Happy Event in the Mountain Village 13

? ? ?

As soon as Xu Ye said these words, many people’s minds were immediately amused.

For the sake of the village chief, you ripped off someone else’s ointment. Isn’t this lying with your eyes open?

Xu Ye: “Grandpa, village chief, I’m not telling you that even if our village is poor, you can’t use this kind of thing, right?”

“What’s wrong with this kind of thing?” The village chief’s eyes widened. Didn’t I just use a dog-skin plaster? What you said is like taking poison.

Xu Ye: “It’s all expired.”

village head:”……”

It’s expired, doesn’t he know? But there is nothing else at home. This dog-skin plaster was obtained with great difficulty a few years ago, and I have been reluctant to use it.

“Huh, even if it expires, it won’t affect my use. But you, who have been against me all day long, I think I will assign you to the cesspit now and pick out the excrement for several days in a row.”

Xu Ye said earnestly: “Village chief, expired dog skin plaster cannot be used. It will cause the place where it was originally applied to rupture and suppurate, leading to infection, which can directly cause serious illness.”

What he said was so scary that people couldn’t help but feel scared.

But not everyone here believed what he said, and someone immediately jumped out: “What a joke, we have put on dog skin plaster so many times before this, and nothing like the situation you mentioned has ever happened.”

“Is it because you’re afraid of picking shit, so you say that on purpose?”

“Village Chief, I think this guy is not only pulling the dog’s skin and plastering it, but also being dishonest. If we don’t give him a good beating today, it’s really hard to convince the public.”

The other villagers nodded after hearing this. They had never been out of the village, but that didn’t mean they didn’t even have basic common sense.

Xu Ye took a closer look and was happy.

The person who spoke was the same person who just talked about tearing up the elders.

Xu Ye said loudly: “If you don’t believe it, then I’ll put the plaster back on and wait three minutes, and we’ll see the result.”

“If nothing happens, I will accept any punishment willingly.”

He said so categorically that everyone present began to waver again.

Xu Ye continued to speak and looked at the old man respectfully: “Grandpa, village chief, it’s too dangerous to apply plaster. I’m afraid it will hurt you later.”

“This kind of thing should be left to young people with rough skin and flesh.” The place he pointed at was the villager Jiayi who was against him.

“Okay.” The village chief thought this suggestion was good, and he even felt a little jealous of Xu Ye, a good and polite boy. He thought that regardless of whether the plaster would do any harm later, for the sake of Gouwazi’s filial piety , you can be punished a little less.

“Just stick it.”

Villager A’s eyes flickered. Although he felt that the other party was talking nonsense, Xu Ye was so confident that there was no sign of lying at all, which made people couldn’t help but follow their hearts.

But the words have already been spoken. Wouldn’t it be very shameful to say that I don’t agree with them now?

Xu Ye picked up the plaster and put it on his belly.


A originally wanted to say, just stick it on the arm, there is little risk. But the other party didn’t give him a chance at all.

Forget it, forget it, I’m sorry Gouwazi is talking nonsense, trust your own intuition. He was always present when the village chief applied plaster several times before, and nothing happened.

More than two minutes passed, and Jiayi felt nothing. He couldn’t help but smile triumphantly: “I’m telling you, you kid is talking nonsense.”

According to his opinion, even if there is really a problem with the plaster, it must be brewed before the effect occurs, step by step, such as hurting a little first, and then continuing to expand. He could peel the thing off while the ointment was first working.

Xu Ye: “Don’t be happy too early.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jia Yi jumped up from the ground, holding his waist: “It hurts, it hurts~”

Everyone looked quickly and saw a fist-sized wound on the originally smooth skin, with blood flowing continuously.

“What happened?”

The villagers were talking a lot, and the village chief was shocked and kept patting his chest.

Fortunately, he didn’t apply the plaster himself just now, otherwise he would be the one bleeding now.

Gouwazi is right, he is old and cannot bear this kind of harm, so he should let the young people bear it.

“Um, Jiayi, you are injured, you don’t have to work today, go back and rest first.”

A1: “…”


Another gossiping villager: “Jiayi, how does it feel when the plaster is put on, and why does it hurt? Did you kid deliberately not take it off in order to frame Gou Wazi?”

A’s eyes welled up with tears, half of them were in pain, and the other half was because of his grievance. He stammered, “I, I don’t know, it’s just sudden.”

He was also confused. Who knew that expired ointment could be so powerful? It just goes against common sense.

And he had a strange feeling just now, as if he was beingThe dog took a bite and jumped up with weight still pulling on his belly. But when I looked around, there was no dog anywhere. There wasn’t even a mouse in the house.

Thinking of this, sweat dripped from his forehead uncontrollably: “No, there can’t be a ghost, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

The village chief’s face suddenly turned gloomy, and he tapped the crutch in his hand heavily: “Yi Er, Bing San, take him back to the room quickly.”

Xu Ye secretly looked at the village chief’s expression and had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

After coming out of the house, I went to the place where I collected firewood as usual. A big yellow dog appeared out of thin air and circled around its owner.

Xu Ye took the dog skin plaster from the dog’s mouth and threw out a cabbage: “It’s done well.”

The vegetable dog hugged the cabbage with both feet and began to eat it.

In the distance, two people of the same species were flying under the shade of a tree, showing curious expressions.

“Woof woof woof~ (What does it eat? Is Youxiang delicious?)”

Another: “Woof woof woof~ (I don’t know, why don’t you go and have a look?)”

Xu Ye found a hidden corner and opened the plaster.

Several black lines appeared on his forehead, and he wondered what he was thinking about writing the rules in such a strange place.

What a fucking talent!

[Supplementary Rule A]

[Rule 1: Scissors and urn are two important things, you need to find them. Use scissors dipped in a little ashes to break the seal of the sacred tree. 】

“Trapped in the sacred tree?”

Could it be that you are talking about the red line on the big locust tree? But when he took off the talisman paper before, the red thread fell off automatically.

“What a useless rule.” Xu Ye couldn’t help complaining.

The barrage flooded the screen: “I, Ye Shen, are so awesome that I can break the seal effortlessly.”

“Ye Shen protects the body and ensures that I pass the final exam next month.”

“Yakami, I love you.”

Xu Ye continued to check,

[Rule 2: There are many ancestors enshrined in the ancestral hall. They love you. You can ask for some objects from them. As long as you show enough respect to them and turn the tablets, your wish will be fulfilled. 】

[Rule 3: In the ancestral hall, when someone calls your name from behind, remember, never look back! 】

[Rule 4: Ancestors generally don’t get angry unless you stop being a human being first. 】

Xu Ye: “…”

Participating in a weird talk about rules, even the ancestors came out. There is still enough respect, tsk, don’t worry, they will definitely feel real “respect” when the time comes.

On the other side, Chen Yue shivered and froze all night after being thrown out of the room by the woman in red.

During this period, I also encountered several paper figures, who were so frightened that they kept running away, almost catching up with Scud.

It wasn’t until the morning when someone came out to do some activities that he breathed a sigh of relief.

After spending a lot of time and effort, I finally found out the whereabouts of the scissors. It was said that they were at the village chief’s house.

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