Happy Event in the Mountain Village 15

Not everyone is as cunning as Chen Yue and can make plans flawlessly. Ivan from the Ice Bear Country also immediately chose to set fire to the village chief’s house when he learned that the scissors were hidden there.

By coincidence, he also chose his own home because it was the farthest away from the village chief’s house.

Ivan was so proud of what he had done. Who would have guessed that I was the one who set the fire? Hahahahaha…

But he was happy too early,

As for Gou Wazi, the role of a baby boy, he might have been a little too unrestrained before and offended some people.

So when Ivan rushed to the village chief’s house while everyone was putting out the fire, there was someone inside.

Jiayi was hiding under the table and eating meat secretly. His idea was very simple. He didn’t want to see Gouwazi in the first place. Now that the other party’s house was on fire, it suited him just right.

It would be better if the fire were bigger and Gouwazi would be homeless and sleep on the street at night.

Ivan didn’t expect that when he came out of the room, he would meet someone who got out from under the table.

Oops, he just didn’t pay attention at all.

“Hey, Gouwazi, how dare you steal the village chief’s things, I will tell him now that you will be sent to the ancestral hall as a punishment.”

Ivan said with a sullen face: “Don’t, I beg you.”

“Hey, I don’t care about that.” Seeing the other party actually begging for mercy, Jiayi’s expression suddenly became even more stern, and he looked atRun towards the gate.

Watching each other getting further and further away,

Ivan had no choice but to catch up from behind and stab the man in the heart with a pair of scissors.

The thorn is crooked…

Jiayi was in his prime, and Ivan was not very young. The two fought for a while, and in the end Ivan, who came from a fighting nation, came out on top.

With no time to dispose of the body, Ivan quickly ran away and returned to the burning house.

But it’s too late…

If it is someone else’s house, the absence of one person is not enough to attract attention. But this is Gouwazi’s own room, and the owner is not there.

Suspicious looks flashed across everyone’s faces:

“Gouwazi, where were you when the fire was at its strongest?”

“Gouwazi, you didn’t set the fire yourself, did you?”

“Gouwazi, why are the corners of your clothes stained with blood?”

Ivan’s face turned pale and he couldn’t answer a single question. He wanted to say a few perfunctory words, but he couldn’t even convince himself with those words.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene: “Well, it’s hard to judge. I have a bit of IQ, but not high…”

“What did he rely on to survive several copies? Is he in shape?”

At the critical moment, it was grandma who stepped forward to save him.

“Gouwazi, didn’t I ask you to herd the cows? Why did you come back now?”

Ivan was blessed in his heart and answered along the lines: “Ah, the place I was walking in was too remote and I got a little lost. I saw smoke rising from the village, so I followed the path back.”

The villagers stared at Ivan with doubt.

Aren’t you going to herd cows? Where are the cows?

There’s something wrong with this bitch, he’s either lying or he’s just too stupid.

After living in Xiaohuai Village for nearly twenty years, it stands to reason that most people would know what each piece of land looks like, but he could still get lost.

However, no one said anything more. Their own house was burned down, and the owner and grandma didn’t want to care about it, so others should just stop meddling.

After almost putting out the fire, everyone dispersed.

Without a large amount of combustion accelerants such as gasoline, less than half of the house was burned down, and the remaining half was barely habitable.

Ivan returned home with the old man: “Grandma, I…”

He really felt guilty. He didn’t expect that his relationship with his grandma was so bad and she was willing to save him.

If it were not a fantasy talk about rules but the real world, he would have to respect the other person and provide for his grandma in old age.

Without saying a word, grandma walked to the bed that was blackened by smoke, carefully took out a bowl of braised pork from it, and handed it to Ivan persistently: “My dear grandson, you are scared, please eat some meat quickly to replenish yourself.”

“No, no, grandma, I’m not hungry.” Ivan waved his hands repeatedly.

Although he was very hungry now, he still remembered the rules in his mind and did not dare to violate them easily.

Ivan’s talent is [Peeping]. He can see that an incorrect rule is marked in red. This talent is very awesome. He has always relied on this talent and his own combat power that is much stronger than other chosen ones. Clear multiple copies.

The talent is not marked in red in Rule 5, which states that you are not allowed to eat meat. This proves that rule five is very likely to be correct.

“Why don’t you eat?” Grandma’s tone was harsh. Her doting look just now changed immediately. The folds on her face wrinkled together, looking a little ferocious.

“I, I don’t want to eat.” Ivan insisted. The more the other person said this, the less he could eat. Grandma was behaving very strangely. The house was burned down. She didn’t care how to repair it, and she was still trying to feed herself.

At this moment, there was a faint noise outside the window.

Ivan subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a large group of people holding axes, sticks and other things, walking together.

It seemed that it was heading in their direction.

There were words like “scissors” and “throwing things” vaguely in his mouth.

But at this time, grandma spoke again and said quietly: “I don’t have a grandson who doesn’t like meat.”

! ! !

Ivan immediately realized that this seemingly loving old man was threatening him.

He thought about his chances of winning against the entire village alone, and a weak force surged through his body.

I had given the paper man some eyes before, but the strength that had been taken away had not yet recovered. I had just fought with the man again, and the situation was even worse.

“How about it, have you thought about it?”

The voice is getting closer and closer. If he doesn’t eat braised pork, his grandma will no longer protect him, and the villagers outside can’t beat him.

Ivan was anxious in his heart. Was God trying to kill him? He does have a pill similar to Millennium Ginseng, which can make people resurrect from the dead, but it seems to be of no use now.

There is an endless supply of those people, and they will not let him go just because he has died once.

After entering the dungeon this time, his talents were of limited use and his physical strength was also limited. All that’s left isHe can rely on his brain, but his brain is the most difficult to use among all his weapons.

No, even if he died, he would fight to the end and never compromise.

Ivan looked up and looked outside, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

A voice sounded in his head. It was the country that had sent him a message to remind him to eat the bowl of braised pork.

Ivan’s eyes flickered, and after struggling for a few seconds: “Okay, I’ll eat…”

The meat had been stored for a few days, and the taste had become sour. When he swallowed it, a surge of energy emerged at the same time. Ivan miraculously discovered that his body had improved… The fatigue he felt before was quickly disappearing.

“Okay, this is grandma’s good grandson.” The old man touched the corners of his eyes happily, where tears oozed out: “You have to remember, grandma will never harm you.”

Could it be that I judged a gentleman with a villain’s heart and misjudged the rules?

Ivan thought to himself.

But when he saw his grandma’s smile, it was a perverted and paranoid smile where his wish had finally come true.

Ivan felt something strange again, but he couldn’t tell.

At least so far, he couldn’t fault it.

With this doubt, Ivan turned his gaze outside the window, where the villagers were getting closer and closer. He had to brace himself and concentrate on dealing with the current situation.

In the Dragon Kingdom, Xu Ye, as the man who saved the village chief, was leisurely standing in an open space, playing with the paper man who called himself his second uncle.

“It seems like something is missing.”

Xu Ye looked at the blank paper figure placed next to him and took the initiative to pick up the brush.

The second uncle hurriedly waved his hand to signal him to put it down, but there were various obstacles in his movements.

Barrage: “By the way, is there any connection between this paper man and the bride? When he saw the sachet given by the bride, he tried his best to protect Mr. Xu Ye.”

“Boss Xu Ye, you must not rebel at the critical moment and insist on painting the eyes of that Lao Shizi. As the old saying goes, paper figures don’t have the right eyes.”

It can only be said that this netizen is definitely a loyal fan of Xu Ye, and even accurately predicted his next behavior.

In the video, Xu Ye picked up the brush. Instead of using ordinary ink, he dipped a little green lamp oil from a human headlamp.

Put pen to paper, add the finishing touch.

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