Brown Farm 6

Adam carefully read the sign on the staff’s hand:

1. Dear tourists, due to insufficient manpower at Brown Farm, the cows have not been released for a long time. We sincerely invite you to participate in the milking work and you can get 80 Brown coins per barrel.

Warm reminder: Cows have bad tempers, so it’s best to keep working as a team of two.

2. Recently, Chollima on the farm has suffered from anorexia. Is this the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?

Mission: Feed the horses to restore their love for life. Each time you successfully feed a horse, you will receive 80 Brown Coins.

Warm reminder: Chollima likes humans to say nice things to it, as long as your flattery doesn’t hit the horse’s hooves.

Barrage: “Irony, naked irony. Let’s not talk about the cow, what’s the matter with the horse?”

“Axi, it’s tiring enough in the workplace. You have to learn to flatter someone when you get into the rules.”

Adam, who was in the ghost story, touched his chin.

The first task must be done. The rules say that all food and water in this manor need to be purchased with money.

As luck would have it, in the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, the others were not starving to death, but almost fainting from thirst.

Secondly, there is no conclusion yet on how much money is enough, but it is certain that the more, the better.

Adam’s affinity was good. He activated his talent and quickly invited a strong man to form a team with him.

The two came to the water hole, but before they got there, the cows seemed to know what they were going to do, and they hid with their hooves raised.

The big man was two meters tall and was the strongest among the tourists. Seeing this, he jumped up and chased after him.

Seeing the opponent’s speed comparable to that of the world sprint champion, Adam was stunned beside him.

“The legs are still very long.”

Comparing his height of just 1.7 meters, he shook his head happily: “Fortunately, I have team members. If I had to rely on myself, when would I be able to catch up?”

The big man grabbed the two cow ears, and Adam quickly moved over, using his comfortSoothing tone:

“Don’t be afraid, dear Niu Niu, just let us touch it.”

In contrast to the different body types, the two people automatically divided the tasks, that is, the big man was responsible for controlling the cow’s body, and Adam was responsible for milking.

Needless to say, the cows really relaxed a lot under his mental influence.

However, the next second,

The sound of “ouch” rang through the sky, and the cow howled in pain.

Adam, who was in the process of moving, felt something in his hand, and his heart beeped.

Very shriveled,

His uncle, how can he not be released? He clearly wants to squeeze out the last drop of his value, okay?

But he did not give up on the mission because of this.

If he guessed correctly, it wasn’t that he was unlucky. Every cow here should be in a similar situation.

Forty-five minutes later, Adam was sweating profusely as he laboriously packed a small bucket of cows.

“The tour time of the Cow and Horse Park is only one and a half hours. We can’t waste any more time. Let’s go feed the horses.”

At the same time, the chosen ones from various countries are also full of problems when facing the situation.

“Ding, Sakura Country, Beer Country, Asan Country… and other 9 chosen ones were devoured by strange things.”

? ? ?

“What’s going on, so fast?”

The announcement sounded, causing many people to rush into the live broadcast room to check the replay. Seeing this, they were speechless.

Rule 4 clearly states: No free food or water is provided on the farm. If you need to eat, there are vending machines next to the road.

This group of people couldn’t stand the hot weather and drank the water in the cattle and horse garden.

A shallow ditch flows on the ground. Except for the hooves of cows that wash their feet from time to time, there seems to be no big problem.

The hungry Chosen One lay down and took a sip.

The first thing to change is the limbs, which are covered with white fur. Then came the chest, which expanded rapidly…

The most innocent person among them is the Chosen One from Beer Country. He considers himself a civilized person and would never lie down to drink water.

But when he went to chase the cow, the water splashed by the cow’s tail hit the face of the chosen one.

I don’t know if it was because I was producing milk all day long, but the water had a milky aroma.

The Chosen One subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth.

By the time he realized what stupid thing he had done, he had already been tricked.

In Longguo, when Xu Ye and his party came to Niumayuan, the staff were shocked.

Not just facing a bunch of blind people, but also,

The man with chains on his feet looked at the bear with his mouth wide open: “Why did you…come in too?”

The little bear’s face darkened, but he still said stubbornly: “I can’t worry about the tourists, so come and take a look, isn’t it okay?”

Because of the downy hair on his face, the staff did not notice that he was emotionally abnormal, and the expression on his face became increasingly weird.

Xu Ye watched with gusto.

What’s the meaning?

According to the original action trajectory, the tour guide should stay in the car instead of coming in with the tourists.

And it seems that he was not left in the car due to force majeure reasons such as regulations.

Could it be that the tour guide and the park had reached some kind of private deal?

“What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome bear? Let’s get down to business.” Little Bear Nest said angrily, driving away the two staff members.

Xu Ye: “You have no eyes, how do you know others are looking at you?”

“I’m blind, it’s not that my perception is diminished. How can I not feel if others see me?”

Xu Ye silently noted this down. It turns out that if something is strange and powerful to a certain extent, it does not necessarily have to rely entirely on observing the surroundings with the eyes.

After carefully looking at the content on the sign, Xu Ye read the above request again, and finally said happily: “This is easy to handle. I can squeeze at least three people by myself.”

“Okay, let’s go separate ways.”

However, no one acted according to his words.

“Well, captain, we agreed to work together. After you milk the milk, you will definitely share it with us, right?”

“Okay.” Xu Ye nodded.

“Then you have to work hard, and we will cheer you on.” A glimmer of hope rose on the faces of the tourists. It’s not that they don’t want to take action, it’s mainly because their personal conditions don’t allow it.

“What a shit.”

“I’m not the Holy Father. If you expect to get money without working, there’s no way.”

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