Sage Warrior

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

sage warrior

-4 episode 23

Jung Daesik immediately used the skill.

“Detection of specific magical powers.”

He closed his eyes and focused his mind.

I don’t know what kind of moves he used, but this time he didn’t feel Choi Hee’s magic.

But even the best magic was not felt.

Realizing that nothing was being detected, Jung Daesik bit his lip.

‘No… no.’

He used the last resort.

“Enhance! Specific Magical Detection Skill!”

The skill was used by adding reinforcement.

Then, very faintly, he felt the presence of a weak magical power that made him doubt himself.

Jung Daesik focused on the feeling of chasing a single glowing firefly in the dark night.


In the next moment, the skill’s effect was over and the foundation disappeared.

Jung Daesik tried again using the Enhanced Specific Magical Detection skill, but this time it didn’t work at all.

As a result, Jung Daesik wondered if he had done the job right.

Still, there was no way.

He believed that the best place would be the place he picked up when he first used the Enhanced Specific Magical Detection skill.

And he ran over there and shouted.

“There they are! They will be there!”

Following his call, other crew members rushed to the scene.

Jung Daesik stopped at a certain point and took off his adamant knuckles to prevent any possible accidents.

And with his bare fist, he carefully slammed his fist into the exposed body of the Cyclopes.


His fists hit Cyclopes’ body several times, leaving blood and flesh splattered in the spot.

Jung Daesik used his invincibility once again, revealing the Cyclopes’ muscular layer.

Seeing the hard muscle layer, another person stepped forward this time.

It was Ki Chul-min who pushed Jung Daesik out and took his place.

“I’ll try this time.”

He carefully pointed his long sword.

“Cheonraeil Island!”


Ki Cheol-min’s long sword flashed light in an instant, and then the muscle layer split in two.

“Okay! Open it up!”

Two men with hook-like weapons hung it on either side of the muscle and pulled it as hard as they could.

When he grabbed the muscle layer and spread it out, another layer of muscle appeared, and Ki Cheol-min repeated the task several times, and each time the other crew members came forward and forcibly spread the hardening muscle layer and fixed it.

Then, at last, what might be called internal organs was revealed.

“Is it a camouflage?”

Jung Daesik shook his head as Ki Cheol-min wiped his sweat.

“I don’t know for sure.”

Ki Cheol-min raised his voice.

“Hey, can you hear me! If there’s anyone inside, answer me!”

No sound was heard.

Ki Chul-min and Jung Daesik faced each other.

If this is a disguise and there is no reaction, it may already be too late.

They did not share an ominous guess.

He was just trying to carefully cut off the stomach as if he was performing an operation.

Ki Chul-min held up his long sword again.

“Cheonraeil Island…! Huh?”

Surprisingly, Ki Chul-min’s sword, which even split the tough muscle layer, did not use any power.

As he made a disappointed expression, another crew member stepped forward.

He was holding a long chamber of heaven, carefully aimed at its tip, and pierced his stomach with such speed that he could not even see it.


But the camouflage repelled the blade of the weapon like rubber.

Seeing the scene, Chul-min Ki said as if he was stunned.

“What’s so tough about everything?”

Then a voice came from behind.

“Monsters who swallow their prey whole like this one have very strong stomachs. This is to prevent prey from tearing their stomachs and escaping, or poisoning their stomachs from poisoning their intestines.”

He was Kang Young-hoo.

He went out of the dungeon, cut off Choi Hee’s magic, and came back again, standing with one foot on the exposed stomach.

“Get away.”

Then he put one hand on his chest and pulled it out.

Jung Daesik’s eyes widened at the startling sight.

As if Kang Yeong-hoo’s body was like a sheath, it was surprisingly a single sword that came out of his body.

Compared to that sword, Ki Chul-min’s long sword looked like nothing more than a piece of iron.

It was enveloped in white energy and trembled as if surrounded by mist.

Seeing the scene, I heard someone muttering.


I saw that was the name of the sword.

Kang Yeong-hoo held the tip of the white luminous sword to his stomach.

Surprisingly, just that alone, the place suddenly froze and a terrifying chill surged up.

Kang Yeong-hoo let out a breath from his mouth and pierced the sword lightly.

Then, as the cold air exploded, the frozen seat exploded.


A part of the stomach completely disappeared with a sharp sound.

It looked like it was frozen and burst, but there was no debris.

There was only the cold cold left.

Dispersing the chill, Kang Yeong-hoo put the sword back into his arms.

It was a terrifying sight as if he were stabbing a sword into his chest, but he seemed to be okay.

Instead of suffering, he looked into his stomach and said with a hint of relief.

“There you are.”

Hearing that, the crew said, “Wow!” cheered

Jung Daesik also felt the tension release with relief and joy.

“I found it!”

“I did it!”

“Are you alive?”



Kang Young-hoo immediately dispatched the crew to get Choi Choi and Na Dong-il out of the interior.

They fainted from the carbon dioxide inhalation, but were not completely unconscious.

He fainted as soon as he came out, but it was because he was exhausted and his life was not in danger.

“If it had been a little late, it would have been a big deal.”

As Jung Daesik mumbled that he was so lucky when he saw them being carried away, Kang Young-hoo tapped him on the shoulder and said:

“It’s thanks to you.”

He added with a faint smile.

“Choi Hee will be happy.”

At those words, I imagined Choi Hee smiling.

Jung Daesik followed her in her imagination and smiled at her, and a group of crew members who also had her big smiles gathered around him and started shouting his name.

” Jung Daesik!”

” Jung Daesik!”

” Jung Daesik!”

Amid their loud shouts, Jung Daesik chuckled.

It was a rare and pleasant day.

Episode 24. Birth of a Star

Choi Choi and Na Dong-il were not seriously injured, but they were exhausted, so they were quickly transported out of the dungeon.

The Titan raid, which was in the dungeon to rescue them, also withdrew from the base camp.

Since I had only been to the preliminary investigation in the first place, it could be said that the purpose of the dungeon had been achieved just by knowing that the dungeon itself was the realm of the Cyclopes.

Moreover, since he had defeated the Cyclopes and completed the dungeon attack to obtain the Magic Stone, it means that he has obtained everything that can be obtained from that dungeon.

Even if he entered this dungeon again for the monster investigation team, it would be relatively safe for the time being since the boss mob was dead.Unless there is a Cyclopes, the monsters that appear would be horn bats, kelpies, and lizardmen.

Once attacked, the number of individuals will decrease drastically.

Jung Daesik didn’t know, but the rescue team also came along with Lee Jung-yeon from the Monster Investigation Team to watch the Cyclopes.

As she exits the dungeon, the boss mob is dead, she chirps, making it difficult to observe the monster in this dungeon.

Originally, there were not many monsters appearing in this place, so without a boss mob, I didn’t know that it would become a situation where I had to wander in search of the monster.

She said, “It hasn’t been a long time since another hunter attacked this dungeon last time. The cycle for new boss mobs to appear is short, so we’ll just have to wait a little bit.”

At Jung Daesik’s words, Jeongyeon Lee tilted her head and said.

“Um, I haven’t been able to observe a living monster, but a soul bat, a kelpie, a Lizardman… Above all else, since you’ve obtained the Cyclopes corpse, you don’t need to stick to this dungeon. The monster investigation team is the key. It will take a long time just to dismantle Clopes and transport it. Until then, it’s better to go to the dungeon with other living monsters.”

The investigation team for monster research seemed to be operated by several teams.

Listening to Jeongyeon Lee’s words, and seeing how she took the Wyvern egg last time, she seemed to be studying living monsters.

Jung Daesik asked Kim, a mixture of Lee Jeong-yeon and her words.

“What kind of research does Jeongyeon Lee’s team do exactly?”

At Jung Daesik’s question, she smiled a little sly.

“I can’t tell you what the 11th and 1st team of the Monster Investigation Team to which I belong is classified as a state secret.”

“Isn’t the monster investigation operated for the purpose of creating a monster book?”

“It is true that the contents of our research will be included in the Monster Encyclopedia, but that is not the only purpose.”

Jeongyeon Lee gently rubbed Jung Daesik’s arm and continued her speech.

“Anyway, I’d like to have more young or live monsters, such as Wyvern eggs. We’ve got quite a few, but we’re still short.”

Jung Daesik frowned and said.

“Isn’t it dangerous to take a living monster out of the dungeon?”

Jeongyeon Lee widened her eyes.

“Oh! There are already a lot of monsters living on Earth? Like Ulleungdo or Jejudo.”

“That’s a group of monsters that haven’t been eradicated yet, isn’t it? It’s a place you’ll have to kill them sooner or later and get them back.”

Jung-yeon Lee shrugged her shoulders at Jung Daesik’s point.

“In the United States, monsters have already been mass-bred for research purposes. There is a saying that monsters run instead of animals in the African grasslands? Numerous monsters have already come out of the dungeon and they are changing the Earth’s ecosystem. To prepare for that It is essential to study the growth of Rado monsters. It is a myopic idea that it is dangerous to take monsters out of the dungeon unconditionally.”

Jung Daesik didn’t want to refute Lee’s words any longer, so he bit her mouth.

However, unlike her own, the other hunters were given missions from the god who gave them superpowers.

‘Exterminate the existence of another world.’

However, he did not know if it was the right thing to use the existence of another world rather than kill it and destroy it.

Then, noticing Jung Daesik’s uncomfortable feeling, Jeongyeon Lee pinched his forearm and gave a wink.

“Don’t worry, monsters for research are being thoroughly managed. Let’s talk about a more pleasant story? In the future, monster-related businesses will flourish.

“Already, monster corpses are being consumed here and there.”

“Well, I’m not talking about dead monsters. I’m talking about living monsters. If I’m going to pick it up, I’m talking about the domestication of monsters.”

Jung Daesik widened his eyes.

“The domestication of monsters?”

Jeongyeon nodded her head.

“Raising livestock is becoming more difficult than in the past, including animal welfare. Disposing of cows and pigs is also a big deal. could be the new food for mankind.”

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