Happy Event in the Mountain Village 10

He had explored the terrain of Xiaohuai Village during the day. The entrance to the village was in another direction. He ran towards the door and saw heavy fog. This eliminated the Chosen One’s stuck bug and left the dungeon directly.

“Are you afraid?” Chen Yue No. 2 raised his eyebrows, with an aura of disdain: “It’s not impossible to go back now.”

Gouwazi: “Forget it, it’s here now…”

You told me to go back, but I won’t go back.

Soon, the two of them saw a car in the wasteland under the moonlight. As they approached, there was a big hole behind it.

“Where are the bones?”

“Don’t worry, it will be available soon.”

With a pop, Chen Yue was kicked on the butt and fell down.

“Fuck you…” Before he could finish the expletive, Chen Yue was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he shut his mouth. At his feet were two already stiff corpses. He bent down and checked his eyelids briefly to confirm the time of death.Less than twenty-four hours.

Chen Yue No. 2: “How does it feel to see familiar people here. Huh?”

The end of the word “um” is raised, which is a bit playful.

familiar person.

To be honest, just looking at the faces of these people, Chen Yue couldn’t recognize them at all. After all, he just entered the dungeon yesterday.

Could he be from the same village as Gouwazi?

Facing the moonlight, Chen Yue raised his head and looked directly at the man standing above: “You can’t kill me. They all saw that I went out with you.”

“If something happens to me, you will dislike me the most.”

Chen Yue No. 2’s pupils shrank: “I thought you would at least have a little guilty conscience. It seems that I underestimated the evil of human nature.”

What the hell? Chen Yue was so stunned that he had black lines all over his head: “I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

Chen Yue No. 2: “They are all the people who were invited to Tongtong’s room last night.”

“It was also ten years ago…”

Chen Yue: “What happened ten years ago? You should tell me quickly.”

He was keenly aware that the information from the other party’s mouth was very important. He might soon find out the core secret of the dungeon and become another chosen one after Xu Ye who passed the level with five stars.

“Dead man, there is no need to know.” However, Chen Yue No. 2 did not satisfy his thirst for knowledge. Instead, he took out a shovel from the trunk of the car and shoveled the soil.

“Made.” Chen Yue spat out the muddy taste in his mouth: “I know, the person who called the bride to open the door last night was not the groom at all, but you.”

No wonder, since the start of the dungeon, the road from the village entrance to the outside has been blocked. He was also wondering how this person entered Xiaohuai Village. It turned out that he was there early in the morning.

What’s even more surprising is that several young people were obviously missing in the village, but no parents came out to look for them during the day.

Damn it, someone else went to the bride’s place the night before the wedding to have sex, but disappeared the next day. Maybe the family thought they were afraid that the groom’s official would find out, so they temporarily avoided the limelight.

Chen Yue took a deep breath and shouted upward: “Listen, I know your purpose is to rescue the bride, and I can help you.”

“You are not from Xiaohuai Village. They don’t trust you, but I am. You can keep me as an internal agent.”

Chen Yue No. 2 continued shoveling, pretending not to hear.

Chen Yue: “…”

“As long as you don’t bury me, you can do whatever you ask me to do.”

“Oh? Are you sure everything is okay?” The person above finally stopped and looked at Chen Yue with sharp eyes: “How can I trust you?”

Gouwazi: “If I lied, you should tell the groom that I went to the bride’s room the night before.”

“No man can tolerate this kind of cuckolding.”

“That’s not necessarily the case.” Chen Yue No. 2 muttered, but his voice was too low for anyone to hear clearly.

Gouwazi: “What did you say? Did you agree? If you agree, pull me up quickly.”

Chen Yue No. 2: “It’s not impossible to let you go, but I have a request.”

“Okay, okay, I agree to everything, please save me.”

Chen Yue No. 2: “I want you to go into the ancestral hall and help me get something.”

“Okay, I’ll steal it.”

The two reached an agreement, and Chen Yue No. 2 turned the shovel over, with the handle of the shovel facing Chen Yue.

Chen Yue: “It’s too short, I can’t get up.”

“Stop talking nonsense and give me those two corpses first.”

Transporting a corpse is much easier than transporting a living person. Chen Yue grabbed the collar of a person’s neck with one hand and gently threw it up. The corpse lay on the shovel.

Then the weird Chen Yue standing on top picked up a shovel and shoveled the person away.

Finally, Chen Yue No. 2 found another rope from the car and successfully pulled the chosen one up.

Chen Yue clapped his hands: “How is it? I just cooperated well.”

Weird Chen Yue stared at him and snorted coldly: “Everyone in your Xiaohuai Village is indeed a devil. You can even abandon your own companions at will.”

Chen Yue: “…”

Damn you, your temper is quite changeable.

Chen Yue No. 2: “Remember, the thing you are looking for is a red clay pot.”

Chen Yue nodded, even if the other party didn’t tell him, he would eventually go to the ancestral hall. But you can’t go there blindly, you have to find a way to understand the internal situation first.

There were two corpses pulled up randomly placed beside the pit, and Chen Yue suddenly had a bad prediction.

“The meat you are talking about cannot be…”

“Stop talking nonsense and help quickly.”

After a while, this guess was verified, and the two returned to the village chief’s house holding several large bags of bones.

I don’t know what kind of spices Chen Yue No. 2 used. A big bag full was applied to the corpse, which instantly gave off the aroma of braised meat.

With this taste, it would probably be delicious even if dipped in insoles.

No wonder no one suspected that he had tampered with that dumpling just now.

Chen Yue clearly thought that since the big bone stick was made from human corpses,Okay, there is no reason to replace the dumpling filling with other meat.

Besides, since Chen Yue entered Xiaohuai Village on the 2nd, he had no chance to go out and buy meat.

From this, we can conclude that the two people lying on the ground were not the only ones who disappeared last night.

Chen Yue No. 2 and the bride should be working together. What they did in Xiaohuai Village was similar to the Immortal Dance.

One used words and promises to seduce a man in the village to find her alone at night, and the other took the opportunity to kill him.

Chen Yue was thinking hard when the village chief took the plastic bags with a smile, opened each one and checked them.

He was really shameless. It was obvious that someone else gave things to Xiaohuai Village for free, but he took them as a matter of course, without any sense of gratitude, as if the food should have been given to them in the first place.

Then look at the expressions of other villagers around.

Very good, confirmed. Xiaohuai Village is truly united and everyone has the same views.

The village chief nodded to the two of them: “Thank you for your hard work. That’s it for today. Go back and rest quickly.”

Chen Yue went home with his grandma. Before leaving, Chen Yue No. 2 winked at him, but he ignored her.

He promised the other party to help him get some red jars, but the rules also said that he should try not to go out at night.

He must not break the rules for this without any guarantee.

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