Ruins of the past

Chapter 950 Loop

"According to common sense, if ordinary people suddenly receive two million, there will be two possible developments."

"The first type is that you don't dare to spend it. Because of worries and fears about the unknown, and also because of your lack of experience in using large sums of money, you don't dare to spend the money, so you contribute the money well and think about finding someone else. Give me the opportunity."

"The second type of person knows how to spend money."

"Perhaps he only spends a little at first, but not everyone can compete with the magic of money. As long as he makes a start, he will definitely spend more and more in the following time, and finally become addicted to the charm of money and become a complete A slave to wealth.”

"When I go to him again in a month, he will definitely choose to join me for more money."

"If you spend more time training, you will be able to gain a brand new slave..."

"These are the thoughts I had after throwing two million to Zhou Bai in the original earth's history."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin and thought to himself: 'But Zhou Bai is obviously not an ordinary person, so it is only natural that he... made a choice other than these two choices, one that exceeded my expectations at the time. choose. ’

But Zhou Bai's next choice went far beyond the commotion in his memory.

One month later…

A super first-tier city.

On a high-rise building in the city center.

At this moment, the entire five floors of the office building have been rented by a newly opened company.

The company's name is Bailu, and it is said to be a powerful and mysterious family from abroad.

Nowadays, people are coming and going in the office, and they are all a group of beautiful young men and women.

At this moment, in the CEO's office, Chu Qiguang was sitting on a chair, looking at Zhou Bai in front of him with a funny look on his face.

"You've been making a lot of noise this month."

He thought to himself: 'This guy is treated like a protagonist in this world, and the things he does are even more outrageous than what he does in reality. It's like a dream. ’

Chu Qiguang shook his head and said to Zhou Bai: "Now all the rich people in the city know that there is a super rich second generation who has just returned to China. He has endless money in his hands and plans to start a big business in China."

Zhou Bai was lying on the CEO's chair, his feet lazily raised on the desk, and he said slowly: "What? Are you going to report me?"

Chu Qiguang did not answer, but sighed: "You spent one million to buy a complete outfit and a false identity in a small country, and pretended to be rich to see sports cars, yachts, and private jets..."

"Relying on your mouth and acting skills, plus the photos you took on the airplane and yacht, and the business jet contract you signed, you pretended to buy 500 million worth of jewelry and let people play with you for a week."

"In the past week, you have spent a lot of money and spent most of the remaining one million. Coupled with the previous leverage, the boss of the jewelry company, although still dubious, still regarded you as someone for a big order of 500 million. I asked the top rich second generation from abroad to greet me..."

“You get to know more wealthy people, and you get to know more intermediaries who serve wealthy people.”

"Everyone knows that there is a new super-rich second generation in this city. He signed a jewelry contract worth 500 million as soon as he made the move. He has a private jet and a yacht..."

"Then you start renting office space. You use the reason that a large amount of your money is abroad and it will take time to transfer it back to China. You also take advantage of the economic downturn and the intermediary's psychology of not wanting to miss this big deal. You rely on your previous reputation. , he just signed the contract and moved in without paying a penny down payment, claiming that foreign funds would be transferred in half a month later..."

Chu Qiguang stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the dense urban buildings below the building, and sighed: "Without spending a penny, you temporarily have the best office in the world, and you also have a louder and louder office." sign."

"No one knows that you have spent less than two million so far. Everyone thinks you are spending a lot of money."

"Then you set your sights on headhunters and packaged the entire company's recruitment positions to headhunters in this city."

"At this time, your fame, prestige and credibility have been at its peak. Of course, the headhunting company does not want to miss your list. It has found hundreds of experienced staff who graduated from prestigious schools for you in one go. They have assistants, lawyers, There is an accountant…”

"Then you continue to snowball and ask these experienced employees to book airplanes, yachts, sports cars, jewelry, luxury watches... and pay for you. Of course, it is impossible. It is still the same old excuse. You have to wait half a month. Payment can only be made once foreign funds arrive.”

"As long as you can successfully sign the contract, you will take the contract to the hosting company to host the aircraft and yachts that are still under the contract, and take it to the luxury goods company to deal with the luxury goods industry..."

"Through these companies that serve the rich, you already have a huge amount of information and resources in your hands. Some of the information Weiwei inadvertently reveals will allow you to continuously establish yourself as a top second-generation rich person."

"In the past week, you have begun to integrate these resources. For example, you introduced the jewelry owner's business to another wealthy person, and for example, you helped a headhunting company get an order from a large domestic company, and you also recommended it to some luxury goods companies. I became a spokesperson and pulled advertisements for game companies..."

"Although the possibility is very low, it would be interesting if you could complete the closed loop and truly integrate these resources."

"But the greater possibility is that you will be ruined, your reputation will be ruined, and your life will be worse than death..."

Chu Qiguang looked at Zhou Bai and said seriously: "To be honest, I have seen many, many scammers who use this type of deception. Regardless of ancient and modern times, China and foreign countries, such scammers will always be indispensable."

"The more I do business, the more I encounter people who pretend to be wealthy, have connections, pretend to be leaders' family members, pretend to be members of big companies... Sometimes I even meet three or four a day..."

"There are those who have better skills than you, there are those who have higher IQs than you, there are those who really succeeded and escaped unscathed... Without exception, they all took advantage of people's greed to achieve their own goals."

"But you are the one I have seen playing this game the most, and the purpose is the least clear."

"Those scammers in the past, the low-end ones were just for cheating people out of food and drink, the higher-end ones were just for defrauding money, and the higher-end ones might be to trick some rich people into losing their money... But you..."

Chu Qiguang looked at Zhou Bai with sigh and asked, "I'm curious. Why are you doing this?"

Zhou Bai said: "Because I have a dream."

Chu Qiguang: "Huh?"

Zhou Bai said seriously: "That means you can get rich every day without putting in any effort."

Chu Qiguang recalled his shock when he heard Zhou Bai speak out such a shameless dream so seriously for the first time when he was on Earth.

Although he met many shameless people in his life on earth, Zhou Bai was different. He didn't even know what shame was.

At a high-society charity dinner, countless rich people and celebrities gathered.

Zhou Bai, who has become famous recently, was also invited.

At this moment, he held a tall wine glass, greeted each wealthy person, and finally returned to the corner of the banquet in a low-key manner.

Looking at the feasting and feasting in front of him, he said lazily: "My previous idea was to get a windfall from the sky, then live a life of eating and waiting to die, and live a peaceful life without having to work."

"But the lesson you taught me last month helped me open up new ideas."

Zhou Bai rubbed his temples with his right hand and said with emotion: "Do you understand that feeling? It's like being suddenly opened to the Ren and Du meridian. There are many things in that moment...I suddenly understood."

"From that time on, I wanted to try to see if I could take advantage of people's greed, use wealth to control people, and become a person who gets something for nothing..."

"Is this the reason why you started financing again after committing fraud?" Chu Qiguang sighed, seeming to remember some details in history.

Zhou Bai said seriously: "As long as it is not exposed and all transactions are completed, it is not a fraud, right?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Then why do you want to be a person who gets something for nothing?"

Zhou Bai turned his head, and at this moment his eyes were extremely deep, revealing an indescribable emotion.

"In this society, people who allocate resources tend to live better than those who create them. They have more power and more resources."

"And I just want to give it a try and try what it feels like to be such an unearned existence..."

Chu Qiguang rubbed his eyebrows and said to himself: 'It's exactly the same as in memory, this guy...'

Chu Qiguang continued: "Then your previous visit to the communication base was related to this?"

Zhou Bai shook his head: "As an observation, I want to see if there are any special ideas among those who also want to get something for nothing."

Zhou Bai recalled those fanatical people, those people who were crazy about getting rich and believed in lies, and said: "This is also the first time before you that I know that money can control people to this extent. ."

Chu Qiguang said: "It is domination, but it is also promotion. There is no absolute good or bad in the world, and the same is true for wealth."

Zhou Bai shook his head and said: "But the more I study, the more I observe, the more I try to understand this society and the history of mankind, the more I feel...all living beings are suffering."

"Since birth, most people have to work hard to survive, reproduce, and have a better life."

"But they are just firewood to maintain the development of human society. They have to fight with their own desires, their bodies, and the surrounding environment throughout their lives, but they often only get one point of gain from their hard work. "

"And when the world's operation changes, it may be a war, some kind of natural disaster, or a man-made disaster..."

“Tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even billions of people have to spend ten or even decades of their own labor to pay the price to maintain the development of human society.”

Chu Qiguang said: "So?"

Zhou Bai said: “Because they have been tricked, more of the cost of social development has been transferred to them, and most of the dividends of human development have been taken away from them.

And now, I want to try it myself. After becoming such a person who gets something for nothing, will there still be suffering for all sentient beings? "

Chu Qiguang raised his wine glass, smiled at Zhou Bai and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Zhou Bai thought for a while and said: "Whether it is my own experience or my observation of these big people, the pain in life may be alleviated with the abundance of resources at hand, but it will never disappear."

"It's like I now have the freedom to sleep as late as I want, go wherever I want, and eat whatever I want, but I don't have the simple happiness I had in the past."

"Now I can't help but think about how to obtain more capital every day and how to keep my current wealth for a longer time. I am constantly worried about various future changes..."

He said with some disappointment: "At least in the future that I can foresee, human beings will never be able to escape the suffering of all living beings."

In the communication base.

Zhou Bai and Chu Qiguang squatted in a corner of the hall, watching the enthusiastic crowd not far away who were studying seriously.

Zhou Bai said: "From a certain perspective, many big shots are actually no different from them. They are all slaves of money and are also dominated by their own greed."

Chu Qiguang said: "Don't tell me that you brought me here and asked me to pay for your products to come to class just to tell me this?"

Zhou Bai said angrily: "Would I take advantage of such a small amount of money from you? My resources and capital chain have reached a critical moment and will be completely connected soon. I will pay you back this small amount of money when I return."

Chu Qiguang: "Haha."

Zhou Bai's eyes lit up with a trace of light, and he continued: "But I have also figured out during this period that all living beings suffer... it is necessary."

"Just like after a cat is injured and treated, you need to wear anti-licking clothing to prevent it from licking the wound."

"For cats, they can't lick their fur, their bodies are restrained, and their movements are inconvenient. This is a pain."

"But correspondingly, the body has received better treatment and the wounds can recover faster."

Chu Qiguang nodded and said casually: "Well, so what?"

Zhou Bai sighed: "Human beings as a whole have desires, personalities, and various evolutionary flaws and advantages... but everything is so balanced and just right, so that human beings can continue to move forward in the spiral."

"All of this was born out of so many coincidences. It's hard to believe that it was born naturally at random. Instead, it's more like the creation of a mysterious power..."

At this moment, Chu Qiguang took out his vibrating phone, looked at the message he received and said, "Zhou Bai, I don't have time to play with you anymore, so I plan to interrupt you a little at this critical moment. sweet dream.”

"The situation of your company has been exposed. Your deception process over the past month has been recorded and has become a hot search topic. All transactions have been suspended, and all mines have exploded..."

"Good friend, it's time to wake up from your dream."

As he spoke, Chu Qiguang felt that Zhou Bai in front of him gradually showed a hint of inhumanity, and the world around him stopped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chu Qiguang's heart moved: 'It's finally here. ’

Zhou Bai's eyes suddenly released streaks of divine light, and then he turned his head, looked at Chu Qiguang and sighed: "Oh...Chu Qiguang, why are you disturbing me?"

Chu Qiguang looked at Zhou Bai, who was slowly floating in the air in front of him, and said angrily: "It's already a mess outside, how dare you lie down here?"

Chu Qiguang grabbed Zhou Bai in front of him. His terrifying will swept through the other person's sea of ​​consciousness, reading all the other person's awakened memories.

Inside the federal office.

Countless messages flashed back and forth in front of Zhou Bai.

The huge country reflects various changes as his divine power operates.

Billions of living creatures showed scenes of joy, anger, sorrow and joy because of his thoughts.

The dark sides of various universes, civilizations, and societies eroded his thinking and exhausted his soul.

In this life, year after year, day after day, he constantly felt the repeated stupidity of intelligent beings.

Such days had passed for a long time, and Zhou Bai felt a sense of extreme loneliness, emptiness and fatigue.

"Maybe I should take a break."

"How about taking a vacation?"

Finally one day, Zhou Bai cut off a clone and stayed in the Federation to continue to govern this huge civilization in the universe for him, while he began to travel around the world.

In order to let his clone concentrate on work and not be lazy, he erased part of the clone's memory and made the other person think that he was the original body governing the federation.

Next, the Immortal Sect, the Abnormal Blood Pool, the Space Starship, the Ancient Dynasty...his footprints spread to one planet after another.

The undead beast, the god of harmony from the outer world, the god of evil, the source of pollution in all worlds, the strongest sales champion in the universe in history... He has left various legends in countless civilizations.

The lazy sun, the chewing gum that brings bad luck, the blind emperor of heaven, the color that transcends all worlds... His wandering has also led to a large number of cosmic wonders that are constantly studied by high-ranking gods and advanced civilizations, and has even become a hot spot in the eyes of many superior beings. goods.

At the end of the vacation, Zhou Bai planned to have a good sleep and completely relax his mind.

During this long sleep, a fantasy dream gradually emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness, and with Zhou Bai's power, it turned into a world, a world rooted in the dream...

At some point shortly after the birth of Dreamland, somewhere in the Federation.

The clone left by Zhou Bai yawned and said lazily: "Maybe I should take a rest."

"How about taking a vacation?"

"But you have to keep a clone, right?"

"If you want him to work with peace of mind, you can't let him know that he is a clone..."

And when Chu Qiguang scanned Zhou Bai's memory in front of him, Zhou Bai in front of him also reacted instantly and murmured: "Is it a dream?"


"I think about it, I'm just missing...the days I used to have on Earth."

Chu Qiguang grabbed the other party's shoulders and shouted: "Chi'er, why don't you wake up?"

The next moment, the two people were seen turning into two white lights and rising into the sky. The dream in front of them was shattered in an instant, and the world they transformed into completely collapsed as Zhou Bai truly woke up.

But when Zhou Bai opened his eyes, he found that he seemed to be in a ward. In the other corner of the ward, there was also Zhou Bai lying in a deep sleep.

In front of the hospital bed, Chu Qiguang patted his shoulder and said: "No. 1503, welcome you back to reality. This is the sanatorium I opened for Zhou Bai. It is specially designed to treat all kinds of hysteria, madness, and collapse of consciousness for you..."

At this moment, another Zhou Bai opened the door and walked in, saying hello to No. 1503: "Are you awake? Hehe, you don't recognize me anymore? I am the clone who was left to work by you. You should also be the clone of the same person that the last guy chopped off..."

Chu Qiguang glanced at the other party and introduced: "This is No. 1502, he was separated from you, and you should be separated from No. 1504, but I still have to go through you to confirm which one is No. 1504."

"You guys..." Chu Qiguang couldn't help but exhaled, and said helplessly: "Basically, if you can't hold on for long, you will have to split off and go out to play. And after you play around, you will come here to sleep... …”

If you continue to look up at this moment, you can see Zhou Bai lying one after another in one ward after another. Some Zhou Bai has woken up, some Zhou Bai is still asleep, and countless Chu Qiguang is lying in bed. Wear a white coat to study their condition, wake them from their sleep, and then confirm their sequential position in the clone.

And a huge Chu Qiguang was holding the seemingly infinite size of the sanatorium with both hands, observing the condition of every Zhou Bai in it.

In a dream world composed of countless Taoist schools, teachers, and students.

Chu Qiguang watched Zhou Bai study here year after year, winning first place in the Luo Tian Da Competition again and again, and finally broke the other person's dream and woke him up.

Looking at Zhou Bai, who was still a little confused, he began to explain: "...The situation is like this. You keep cutting off clones to work for yourself, and the clones keep cutting off new clones to work for yourself. In the end, those who remain in the Federation Zhou Bai is getting weaker and weaker, and now he is no longer able to take charge of the overall situation."

Chu Qiguang quickly confirmed Zhou Bai number 5234 and explained to the other party: "Now I want to follow your order to find and confirm where the original and most authentic Zhou Bai is."

The other party suddenly realized: "So I am a clone?"

"Then why am I still working so hard?"

"From today on, I'm going to be lazy!"

Chu Qiguang sighed, and could only continue to press the other person, and began to use the contact on the other person to find the previous Zhou Bai.

He awakened Zhou Bai one after another in various bizarre dreams.

In a world where Zhou Bai became the richest man on earth, and Chu Qiguang became a worker under Zhou Bai, he created natural disasters and directly exploded the dream.

In a world where Zhou Bai became a superhero and a national idol, he directly murdered the other person, shocking Zhou Bai out of his dream.

In a world where everyone is kind and honest, Chu Qiguang had to wake Zhou Bai up.

Of course, not all dreams are sweet dreams. Often, Zhou Bai's nightmares are more terrifying.

Chu Qiguang had to find Zhou Bai's consciousness in a dream that was disrupted by time and space, fight Ji Wufan in a dream that was constantly rolling back and forward, or find Zhou Bai's Sansui in a dream that had completely distorted the world. consciousness...

And when Zhou Bai wakes up in various dreams, they will have extremely different reactions.

Being able to object to Chu Qiguang's approach after some exchanges is already a relatively good situation.

At this moment, No. 5234 Zhou Bai followed Chu Qiguang to another ward. Along the way, he saw a Zhou Bai who woke up from a nightmare. His body was covered with tentacles, and he was wrapping up more than ten Zhou Bai and Chu Qiguang. Get up and stuff it into your stomach.

He saw six more Zhou Bai lying in a circle, seemingly performing some mysterious ritual.

I also saw two Zhou Bais in hospital gowns in the entertainment room who were playing games together just now, but the next moment they started fighting. The violent force crushed all the Zhou Bais who were watching the excitement into powder.

He also saw Zhou Bai sleeping inside at the door of a ward being twisted into a twist bit by bit by two Chu Qiguang using a strange magic weapon. He noticed that Zhou Bai looked over and immediately closed the ward door.

After walking a long way like this, he finally stopped in front of a sleeping old man with an old appearance. Zhou Bai felt a strong attraction to him.

Chu Qiguang said from the side: "Well, you should be separated from him, he is 5235."

"However, 5235's dream is a dream in which time flows far faster than the real world, and may even affect one's own time domain. We must be careful when entering."

Zhou Bai was surprised: "Us?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Yes, I split myself into a hundred thousand parts and it's not enough now. You guys have been off for so long, shouldn't you seize the time to work overtime now?"

In this way, he awakened Zhou Bai one after another, and after sorting out the order of Zhou Bai one after another, finally... Chu Qiguang found the source of these Zhou Bais.

In the ward, Zhou Bai, who had an extremely handsome face and reflected light all over his body and could be called an immortal, was lying on the hospital bed.

He slowly opened his eyes, and after seeing Chu Qiguang in front of him, he sighed: "Alas."

Chu Qiguang and Zhou Bai's thoughts collided, and countless messages were exchanged in an instant.

Zhou Bai on the hospital bed already understood the current situation, and Chu Qiguang... also understood that the Zhou Bai in front of him was still not the real Zhou Bai.

"I'm just a clone."

"The real Zhou Bai left the Federation a long time ago. In order to prevent the universe from rolling back, he went to the depths of the starry sky to find traces of Ji Wufan."

"It's just that...he came back for a while and left me to supervise the development of the federation, and then left again."

"As for what happened next, you all know."

"Except for the main body, none of us can suppress the backlash of the nine disasters of heaven and man. In the end, we all fell into a permanent dream..."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin and said, "Then can you find Zhou Bai's true identity?"

The other party shook his head and nodded again: "He should also be in this parallel time and space that he personally opened up. It is precisely because of his attraction as an entity that countless 'I's are sleeping here."

Chu Qiguang nodded and murmured: "That makes sense. I can't find it now because it's not attractive enough?"

At the same time, the huge Chu Qiguang, who was holding the nursing home with both hands, suddenly clasped his hands together.

Then he saw that countless Zhou Bai in the sanatorium turned into balls of black mud one after another, and were forcibly squeezed together by Chu Qiguang, and they began to grind together violently.

While suppressing and getting along with these Zhou Bais in his hands, Chu Qiguang finally used their attraction to find the real Zhou Bai.

An ordinary small town.

Ordinary street.

In an ordinary large villa.

The sound of cooking and a woman's hum came from the kitchen.

Zhou Bai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, combing his cat Christina.

When he saw the scene in front of him, Chu Qiguang nodded: "The cat is also there. It seems that I found the right one this time."

Chu Qiguang looked at Zhou Bai on the sofa and said, "Have you had enough fun? It's time to go back to work."

Zhou Bai in front of him sighed deeply: "Aren't you and Taishang not enough? And my good friends, so many Zhou Bai are not enough? Then you can take all Zhou Bai back in this parallel time and space. "

"As for me, forget it, I've done enough for this universe."

Chu Qiguang said: "It's not enough."

"Zhou Bai, don't let me do it."

Zhou Bai raised his head, and there seemed to be countless void vortexes spinning in his eyes.

"This is the world I created."

"No one can fight me here."

The next moment, when Chu Qiguang reacted, he found that he had been thrown out of the world in front of him, floating in a cold outer space.

And in this outer space, besides him, there are countless Chu Qiguang floating here, all of them have stopped thinking.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qiguang thought to himself: "This...isn't this my first time...?"

As Qian Wangsun, Li Yaofeng, and Qiao Zhi all performed rituals, a huge void cross unfolded above the altar, and surging void pulses radiated endlessly.

The cross gradually turned over, slowly revealing the vague appearance of another world.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Zhi said happily: "Success, He is in the parallel time and space on the opposite side!"

The ritual has been completed, and the door to finding Zhou Bai has been opened.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Qiguang instantly turned into a clear light and flew in.

"You wait here to protect me. I will come when I go."

Sorry everyone, I am quite busy in reality, so the update has been delayed for a long time.

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