Class Reunion 23

Black fog filled the air, and Xu Ye stood in the hotel, holding a bandage in his hand, feeling very helpless.

No, he was angry.

I am even more irritable and aggrieved than before when I couldn’t clear the dungeon.

He wanted to explain, but Bai Xun always had an expression on his face: “Stop talking, I understand.”

It made his balls ache.

Xu Ye felt that he needed to clarify: “I am actually very powerful. How about you try…”

Before he finished speaking, a strange feeling appeared in his right calf.

Looking down, he saw a skinny hand grasping it. Looking back, he saw that the owner of the hand was an elderly woman.

“Who are you?”

The head teacher raised his head: “Please let me go.”

After that, he realized that he had arrested the wrong person, so he climbed up from the ground and walked towards the other side.

“Why is he like this?” Xu Ye wondered. If I remember correctly, the head teacher just went to the toilet?

It just took a long time to go here, and it felt like falling into a pit.

The green-eyed cunning cat lay in front of the cup, flicking its tongue and tasting the liquid inside.


It turned out that people’s blood was drained and made into a drink.

[Rule 4: No food is allowed at the party, except drinks. 】

This rule is wrong. Not only food is not allowed, but alcohol is also not allowed. Xu Ye couldn’t help but sweat for the other chosen ones.

If anyone is too hungry, he will foolishly drink the drinks on the table in an attempt to “fill himself up”. The consequences, tsk tsk tsk~

“Bai Xun, you can’t do this to me.”

At this moment, the teacher finally found Bai Xun’s legs and hugged him: “I don’t know, I don’t know anything, I am innocent.”

He pointed to the students around him and said, “What did they do? How could I, a teacher who stays in the office all day, know?”

Bai Xun lowered his head and looked at the female teacher who had been beaten into a skeleton but was not dead yet with sharp eyes, and said quietly:

“You really don’t know.”

The female teacher smiled and said hopefully, “Yes, so can you let me go.”

“Of course.” Bai Xun spoke condescendingly and took a long breath: “Of course not.”

In my impression, this teacher always has a warm smile on his face. He seems to treat every student very well. He has long teaching experience and is recognized as a good teacher by parents in the whole school.

The young Bai Xun once thought so naively.

Until he had his pants taken off and went to complain to the teacher, the teacher did verbally scold Lin Hui, but there was no substantive punishment.

This undoubtedly encouraged other students to intensify their efforts.

It turned out that the cost of bullying him was so small. Even if he told the teacher, he would only receive a few mild scoldings.

“Of course you do.”

Bai Xun said sarcastically: “Not only did you know that they bullied me, but you also knew that Lin Hui’s father was the director of the Education Bureau, so after he made countless mistakes of bullying his classmates, you still chose to make him the monitor and give him the best. s right.”

Despite their young age, children actually know everything.

When they were young, the teacher played the most powerful role in the class, almost covering the sky with one hand.

They can clearly see who the head teacher usually prefers and treats better. From this, a small society formed among the students, complimenting the favored student and bullying the neglected one.

In the eyes of this teacher, the criterion for who is more favored is the identity of the children’s father and their family conditions.

The black fog filled the air and became more and more serious. A strong sense of suffocation emerged on every student except Xu Ye.

“You can’t do this to me. You are being treasonous. You will deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. You will be disgraced.”

Xu Ye felt that this lady was really ignorant of current affairs. She was already in a strange world, and she was trying to use her identity to overwhelm others.

There was a “pop”, and in the darkness, Xu Ye fumbled a few steps to the right. The female teacher’s body was accidentally stepped on and fell into pieces.

[Ding, congratulations to Xu Ye, the chosen one from the Dragon Kingdom, for clearing the dungeon class reunion. The clearance rating is six stars. Rating analysis: Get one star for Bai Xun’s forgiveness. One star for killing the sanctimonious teacher. Three stars for revealing the complete truth behind the incident. Earn one star from Bai Xun. 】

[The scientific and technological research progress of Dragon Kingdom increases by 10%, and the national memory increases by 12%. The mysterious immunity story is coming to the Dragon Kingdom this time]

[You will be teleported back to the real world in 30 seconds, please be prepared. 】

In the Imperial Hotel, Xu Ye’s eyes widened, regardless of the sound of weird talk about rules.

Bai Xun found a key from the dead squad leader’s body.

Facing the small box that could not be opened, I reached in and turned it gently, and the box opened.

A piece of puzzle pieces glowing with blue light appeared in front of you.

Xu Ye also had a similar reward in his backpack that he had received at a convenience store. It seemed to be quite valuable, and someone even chased me to the hotel to beg for it.

“Really?” Xu Ye was surprised and stretched out his hand to get the puzzle pieces.

At the same time, as time passed and the 30S clock got closer and closer, his body was slowly fading.

Bai Xun noticed this question with sharp eyes: “Are you leaving?”

“Ah, yes, yes, give me the thing quickly.”

The hand he was about to hand out stopped and Bai Xun hesitated: “Then how should I contact you?”

“What to contact? I probably can’t contact you. I’m not from this world.”

“Oh.” After hearing what he said, Bai Xun instantly changed his mind and put the puzzle pieces into his pocket: “I’ll wait for you to pick it up next time. I’ll keep this piece for you.”

Xu Ye:? ? ?

You changed your mind at the last moment,

Xu Ye took out the electric saw, cut it forward, and cursed fiercely:

“You dare to mess with my things, you are so tired of living.”

However, the 30 seconds had come, and it was useless no matter how angry he was. Together with the chainsaw, Xu Ye’s body was completely destroyed.The shadow disappeared in place.

“Shit!” Xu Ye, who came back from the strange rules talk, was filled with anger.

Ever since I joined the dungeon, I have never been so frustrated. He was so angry that he kicked the coffee table twice: “You villain, you are despicable!”

Xu Ye secretly swore in his heart that the next time they met, Bai Xun would be forced to walk around without food.

Outside, the people of Dragon Kingdom were cheering. In addition to Xu Ye’s six-star clearance, Chen Yue also successfully came out of the dungeon.

He followed Bai Xun to the end of the copy, revealing the teacher’s hypocrisy. Received a good score of four stars.

Coupled with the other two chosen ones who passed the level with one star, the results this time can be said to be huge and enviable.

[Ding, Longguo’s gold mine reserves have increased by 6%. 】

[Ding, the forest greening area of ​​Longguo increased by 2%. 】

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