The never-ending train 11

“Where are the other two?” Xu Ye looked around the entire carriage, with endless pressure: “If you can’t say it, you don’t have to open your mouth in the future.”

“I asked someone to sew the mouth shut.”

His aura was too strong, the kind of feeling that could only be brought out by walking through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Once the brows are furrowed, people are so shocked that they want to run away immediately, and no one dares to speak nonsense.

Finally, a boy’s voice sounded from the corner of the carriage, pointing to the logistics room dedicated to staff.


His parents hurriedly stood by, trying to stop the boy’s mouth: “Children, don’t talk nonsense.”

Xu Ye had already walked to the three-person seat: “How do you know about the things in the logistics room?”

“I,” the little boy lowered his head in embarrassment, “I want to go in and see if there is anything delicious.”

The boy’s parents were almost crying and apologized quickly: “I’m sorry, steward, he didn’t mean it. Please spare him.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Xu Ye stretched out his hand, and the two adults’ hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

A lollipop appeared: “No, this is your reward.”

“Yeah.” The little boy happily took it and couldn’t wait to tear it open and take a bite: “Brother, it’s so delicious.”

Past the dazed tourists, Xu Ye opened the door and came to the logistics room.

The lightbulb overhead glowed dimly.

Several cooks were washing dishes and putting away pots and pans.

Walking further inside, in the dressing room, a shirtless man was getting dressed with his back to Xu Ye. Seeing the sound, he smiled and said hello: “Brother, are you here?”

Xu Ye was not polite and grabbed the person’s belt and lifted him up.

His body has been transformed by strange stories, and he can easily lift a person weighing one to two hundred kilograms.

The second deserter was found in the kitchen.

Seeing the man who was about to die in the freezer, his body covered with hoarfrost, Xu Ye was quite speechless.

“Why are you here?”

“Don’t you think that a small space feels safer?”

The man blinked to show that he was right.

It’s crazy,

After all, they had already died once, so probably because of some premonition, these people tried their best to avoid the next car accident. They would rather freeze to death in the refrigerator than face the disaster again.

He took the two of them back to the carriage without ceremony.

Xu Ye lit up a cigarette.

Only half an hour later, the bodies of the people in the train began to fester again.

The time of action of cigarettes has become shorter.

Barrage: “What should I do at night? There are not many cigarettes left.”

“Too fast.”

“It’s best not to cause any trouble.”

“I’m anxious. I hope I can get to the terminal quickly before I run out of cigarettes.”

At ten o’clock in the evening, all passengers returned.

A familiar voice sounded: “Do you need melon seeds, beer and mineral water drinks?”

“Please lift your feet.”

Many people paid to buy it, and business was particularly good today.

The salesman struck while the iron was hot: “Hello, would you like a copy of the newspaper? It’s free.”

“Put it on the table and look at it later.”


After hearing the answer he wanted, the salesperson raised his lips and showed a proud smile.

He walked through the long corridor and put newspapers into the hands of passengers one by one: “I wish you a pleasant meal.”

Car No. 04 mission completed,

Next section, number 05.

There was a bang, a heavy blow to the back of the head, and several cat meows suddenly sounded from all around.

Before fainting, the salesman reluctantly glanced back and saw that the entire carriage was dark, the lights had been turned off, and there were no laughing passengers.

“You…” Before he could finish his words, he collapsed.

Xu Ye took off his uniform and put it on himself.

There was no mosaic during the whole dressing process, but the lights were turned off, and the audience could only hear the rustling sound.

Barrage: “Ah, this tone must be taken off.”

“Well, there is the sound of a belt, it must be that you are putting on pants.”

“Although we can’t hear it, we can think it.”

The lights came on, and in just one minute, no fewer than ten short texts appeared on the barrage, describing the process of Xu Ye changing clothes.

It’s so lifelike that if the audience weren’t all in the same live broadcast room, they would have thought they went to watch it live.

In his coat pocket, there was a note neatly stacked.

[Notes for train salesperson]

[Rule 1: Your task is to walk around each carriage and sell snacks, etc.A corresponding item. Remember the price of each item, count the bills, and collect the corresponding amount. 】

[Rule 2: There are free newspapers at the bottom of the cart. Every time you give one out, you can get an extra reward of one strange coin. 】

[Rule 3: You have no right to view the contents of the newspaper. 】

[Rule 4: Do not eat or drink secretly, or intentionally damage property on the train. 】

[Rule 5: No arbitrary collection of accounts is allowed. 】

? ? ?

After Xu Ye read the contents on the note, his first reaction was that who would violate Rule 4? It was so unqualified.

Subconsciously, he put one hand in his pocket, which was a bit hard, and he took out half an uneaten biscuit from it.


Apparently, the previous salesperson had violated Rule 4 and was not punished in any way.

Xu Ye thought: “It’s probably not because he’s fine, it’s because he hasn’t been discovered yet.”

Just like when checking tickets before, punishment can only be implemented after being checked by the conductor.

Without much hesitation, Xu Ye quickly returned to Car No. 4, disassembled the small yellow seat that was comparable to a high-end massage device, and put it into the mirror fragments.

Barrage: “6”

“I’m afraid Boss Xu Ye has been targeting him for a long time. He was afraid of violating the rules, so he didn’t take action.”

“As expected, it’s you. There’s no time in the ghost stories when I’m not squeezing things out.”

In the corridor, Xu Ye took out a newspaper and checked it while pushing a snack cart. Unfortunately, he found that with his current status, not only could he not see the crossed-out content, but even the title of the newspaper was deliberately mosaic.

“I finally understand why the rebellious salesman only violated rule three.”

Damn it, Rule 3 is enforced.

Xingxing didn’t blink: “It’s reasonable, very reasonable. If the salesperson knew the newspaper information, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be in the mood to continue working.”

“The salesperson is the person closest to the newspaper.”

Other viewers: “I am scratching my head, what is written in the crossed out part?”

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