Brown Farm 24

Thinking of a cigar worth tens of thousands of dollars, something that he had always dreamed of but was reluctant to buy because of practical problems, the expression on the man’s face gradually became determined.

In this case, the strength of a person’s willpower is reflected.

The audience found that those who are more paranoid in life and have strong pursuits in certain aspects are the least likely to be contaminated.

On the other hand, there are some people who are excellent in all aspects, but have been too restrained by their parents since childhood and have no pursuit of their own. They fall fastest.

The most surprising one among them is a postdoctoral fellow from Kimchi Country. This electronics expert, who is only in his early thirties and has made some amazing academic achievements, is the most promising candidate by the people and the government of Kimchi Country. By.

But when pollution appeared, he was the first to be devoured.

The man didn’t even resist, only a relieved smile appeared on his face: “I can finally take a rest.”

“Do you know? Growing up, I actually disliked studying. Every time I got good grades in an exam, I just wanted to make my parents happy.”

“But they never seemed to be satisfied. When I came home with my report card, they would just say: Isn’t that what you should do?”

“I thought that after graduating from college, I had completed my mission and could finally do what I like. But they said it was not enough. If I want to get ahead, I must continue my studies.”

“Just like that, the first thirty years have passed in a flash, and I have never truly lived a day for myself. Now I finally have the opportunity to rest…”

After saying this, the man closed his eyes completely, and a familiar mechanical announcement sounded.

Many viewers in front of the screen were lost in thought, especially several major Asian countries.

Dragon Country, Sakura Country, Kimchi Country, etc…

They were thinking deeply about a question at the same time:

“What is the reason that has caused such involution in education today?”

“Child, it’s not that we want to force you. It’s true that in this society, you can’t survive without getting involved.”

In particular, the people of Kimchi Country look dejected. According to statistics from authoritative organizations, each family in Kimchi Country invests an average of more than 70% of the family’s annual income in their children’s education.

One of the most profitable industries in Kimchi Country is also running cram schools.

There is almost no child who does not go to tutoring, even if the family is so poor that it is difficult to solve the problem.

Folks in Kimchi Country even have a saying of “four to five”, which means that students can get into a good university only by getting up at four o’clock. If they wait until five o’clock, they will fail.

This situation has caused the fertility rate in Kimchi Country to decline year by year.

Perhaps within a few years from now, Kimchi Country will have to fend for itself before the weird rules come into play.

The situation in Kimchi Country was just a small episode. Before people could feel sad for too long, something even more suffocating happened..

Many countries have followed the previous example of a chosen one who took advantage of the situation and gnawed on the flesh and blood of tourists when they were unable to eat bread and water, which could temporarily satisfy their hunger.

They sent reminder messages to their chosen ones,

Then, a horrifying scene appeared. On the screen, several chosen ones forced the lone slave to a remote place and bit each other’s neck.

If your teeth are not sharp enough, grab the other person’s neck with both hands and bite him a few more times.

The sound of sizzling blood was heard, just like the reincarnation of a vampire in reality, and it looked very scary.

Barrage: “Crazy, everyone is crazy, they have started to eat people.”

“It’s absolutely crazy.”

Several humanists stood up and angrily criticized this behavior.

The audience was also shocked and speechless. This phenomenon had only been mentioned occasionally in some classics before. Who would have thought that one day they would be able to see it with their own eyes.

It’s like some plots in a movie that have never been played, and the mosaic was suddenly cancelled.

Revealing a real scene that is not as beautiful as imagined.

During the Dragon Kingdom Weird Talk, Lin Guobiao stared at the screen with a serious face.

Liang Xing didn’t know why: “It’s okay. Only a few people can enter the rules and monsters. Most people have received a good education since childhood and love peace, but they still can’t do such a thing.”

“You don’t understand.” Lin Guobiao sighed.

Some things are like a well-sealed balloon. Once you accidentally open a hole in it, even if it is as small as a needle prick.

The lost breath is always lost and can never be made up.

“The weird rules and rumors are not only devouring the world, they are also constantly eroding humanity and spirit.”

“Yes, yes, I don’t understand.” Liang Xing curled his lips, but he didn’t understand. This sentence has recently become Director Lin’s mantra, and his ears are almost numb when he hears it.

He couldn’t think about that much, he only knew that from the day when the weird rules came inexplicably, the world could no longer go back.

In the world of ghost stories, the announcements kept ringing, and during this period many people were swallowed up by ghost stories for various reasons.

But at the same time, some people managed to survive, including the two chosen ones who ate people alive.

It’s not that they don’t know that there are unknown secrets waiting to be discovered in the manor, but if they keep hiding, they can hardly get a high score of more than two stars.

It’s important to be self-aware. With the current ability, the most important thing is to figure out how to protect yourself.

I just hope that after this dungeon, they can get some powerful props, so that they can enter the world of ghost stories in the future and have the ability to explore like the veteran Chosen Ones.

In Bald Eagle Empire, Adam’s face was red. If you look closely, you can see lines of blood and tears coming out of his eyes and flowing onto his wrinkled face.

After squatting in the hall for a day and two nights, Adam finally waited for the person he wanted to find – the farmer.

In the same routine as Longguo Xu Ye, when he learned that Andong Lie was useless, the farmer directly removed his position and let Adam take on the role of supervisor.

“I will give you ten thousand weird coins every month.”

Adam was unmoved.

Farmer: “Fifteen thousand?”

“Okay, I appreciate your ability and courage. It’s only 20,000, no more. If you want to do it, do it. If you don’t want to do it, you’ll die.”

Adam was not moved, but the government of the Bald Eagle Empire became excited after hearing this, and immediately sent a message to the Chosen One: “Promise him, Adam, to get the money first.”

Twenty thousand strange coins. If I remember correctly, except for Xu Ye, almost no one has such financial resources nowadays.

Then, the message that was sent out seemed to sink into the ocean without even a splash floating on it.

Adam took the initiative to attack, no, and reasoned with the farmer.

He could feel that this fat farmer was different from all the slaves he had met before. This man had a power called faith.

Although you can probably guess with your toes where this power comes from, and most of it is through abnormal means.

But faith is faith, and it still aroused Adam’s strong interest: “I have observed that the sins on your body are very serious. If you do not eliminate them in time, God will not forgive you, and you will fall into hell after death. Now, you need to atone for your sins.” ”

After that, he raised the cross and read out the most classic article in the sect: “Confessions”.

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