Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 129: Thunder sword!


Looking at the light that soared into the sky, countless people could not help but think of such a thought.

Although Chu Jingtian is a wizard of three cultivations, Zhang Tianhua who had been enlightened for 13 years at Shenjian Peak was also injured by a sword. Even if he looks at the entire Yunwu dynasty, he cannot find a second existence that can compete with Chu Jingtian. .

But this is the Yunwu dynasty after all, it is the home of others.

"Chu Jingtian, since the day you stepped into the Yunwu dynasty, I have set up a battlefield in this imperial city in case of accident. You are so strong, how can I not stay a bit behind?"

Zhang Tianhua sneered again and again.

He hated Chu shockingly. Although he was a master of the third-order formation method, he was very reluctant to control the formation with his own power. Even if he killed the opponent in this burst, his life was almost exhausted.

When he spoke, the thirty-six rays of light had gathered in one point under the incredible eyes of everyone, as if a huge black hole appeared in the void, and the infinite aura between heaven and earth poured back like a tide.

A faint sound of dragons rang out, and a cloud-like dragon was suddenly formed.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the moment Yunlong appeared, terrible coercion came. Countless guards, masters inside, just felt the crest of the mountains crushing them, and hit them on the spot.

Suddenly, he fell on his knees.

"Let's set up a large gathering of spirits in the imperial city, and then motivate Zhou Tian's aura to gather here. You forcibly urge this array, and it will also have a great burden on your body. I am afraid you have less than five years of life Chu Jingtian looked at Yunlong and glanced at Zhang Tianhua again.


Zhang Tianhua snorted coldly, his silver hair danced without wind, as if he were a demon. He chirped:

"As long as I can slay you, what if I burn my life? Chu Jingtian, how can your physical body compete with my lore? Today is your death!"

Although Zhang Tianhua did not seduce the power of heaven and earth to release spells as much as the cultivator did, he set up a battle array in advance to gather the aura of the entire imperial city. The power of Yunlong is much stronger than that of the spiritual master.

"That is……"

The rich merchants who fled outside the city suddenly heard a long howl. After just glancing back, he was completely stunned, and a cloud dragon with a length of hundreds of meters was at the top of the sky and stepped on the ground.

"Shenlong is showing his prestige!"

"Slam! Slam!"

Countless people knelt down in rows and bowed their heads.

To ordinary people, this killing Yunlong is just like magic. Seeing ordinary people, where is the reason for disobedience?

Even some practitioners and array mages were completely shocked by the power of Yunlong.

"The crown is covered with hundreds of miles! The sky descends Yunlong!"

This is the power of the heavens and the earth.

But no one thought, Chu Jingtian stood there with a smile:

"Do you really think you can kill me with this array?"

"It seems you really don't see the coffin and don't cry!" Zhang Tianhua sneered.

As soon as his voice fell, he pinched his seal. Suddenly, the billowing Yunlong over the imperial city seemed to come alive, hitting a spin in mid-air, dragging the long dragon body towards the bottom.

These shocks are so amazing, they almost locked Chu Jingtian almost instantly. At this moment, even if he escaped from the imperial city desperately, this Yunlong would kill him endlessly!


Long dragons crossed the border, coercion appeared.

Just the coercion caused by the rushing caused a blast of landslides. A wave of wind and waves visible to the naked eye was already tens of meters high in an instant, and no matter whether it was a person or a house, all the people passing by were torn apart.


Shouted Lu Jian.

This kind of Tianwei, even with his dragon body, could not compete. Absolutely it will be completely torn in a flash!

"Haha, Chu is shocked!"

The former centurion clapped his hands like thunder and joy, he couldn't help but shouted, "Even if you have entered the Imperial City, waiting for you is a dead end!"

The inside masters looked at each other, revealing intelligible smiles.

"Although there are twists and turns in this battle, the final conclusion is made here. Chu Jingtian is too strong, even the emperor considers himself inferior. But if he is strong, how can he compete with heaven and earth?

The spies in other countries also shook their heads secretly, feeling regrettable.

Chu Jingtian killed one person and one sword from the frontier to the imperial city, which can be said to be stunning. If he can survive today, he is already destined to rise up.

"Unfortunately, if Chu Jingtian can endure this feud and work hard for another three years, with his strength then, I am afraid that Zhang Tianhua has no chance to start the formation!"

"how come……"

Yang Yuxuan clenched her fists, a flash of despair flashed in her eyes. Although her mind is incredibly inclined to Chu Jingtian, in the face of Yunlong's killing, she also knows that everything will end.

In the eyes of everyone exclaiming, regretting, or regretful, Yunlong had already rushed to Chu Jingtian.

Zhang Tianhua also bowed her head and smiled, as if she had seen the scene of Chu Jingtian's broken body. Just when everyone thought that when it all ended, Chu Jingtian slowly looked up:

"Zhang Tianhua, if I don't have the strength to kill you, how dare to kill you?"


I saw him suddenly clenching Shen Yuanjian!

At this moment, Chu Jingtian's long hair danced without wind, and her eyes shot a fascinating light.

Lift your sword and swing!

This sword seemed to be a mad thunder descending from Jiuxiao, and with all the power to kill everything, it cut out more than a hundred meters of Leman. In the eyes of everyone, this was supposed to be a shock from Shi Po, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the silence, Yunlong's huge body was split into two, and was cut directly in half.

Leiman remained undiminished, splitting Zhang Tianhua, and splitting the huge imperial city to the public.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Tianhua looked at the slowly disappearing thunder light incredibly.

"Lightning! I used lightning strikes and laid arrays in Shen Yuan's sword, which can lead to the lightning of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, this trick has exceeded the limit, and Shen Yuan's sword was completely destroyed after use."

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Everyone hurriedly followed and saw only Shen Yuanjian in Chu Jingtian's hands, which was covered with cracks, and then turned into powder and dispersed with the wind.

"Your Yunlong's killing is terrible, but in my eyes it's nothing but the Fly Camp Gou Gou. How can you pry?

The matrix method is not bigger and stronger, but it depends on how you use it. It's like you have a brute force in the air, and you can't achieve 10%. This huge Yunlong killing array is like a balloon that is strong and dry, and it will be broken in one click.

"I beg you to let go of the royal blood ..."

Zhang Tianhua's voice was getting quieter.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. I said to cut you first and then wash the royal family in blood!" Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

"It's my fault……"


In the shocking eyes of countless people, Zhang Tianhua shuddered and fell to the ground. It turned out that Chu Jingtian's thunder sword not only chopped Yunlong, but also killed him.

Although he looked unscathed, his internal organs had already been completely shredded by that sword. It is still a century of hard work that he can persist for so long!

"Too great!"

Looking at Zhang Tianhua who fell to the ground, bursts of wailing sounded.

"Kill Chu Jingtian, take revenge for the emperor!"

"My Yunwu boy didn't lose so easily ..."

The inner masters who were stunned in their hearts were already roaring.

What's more, they've been deceived.

"court death!"

Chu Jingtian didn't look, he waved his right hand.

I saw a majestic burst of energy coming out of the palm, turning into ripples, like thousands of horses running. Those big masters who rushed in were directly bombarded by this ripple, and the internal organs were shattered on the spot, and they were out of breath before they landed.

Dozens of masters in the field, the strongest in the second realm, couldn't stop the other from waving!

The audience was dead.

Both the masters in the army and the guards seemed to be poured in the face by a bucket of ice water, making them instantly cold from head to toe.

Everyone originally thought that Chu Jingtian and Zhang Tianhua had already lost their vitality in the battle with Zhang Tianhua, especially the last sword. Who would have thought he was so strong!

But where do they know, although Chu Jingtian overdrawn Shen Yuanjian released thunder, but his sword was only broken. He did not lose anything at all!

"Want me to wash the Imperial City in blood?"

Chu Jingtian turned his back and said lightly.

Stepping down the royal family is already his mercy. If these people continue to do so, he doesn't mind stepping down the entire imperial city. You dare to stop the way of the Supreme Sovereign, too, isn't it too long?

The crowd was terrified.

In Chu Jingtian's faint tone, there was a sense of killing that everyone could feel. All the people present did not dare to doubt that if they continued to block, this teenager would really wash the imperial city!

It is this feeling that makes everyone dare not move for half a minute.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and bring me Uncle Chu Ao. If he hurts a cold hair, you should do this!"


An earthquake-like tremor spread all around ~ ~ The ground centered on the Panlong stick was immediately smashed into a large pit with a diameter of several squares, and numerous cracks spread out densely.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts trembled. They forgot that there is still such a strong dragon elephant in the side, and only Zhang Tianhua can suppress him in Yunwu. Now that Zhang Tianhua is dead, Yunwu is gone.

"Beiliang King, Lu Shizi. Chu Ao is in the prison, and I will send his old man now."

In the hands of Tai Nei, an old man slowly walked out and bowed his head respectfully.

The inside master and the guards at the scene saw him talking, and felt sad.

This old man is the leader of Dainai, who is in charge of all Dainai masters, and repairs the entry to the dragon elephant. When Lei Yunfei and Zhang Tianhua died, the Yunwu dynasty was the strongest by his strength. Now even he chooses to bow his head, others have no choice!

(End of this chapter)

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