Class Reunion 19

ice bear country,

Ivan, who was sitting at the table, suddenly felt a very serious feeling of hunger.

[Rule 4: No food is allowed at the party, except drinks. 】

He endures,

I couldn’t bear it… Ivan picked up the drink from the table and poured it into his stomach.

It tastes so strange…

Forget it, I won’t drink anymore.

Putting down the remaining drinks, Ivan hit his chin on the table and opened his mouth:

“Gan, I can’t eat, so I can just chew wood.”

Ivan was able to survive with his own willpower, but the Chosen One of Asan Kingdom couldn’t bear it when faced with delicious food.

Youdigan didn’t eat yesterday due to various reasons, and now he was extremely hungry.

My stomach burned like fire, acid water kept coming out, and my limbs were weak.

This kind of hunger cannot be overcome by willpower.

Yudigan felt that if he didn’t eat now, he would die.

Without thinking so much, he grabbed the food on the table and stuffed it into his mouth piece by piece, making his mouth full of oil.

[The chosen one from Asan Kingdom was mysteriously swallowed by Digan. Currently, the number of remaining chosen ones from Asan Kingdom is: 1]

The people of Asan Kingdom are in despair: “There is only one person left, and it is impossible for fiveStar cleared the level. ”

Judging from the prompts from other countries just now, only those fifty people with a total clearance score of five stars can be immune to the coming of strange stories.

“Still a low-caste person, are we doomed?”

“What’s going on? The upper castes are too rubbish. They enjoy so many social resources, but this is the result? They are not as good as the chosen ones from the lower castes next door.”

In the Asan Kingdom Government, the atmosphere in the entire office was silent, with white-skinned men gathered around the long table.

Participant A: “What should we do now? The remaining person is very likely to pass the level.”

They looked at the screen and saw that the last person had a very dark complexion and looked like an untouchable with a low caste.

Participant B: “People are now very vocal and questioning the caste system.”

“This is not okay.”

Everyone discussed for a while and finally came to a vicious conclusion. How about we use a reminder opportunity?

So the words “Xu Ye has a meal” were sent out.

This is a pretty disgusting strategy. If they directly say “the food is edible”, their chosen ones may not believe it.

But when I say Xu Ye ate food,

Who is Xu Ye? The god in the hearts of all the chosen ones is equivalent to a belief-like existence.

You’ve eaten it all night, are you still questioning the correctness of the information?

No matter what kind of turmoil this incident caused, at the moment, several people sent it out ruthlessly.

Participant A said uncertainly: “What if the strange arrival accelerates?”

Although it is said that as long as the total score of the Chosen One is less than five stars, he will be sent down, but there is also a distinction between the size of the area and the severity, right?

If all their members were killed and no one passed the level, it would definitely be more serious than other countries.

The man sitting at the top snorted indifferently: “It’s okay, as long as it doesn’t come to the capital, it’s fine.”

Others stopped raising objections.

Also, if all the elites in the country live together in one city, what are they afraid of? The most urgent task now is to solve the misunderstanding of poor people’s perception of upper and lower castes.

In the Dragon Kingdom, Xu Ye didn’t suffer much from hunger when faced with sumptuous meals.

He had lunch before coming here, and now that he saw the food on the table, he was a little greedy at most.

He held the green-eyed cunning cat in his arms, brushed his fur a few times, and with a “meow”, the scene on the table changed drastically.

The first thing that attracted attention was the golden sheep’s head soup. When the illusion faded, a tender baby stood in the center of the basin, with his hands raised, as if he wanted to “hug”.

As for the roasted hump, two round lumps were placed on a plate.

The powdered skin is mixed clean, but there are still blood-red human tissue on it that was not cleaned carefully when collecting the material.


Before Xu Ye could respond, the audience squatting in the live broadcast room spat out their lipstick.

Thinking that they were drooling over these things just now, and even rushed into the screen to feast on food at one point, I felt so sick.

“Fuck, that’s so disgusting.”

“Holy shit, shit, shit!”

“But I am uneducated. I can tell the world with just one word, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh!”

At the dinner table, Bai Xun picked up his chopsticks and asked with a little doubt: “Why don’t you eat the delicious food now? Do you think you dislike me, Bai, for not serving me well?”

Who dares to dislike him? Dozens of people picked up the tableware strangely and stiffly.

Xu Ye discovered that although these people’s eyes were damaged by the marbles, they could still see. They lowered their heads actively when eating, but they didn’t know what they were seeing through.

Is it a mental ability?

Before Xu Ye could figure out the reason, Bai Xun spoke again: “Squad leader Lin, I think this roasted lamb head is good, do you want to try it?”

Lin Hui did as he was told, stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat with his own hands, and his eyes came into contact with the bracelet on the baby’s arm.

He collapsed instantly:

“Is this Xiaobao’s bracelet?”

The man threw himself at the table and carefully looked at the baby’s face with a pair of bleeding eyes: “Yes, it’s Xiaobao. I personally helped him put this bracelet on when he was full moon.”

When cooking, you always have to go through several procedures.

The thing in the basin just now was golden and oily. Lin Hui didn’t recognize that it was his son in it, so he took a bite.

I also saw that this person was cruel. As long as the food inside had nothing to do with him, he would eat anything in order to survive.

Xu Ye raised his head in surprise. If the dish just now was related to Lin Hui… then there were thirty dishes in total on the table.

Sure enough, the other people’s faces were very ugly, and they were staring at one of the dishes with dull expressions.

“You…are so heartless.”

“Bai Xun, how could you do such a thing?”

“Stop joking, this is not my husband’s skin, right? Just talk.”

However, Bai Xun did not answer directly, but smiled and threatened everyone: “Why don’t you eat it? Do you not like it? Do you want me to order some more dishes that you like more?”

A group of people couldn’t help but tremble. The beautiful and righteous young boy before them was still the devil.

His tone couldn’t help but soften a little:

“Bai Xun, we were just joking with you at first, but we didn’t expect such serious consequences.”

“Yes, yes, it’s not us who pushed you down. Don’t seek revenge on the wrong person.”

“Have you forgotten? When I saw how pitiful you were, I often gave you my own snacks.”

Bai Xun smiled coldly: “You mean you forced the spitted leftover food into my mouth.”

The classmate who was exposed laughed and said: “But it does make you full…”

Unless something happens to you, you will never know how painful it is.

But when it really happened, those people started to make all kinds of excuses for themselves.

In Sakura Country, the long-tailed child with bleeding eyes sat in front of the table.

His stomach was churning, he lost his vision, and his other body senses became more sensitive. The constant fragrance irritates the nostrils, drifts from the table into the body, and arouses greed.

“It smells so good, I really want to take a bite.”

Regardless of the reminder from the country, Chang Tiaowei couldn’t bear it anymore. He took out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat on the table.

It’s juicy enough and bursting with juice in one bite, comparable to a liquid cake.

The viewers who had been paying attention to the live broadcast showed horrified expressions.

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