

The old man ignored Ye Ming, looked at Chu Jingtian with complex eyes, and only then said,

"Like! You have a seven-point likeness with Waner. Is he OK with Waner?"

Ye Waner, Chu Jingtian's mother!

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly: "My mother-in-law has passed away for 16 years! I am here today to want to make a fair return for my father and mother-in-law."

The old man was shocked by his words, his face seemed as if the old man was three-pointers in an instant, and only he continued to say:

"Waner follows me. He has a strong personality. Once he recognizes things, he never looks back. I did not expect that after sixteen years, the white hair would be sent to the black people. I was wrong about this!"

He muttered to himself, and it was difficult to hide remorse in his words.

Ye Ming seemed to think of something, could not help but open his mouth wide, looking at Chu Jingtian incredibly.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, the old man actually invited Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli to Yefu.

Three people left.

There was a sudden uproar in the field.

"What exactly is Chu Jingtian's identity? Grandpa Ye's actually mistaken him?" Xiao Yuan shouted unbelievably. "He didn't even bow his head to face the royal family!"

Everyone quickly looked at Ye Ming and wanted to know what was going on.

Ye Ming looked at Chu Jingtian's back bitterly, grinning his teeth, "He is my little aunt's son ..."

"Ye Waner? She's not ..."

Xiao Yuan's face changed, and he snorted quickly.

In Ye Family, throughout the Imperial City, ‘Ye Waner’ is a taboo!


Yefu, Chamber of Commerce.

Chu Jingtian held Xiang Xiang, his eyes were low.

In fact, he was ready to make a mess in Ye's house, forcing the other party to admit his mistake. But this attitude of the other party has made him unexpected.

"Since you are here, then live in Yefu for a while. You grew up in Dayan, you can cultivate into a triple master in that backcountry, and you can defeat Ye Ming. Resources will surely push you to a new peak. "

Silent for a long time, Ye Lao whispered.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Chu Jingtian refused.

"Do you know what you rejected?" Ye Lao heard the words and looked at Chu Jingtian in disbelief.

How many martial art families in the Dongsheng dynasty want to have a relationship with Yefu, even if only a little, it is enough to change their status in the dynasty.

And the children of the Ye family enjoy the same practice resources as the royal family!

But now, Chu Jingtian refused.

Chu Jingtian calmly said: "I naturally despise it! I have said long ago that I did not come to Yefu to admit my ancestors to the ancestors, but to seek justice for my dead mother.

"You even look like Waner!" Ye Lao smiled bitterly.

While regretful, he shook his head and said, "Chu shocking, Chu shocking, you don't understand what Yefu is!"

"I am in the Dongsheng dynasty. I can sit on an equal footing with Tai Shang Huang."

"My Yefu has the power of no less than the royal family!"

"The people of the Ye family have the best cultivation resources in the entire Dongsheng dynasty."

Ye Lao said every word.

"In the eyes of Dayan, you may belong to the highest talent. But if you are in the Dongsheng Dynasty, you can only be regarded as medium, at most it is just above!"

He said so much, it was nothing more than transferring his daughter's remorse to Chu Jingtian, trying to make up for it with the greatest ability.

But I did not expect Chu Jingtian's temper was so hard, he refused him in person.

"I naturally know!" Chu Jingtian looked at the other side: "The Ye family was the first family in the Dongsheng dynasty, even if it was not worse than the royal family. And you are the strongest in the fourth realm!"

"But unfortunately, in my eyes ..."

"No! Go! Like! This!"

The last four words, Chu Jingtian said a word.

Yefu is powerful, but as long as he is given time, within three years, he can reach the level of contempt of Yefu and even the entire Dongsheng dynasty. He can refine the alchemy, form the formation, control the beast, and the forge, and at the same time he is a three-cultivation body.

It's always only others who say no to him, but no possibility for him to ask others!

Just then, a cold laugh came from outside the hall.

"It's nothing like this, Chu Jingtian, you are just a son of a remote country, and your father is just a little Beiliang King! I am a guard at Yefu, a hundred times stronger than him!"

I saw a middle-aged man walked into the Chamber with a sneer.

Chu Jingtian's eyes gradually cooled down.

"You are the wild seed that interrupted my son's hands and feet? If it weren't for the old man to put things down, I would take someone to level you Dayan three months ago, unscrew your head and kick the ball."


Ye Lao frowned and scolded.

The middle-aged man is named Ye Zhengdong, the fourth son of the Ye family, and he is also Ye Ming's father!

"Ye Zhengdong, you were Xuanye Xiaocheng 16 years ago, and you reached the peak of Xuanye 16 years later. If you do not have the Ye family to rely on, you are not as good as an ordinary person."

Chu Jingtian looked around, coldly.

"What qualifications do you have to say this in front of me?"

"That's how you talk to your elders?" Ye Zhengdong looked cold.

Chu Jingtian's words just struck his sore spot.

His qualifications can even be described as mediocre. If the Ye family had not accumulated a lot of resources, he would not have reached that level.

"I respect the elderly, disrespectful and virtuous old. What kind of thing do you dare to call yourself an elder in front of me?" Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers and said, "In my eyes, you are not as good as a dog!"

"Presumptuous!" Ye Zhengdong couldn't hold his anger anymore, and said coldly:

"Little beasts, don't think that you have reached the peak in the Dayan Dynasty, and you can have no one in your eyes. In this Yefu, you are the dragon to me, and the tiger to me!"

"Hehe!" Chu Jingtian ignored it.

Ye Lao frowned slightly.

Chu Jingtian may seem humble on the surface, but his arrogance is extremely high, and his personality may cause difficulties in the future!

But the other person's blood flowed after all. The Ye family had made a mistake once, and naturally he would not let it appear a second time:

"Ye Zhengdong! Chu Jingtian is your five sister's child. What do you mean by calling him a wild seed? If I hear you say this again in the future, I will never show mercy."

Ye Zhengdong snorted coldly. Although he was unwilling, but the old man had already spoken, he could only shut up.

He thought about it and came up with a cheat sheet.

"Chu Jingtian, you have temporarily stayed in Yefu for a few days. You can cultivate to the level of triple master, and the talent is pretty good. But you ca n’t chew too much, don't waste your talent."

"I have here a third-tier best swordsmanship" Jiuzhong Mountain Sword. "You can study it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Hearing that Ye Zhengdong and Ye Ming couldn't help it.

Ye Ming looked at Chu Jingtian with jealousy. He begged the old man for half a year, but the other side didn't pass him the sword spectrum, but instead he gave him the first time he saw Chu Jingtian.

"Three-tier superb!"

Lu Jianli murmured secretly. He saw that Chu Jingtian didn't move, and he took the sword spectrum to Chu Jingtian in an undefeated character.

"Boss, the entire secret collection of the Yunwu royal family is not as high grade as this sword score!"

After capturing the Yunwu dynasty, Lu Jianli searched for the secret collection in addition to the treasures. The highest grade is only the third grade inferior, and it is still a residual.

Chu Jingtian didn't move, took the sword and turned it around randomly, and threw it on the coffee table.


When Ye Ming saw this, he secretly hated it.

The sword sheet that he couldn't find, the other party didn't even bother to look at it.


Ye Lao frowned and shook his head secretly.

He intended to use the "Jiuzhong Mountain Sword" to guide the grandson, but he did not expect the other party to give up so easily.

Although disappointed in his heart, he continued:

"Indeed! Jiuzhong Mountain Sword belongs to the most difficult third-order swordsmanship. There are only three talents in Yefu. If it is difficult, I have other swords here."

"There is also the" Peacock Sword Technique ~ ~ This is created by a fourth-class air-refining warrior. Although not as powerful as "Jiuzhong Mountain Sword", it is also a third-order superb. "

"In addition, there are" Daming King Sword "," Wind Thunder Sword "," Xuan Ming Sword "..."

Hearing Ye Lao like a hawker selling goods, he took out the swords from a collection of Ye Fu's department for Chu Jingtian to choose, and Ye Ming's jealous eyes were almost protruding.

Although these swordsmanships are not as well-known as "Jiuzhong Mountain Sword", they are all third-order best swordsmanships.

Lu Jian almost did not bite his tongue.

With so many third-order superb swordsmanship, this Ye family is worthy of being the first clan of the Dongsheng Dynasty!

In the eyes of Ye Ming's jealousy, Lu Jianli's shock, and Ye Zhengdong's sneer, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"Don't take it anymore, I don't like these swordsmanship!"

(End of this chapter)

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