Brown Farm 9

After reading for a while, Adam said nervously: “I think it is necessary to explain my identity to you.”

“I am the Father, the Father of mankind in heaven, the first form of God’s birth.”

Audiences who have always believed in God: “???”

Nima, you are the father of God, so who is Jesus, your son?

Foreigner: “Wow, I don’t understand much, but he is so awesome.”

The red horse in front of Adam has the same idea as foreigners.

I don’t know how serious it is.

Adam’s gift alone soothed the emotions of the creature, and when he had spoken these words in an image radiating holy light, the horse’s spirits were much better.

The phrase “live for me” penetrated into its blood, and the eyes it looked at Adam were full of admiration.

All sentient creatures in this world will always lose their faith in living because they have no hope.

But from now on, the horse has a new belief in living, and it is extremely determined.

As the person involved, Adam clearly felt the holy light in his body.A little more intense.

His talent will improve as his faith increases.

Adam used the same method and harvested three horses as believers within the prescribed time, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

This talent is only S-level and cannot be used unlimitedly in the dungeon. It is the kind of talent that needs to be stopped and rested after being used too much.

However, Adam obviously did not take his fatigue seriously, and continued to emit the holy light as he walked out of the cattle and horse park.

Here, he gained a total of 340 brown coins, becoming the most profitable person among the other chosen ones after Xu Ye.

As for Xu Ye…

Outside the cattle and horse park, the young man put on a polite and shy face and said a gangster saying: “As for the money, I will hold it for you first. To avoid waste later.”

Even the gangsters would be embarrassed to say this.

At least when people do bad things, they are honest and will not disgust you in the name of helping you.

Immediately, some tourists retorted unconvinced: “They are all in face value of twenty yuan. We can count them clearly when we pay ourselves, so you don’t need to keep them.”

Xu Ye said confidently: “Why not use it?”

“What if you accidentally die on the way and lose all the money you have with you?”

The tourist was almost furious: “You melon kid, who are you cursing to death?”

Xu Ye didn’t panic at all: “Why don’t I take it? When someone dies, his money will be divided equally among the remaining people.”

This sentence sounds a bit cruel, but if you think about it carefully, it still makes sense.

The most important thing is that you can get more money.

Everyone has a sense of luck. Just like now, when Xu Ye put forward this point of view, everyone agreed.

But everyone also firmly believes that it will definitely not be them who die first.

They must be the lucky ones left to divide other people’s property.

Everyone tacitly agreed to Xu Ye’s idea, which sounded a bit unbelievable.

On the way back to the bus from the Cow Horse Park, a man wearing a blue hat followed the team furtively.

Xu Ye naturally noticed it,

[Rule 8: There are no tour guides with blue hats in the park. If you see one, please leave immediately. 】

You definitely won’t walk away easily. You must at least determine the purpose of the other person’s presence here.

Xu Ye walked over openly and took out a chainsaw to defend himself.

If there were levels of weird objects, the chainsaw was definitely higher than my mother’s kitchen knife. Even before I got close, I could feel the coldness emanating from it.

“Don’t, don’t be violent, I’m a good person.” The man in the blue hat raised his hands above his head and spoke tremblingly.

Xu Ye took a look at him. He had a very ordinary face, hidden in the shadow of the hat.

“Sorry, I don’t think he is a good person.”

The man’s expression paused for a moment, and he reluctantly told a cold joke: “You can’t have the word ‘good guy’ engraved on your face.”

“I used to be a tourist like you. If I can survive until now, you should believe me.”

Seeing that Xu Ye had no reaction, he got down to business:

“I’m here to help you.”

He originally wanted to say: “I’m here to save you.” But seeing the men in front of him holding weapons and looking menacing, he silently swallowed the words that came to his lips.

“I believe you must have discovered what’s special about this farm. The tourist line about looking for farmers and getting job opportunities is simply a lie, just to attract tourists.”

Xu Ye became interested: “Oh? Tell me in detail.”

The blue hat stopped answering: “I can’t stay outside for too long. The farmer is ordering their people to look for me. In short, if you really want to survive, go to the pavilion to find me.

After saying that, Xu Ye ran away without waiting for him to speak again.

Xu Ye didn’t stop him. Since the other party’s purpose was to lure him to the pavilion, no matter what he asked, he would probably achieve a similar result in the end.

Yes, Xu Ye didn’t think the other person was a good person. Maybe he was a former tourist, but why should he help him?

Besides, there were a lot of tourists around him, and Xu Ye didn’t notice any of them with the word “good guy” written on their face.

I saw a lot of selfish villains.

Returning to the car with his mind full of doubts, Little Bear stood at the door, looking at him from a distance, his pupils unfocused.

“Where were you just now?”

Xu Ye: “Peeed.”

Little Bear pouted, “It’s best this way. There are a lot of bad people in this manor, don’t be fooled.”

“Then you are a good person?”

Little Bear: “I may not be a good person, but I must be someone with the same interests as you.”

“I am your tour guide.It is our responsibility to do our best to protect the members of the tour group and complete the trip. ”

Xu Ye smiled, thinking that this bear looked cute, but his thinking was very clear.

He is right. Simply discussing good guys and bad guys is meaningless. In this world full of dangers, who is in the same camp as him is the most important.

So, can the tour guide really protect the chosen ones all the time, as the rules say?

Xu Ye picked up the map and checked the next destination – the amusement area.

The amusement area is very large, and the arcade city is specially marked with a red line.

“What if I play somewhere else?” Xu Ye suddenly thought.

“No, it’s very dangerous there.”

“But I want to try.”

“You will die if you try.”

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