Class Reunion 16

Pinball is not a difficult game, and there are even a few professional players among the Chosen who are very good at it.

They were so confident that when they learned about the competition items, their mouths were raised to heaven.

Barrage: “Well done to Oppa Park Woo-ji.”

“Dah, Oyoko-kun is not good at sports.”

“Come on, Ivan, I believe you can do it.”

Xingxing didn’t blink: “Surfaced, I really think I’m playing marbles. Just wait, these people will be slapped in the face soon.”

The reality was exactly as Liang Xing predicted.

Park Youzhi from Kimchi Country, his choice just now was to be neutral and form a team of his own. This will not offend Bai Xun, but also please other people in the class.

There was a reason for his choice. As a bronze medalist in the World Marble Championships, Park Youzhi was very confident that he could defeat all the classmates present with his own strength alone and would never be punished.

But he overlooked one thing. The rules here are strange, and the cards are not played according to common sense.

“The rules of the game are that each person holds a shooting marble in his hand and hits 49 slightly larger target marbles on the table. As long as the target marbles are knocked out of the table, you will get points.”

Park Youzhi thinks this setting is quite normal, and he has compared it like this before.

But the bad thing is that real-world competitions are competitions between players from many different regions and countries.

At today’s table, there are only two competitors, the chosen one and the remaining 31 classmates.

Park Youzhi was soon besieged by his classmates. They cooperated with each other tacitly and had only one purpose, that is, they would rather lose than let the chosen one win.

Cold sweat gradually dripped from Park Youzhi’s forehead. If the game continues like this, no one, let alone him, can win, right?

Soon, the game came to an end, and Park Youzhi lost!

The penultimate place is Bai Xun.

“Hehehe, as promised,The loser will have to accept sanctions. Huang Yingjiao opened her mouth and put her index finger on her chin: “Let me think about how to punish you.” ”

“Well, don’t be too embarrassed. Just take off your pants and play marbles with that thing.”

Damn it!

Park Youzhi was confused. How could you say such cold words with a body temperature of 36 degrees? Is this an idea thought up by humans?

Obviously, this approach is anti-human and brings not only physical torture to the chosen ones, but also more serious mental humiliation.

Now it’s a live broadcast. When he thinks about taking off his pants in front of billions of people around the world, Park Yoo-ji’s face burns like a monkey’s butt and turns red.

“Why are you doing this? I don’t agree. This is illegal.” Park Youzhi shouted, trying to threaten the students present with legal weapons.

“How could it be? We are just joking with you. The police won’t say anything when they come.” Several people laughed non-stop and thought it was very funny.

“Yeah, it’s just a game. Don’t worry about it so much. Can’t you afford it?”

God damn it, it was really just a game at the beginning, but now, Park Youzhi has deeply felt that the nature of the game has long been different, and it has turned into a vicious criminal case mainly focused on bullying unsociable students.

He even felt that the person in front of him was mentally disturbed. How could anyone like to make such a joke?

Park Youzhi felt that his arms were being restrained, and several hands were already touching his buttocks.

“Made, teacher, can you just ignore it? They are bullying.” Pu Youzhi shouted with red eyes.

Then I discovered that the teacher was nowhere to be found.

Huang Ying: “Stop shouting, the teacher just went to the toilet.”

What a bad luck, these people just saw the right opportunity and deliberately sent the teacher away, Pu Youzhi thought angrily.

No, he must not be allowed to take off his pants in public. Even if he barely passes the dungeon this time, he will not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life when he goes back.

What to do?

Park Youzhi’s brain was racing. By the way, he remembered why he was targeted in the first place. It was because he didn’t integrate into the group and had no “unity.”

Park Youzhi was so happy that he shouted: “Wait a minute, isn’t it just a team? I am willing to be a team with the teacher, and you can recalculate the scores.”

Huang Ying stopped what she was doing: “Okay, plus the teacher’s share, you are now the second to last.”

Park Youzhi breathed a sigh of relief and was put on the ground by the help of others. He quickly got up and tightened his belt.

He thought silently in his heart, I’m sorry, Bai Xun, there’s nothing I can do about it. If you want to blame it, just blame these people for being too strong.

Lin Hui said: “Very good, as the second to last, now I will punish you by taking off the pants of the last to last.”

Park Youzhi stood up tremblingly, facing Bai Xun’s painful eyes. He knew that he had no choice.

If Bai Xun is not attacked today, the target of bullying will be himself.

Very white.

Only a little skin on his back was exposed, which almost dazzled the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

But the later scenes are mosaic.

As for Bai Xun, whose clothes were taken off by the Chosen One himself, his eyes became darker and darker, and the last trace of light dissipated.

This scene called “Marble Game” continued, and something even more outrageous happened next. The Chosen One opened Bai Xun’s chin, and Lin Hui slowly stood up.


On the other side, Long Guo, Xu Ye and Bai Xun formed a team and lost the game without any surprise.

Huang Ying: “Now the punishment begins, take off your pants…”

Before she could finish her words, Xu Ye began to shed tears.

He didn’t know what was wrong, this thing was out of his control. It’s like an irregular faucet that turns on by itself after a while.

Xu Ye planned to kill all these ignorant weirdos.

But just when he took out the electric saw, the marbles on the table moved and all flew up, embedding themselves very accurately in the eyes of each student.

The eyeballs were broken, juices were splashing everywhere, and blood was dripping down from the eye sockets, as if he didn’t want money. The whole scene was miserable.

Bai Xun patted his spotless sleeves and said, “Why are you still hanging around? It’s not easy to get together and sit down to eat.”

He pressed the serving bell on the wall, and after a while, various dishes were served to the table one after another.

After the waiters saw the bleeding eyes of the people at the table, they were not surprised at all and served the dishes expressionlessly.

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