Family 9

With Batu’s wrong example, governments around the world are even more afraid to act rashly and keep a close eye on their chosen ones, fearing that the other party will do something irrational in anger.

Fortunately, the result is good. Most people are more cautious when facing an obsidian bracelet that can only be used once.

No one knows how many days this copy will last. It has just begun, and they don’t want to use up their cards first.

In Longguo, Xu Ye approached the door of the two children’s room and knocked.

This home has three bedrooms and one living room, one for the two sons, one for the wife and husband, and one for the guest room.

Currently, the wife is sleeping in the master bedroom, and the Chosen One is in the guest room. Judging from the chat just now, the two of them must have been sleeping in separate rooms for some time.

This also shows from the side that the relationship between the two is not as beautiful as it seems to outsiders.

The person who opened the door for Xu Ye was his youngest son.

Xu Ye walked in and saw that the layout of the room was similar to that of a dormitory, with a bed and a table.

Two single beds were supported overhead on wooden frames, with a table below.

The eldest son is sitting in front of the desk with an upright posture. From the back, his back is straight and he is writing something in a notebook with a pen.

Xu Ye showed a satisfied smile,

What a relief, my son knows how to work hard without having to remind himself.

It seems that this kid is not as bad as he thought, and maybe he can be saved. With this mentality, Xu Ye approached the desk with his hands behind his back.

The white diary is densely filled with his own name.

The son muttered: “Go to hell, go to hell~”

Every time he said a word, he picked up the red pen and scratched Xu Ye’s name fiercely. The force was so strong that it penetrated the paper and printed on the next page of the notebook.

It doesn’t feel like writing, but more like using the red pen as a sickle to harvest someone’s life.

Xu Ye’s good mood suddenly disappeared. He raised his hand and planned to give his son a show of love.

But before taking action this time, the eldest son cried in grievance.

Big tears fell on the diary. He raised his head and stared at Xu Ye stubbornly, with veins popping out on his forehead.

Xu Ye was speechless. You wrote my name in the notebook and cursed me. I am not angry yet, but you seem to have been greatly wronged.

Still unreasonable.

But he finally put down the slap. Looking at his son’s rebellious look, it was probably useless to continue hitting him. He might hate him more and more.

Xu Ye planned to reason with his eldest son first.

“Even if you want me to die, you have to grow up first and have the strength to compete with me. At least you have to study hard and become as capable as dad.”

The eldest son looked at him in shock, his mouth opened in an “O” shape: “Do you still have the strength?”

“You haven’t worked for three years, so you rely on your wife to support you. When you have nothing to do, you go out to treat friends and friends for dinner, which costs a lot of money every time. When you go home, you don’t do any housework. You like to get angry at your wife and children…”

Damn it!

Xu Ye’s face turned green. He didn’t know that the original person had such a criminal record, which could explain why his wife had a lukewarm attitude towards him, and his two sons didn’t have a good look either.

The original person’s behavior is that he is a soft-boiled man, and he is still the kind of man who takes it hard. Not to mention his wife’s bad attitude towards him now, it would be fine if she didn’t take the opportunity to feed him poison.

“See, this is strength.”

Xu Ye slapped his son on the back of the head, causing his head to turn 360 degrees on the spot:

“Do you want to kill me and be the master of the family?”

The eldest son stopped talking, but from the ferocious look in Xu Ye’s eyes, it was obvious that he was thinking something special.

“Then study hard, make a lot of money when you grow up, and hire someone to KO me.”

The eldest son forced back his tears, pulled out an exercise book from the table, and started working on the questions, his eyes full of determination.

He decided to turn his grief and anger into motivation.

Oh, what a failure. In a family, you have to use the reason of killing me to motivate your son to study. What kind of bad family relationship is this?

Xu Ye looked at his palms. Well, slaps are most effective at critical moments.

At this time, the youngest son ran over jumping: “Dad, I have finished my homework. Can I go out and watch TV?”

Xu Ye took his homework book. His youngest son was still young, and he got out of school early, so there were few homework assignments. He only had to copy the texts he had learned during the day.

“At the beginning of human life, human nature is evil. If you don’t do your homework, you will be a hero. What should you do when the teacher comes? Pick up a kitchen knife and fuck him…”

Xu Ye touched his youngest son’s head and said lovingly: “The writing is good, let’s go play.”


The younger son rushed into the living room screaming.

In this level, after receiving the reminder that the color of the national pills is related to the favorability of their wives, many chosen ones chose to tutor their children with homework on their behalf, and instead let their wives, who had been working all day, go back to their rooms to rest.

To be honest, they actually don’t want to face their two sons alone, let alone their wives. Both parties are weird and scary to be alone with.

But who told them to make a choice? What if their wife was tired and was in a bad mood the next day and was given a big red pill and she dropped it?

The Chosen Ones entered their son’s room to help with their homework and found that things were not as simple as they imagined.

The eldest son ignored them, and the younger son was very naughty because he didn’t get enough favorability in the morning.

In this case, due to the duplicate name of “Love each other as a family”, many people followed the true “education of love” and gave their two sons a heartfelt sermon, breaking all the truths into pieces. Talk, trying to make his son change his mind and realize the importance of learning.

It turned out to be of no use at all.

At first, the two sons lowered their heads and barely listened to a few words due to his identity as a father. Later, he became more and more impatient and directly drove the chosen one out.

The reason is: “You know so much, why didn’t you succeed?”

At ten o’clock in the evening, the chosen ones remembered the fourth rule of Rule B and went back to their rooms to sleep on time.

They lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. After a busy day, they finally had their own space and no longer had to be alone with the weird people.

[Rule 5: Having sex with your wife can increase your favorability. 】

As for rule five, have they forgotten it? of course not.

But at eight o’clock in the evening, afterAfter experiencing the scene of their wives giving medicine, most people have psychological shadows.

What a joke, if your life is at stake, who is in the mood to do such a thing?

I guess if I go, I will be scared to pieces. When the time comes, I will not be able to have sex, and I will be complained by my wife.

The most important thing is that as soon as this voice of complaint comes out, everyone watching the live broadcast will know it.

They can’t afford to lose face like this.

However, there are also people with excellent psychological quality among them.

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