Ruins of the past

Chapter 888 Deduction of supernatural powers and historical changes

"Zhan Tian..."

Chu Qiguang muttered the name.

"Why is he always there?"

If he only encountered this Zhan Tian once or twice in the investigation, Chu Qiguang would only regard it as some kind of coincidence.

But meeting each other three times in a row, each time with such major changes in history, Chu Qiguang understood that this was not a coincidence.

"Then what's the reason?"

After all, Chu Qiguang was separated from that world by a layer. The collection of many intelligence and data was incomplete and inefficient. He still could not understand the reasons in a short time.

"But if this advent plan succeeds, I can personally collect information from a subject. By then, the process of gathering information should be much faster."

After all, it was beyond the influence of the void. There was not much that Chu Qiguang could do. After sending the message again, he chose to wait silently.

And while he was waiting silently, the deduction of his self-created magical powers finally yielded initial results.

I saw his hands spread out, and under the immeasurable future heart seal, countless future deduction results emerged and flickered in it.

After deducing the future again and again, Chu Qiguang personally verified a truth that he had already known in the past.

“The ultimate result of concentrated development and competition is monopoly.”

"This is something that will happen naturally unless human intervention... This is also the inevitable result."

In these future deductions, countless future images of Chu Qiguang monopolizing all resources and practicing hard in seclusion, only to spend all resources to improve his combat power, disappeared in an instant.

He let out a sigh, and the energy and blood in his body suddenly began to circulate, and the magical book appeared in his hand.

"The same goes for the practice of martial arts and Taoism."

"As the differences in realm continue to widen, the distribution of the strong and the weak changes. The number of top strong people becomes smaller and smaller, and the gap between the top strong people and the lower class strong ones becomes wider and wider... Eventually, a monopoly will be formed."

"The Holy Emperor is like this, the Heavenly Holy Emperor is like this, and even Emperor Tian is like this..."

"But just repeating the not enough."

The next moment, those Chu Qiguang led a group of strong men to govern the world and develop martial arts and Taoism with their own wisdom. All kinds of national cultivation, Taoism development, and Qi and blood machine development were like the great Xia Dynasty, and even The vision of a future that was several times more prosperous than Daxia also disappeared.

The book of magical powers in Chu Qiguang's hand began to flip through quickly, and soon he came to the page of the transformation "Everyone is like me" where he can lend his magical powers.

Then there is the page of 'Heretic Enlightenment' which can sacrifice energy and blood and refresh the transformation.

“If after monopolizing a company, it simply occupies resources, it will eventually be doomed.”

“Even if one person’s wisdom and energy are worth millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of people, he might as well gather the wisdom of millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of people to work for him.”

"Never-ending greed is the source of progress for intelligent life."

Heretic Enlightenment and Everyone Are Like Me were injected into his body one after another. This time, among Chu Qiguang's self-created magical powers, these two were one of the core transformations.

"What I want to develop is not a magical power that allows me to study and deduce the future behind closed doors, or to enhance the potential of the whole society by myself."

"What I want to create is an era where everyone can create magical powers, everyone can develop Taoism, and create the future..."

Chu Qiguang thought of the past industrial upgrades on earth.

For example, the original Internet ecosystem was mainly based on professional production content. Professionals and professional teams produced products of a certain quality. Major websites and platforms purchased these professional products of a certain quality from the outside and then sold them to users.

But later, it turns out that the method of producing content and selling it to users is more vital and dynamic.

In Chu Qiguang's view, the same is true for the research and development of martial arts, Taoism and even supernatural powers that are full of mystery and idealism.

In the past history of this world, a small group of people at the top have always been studying the future of martial arts and Taoism to improve the productivity of everyone.

But instead of leading a group of people to study Taoism and martial arts in every possible way, a small group of people went alone to explore the upper limit of truth.

It would be better to lower the threshold for studying martial arts and Taoism, and reduce the necessity of knowledge and the generation of demon stains.

Let him provide a platform and technical that everyone in the world can create new martial arts, Taoism, transformation and even magical powers.

He can even directly provide them with some very simple templates, and even a three-year-old child can copy them and use the resources of the platform to create their own Taoist skills with one click, without requiring any knowledge.

‘In the future world, everyone should create their own extraordinary power in their lifetime. ’

‘And I will provide the platform and the necessary knowledge support, and lend them martial arts, Taoism, transformation, and magical powers. ’

‘So that most of them don’t need to learn too much knowledge, it can also reduce the risk of demon contamination. ’

‘The top experts themselves have deep accumulation, but they can also use this platform to accelerate their progress. ’

'And with the support of my knowledge, they can also directly borrow my martial arts, Taoism, transformation, and magical powers to reduce their own learning costs. This is also in line with the future trend of limiting knowledge acquisition and reducing the emission of magic dye. ’

The strong and the weak, professionals and amateurs, all gather on the same platform, each contributing their own brain power, creativity, and even influencing and inspiring each other.

This will be an upgrading of productivity and can be called a true Taoist revolution.

At that time, Chu Qiguang only needs to maintain the operation of the platform, and users will develop martial arts and Taoism to sell to other users, and he only needs to charge a small fee and save these developed products for the world. .

"Well... the copyright of all martial arts and Taoism must be mine, at least fifty years after my death."

"Relevant follow-up development, including the priority development rights of transformation and magical powers, must also be given priority to me. After all, the development cost of my platform is huge..."

According to Chu Qiguang's deduction, once this complete Taoist production chain is developed, the entire world will usher in a drastic change.

Chu Qiguang guessed that this might be the drastic change of Superman, the explosion of technology, and the explosion of Taoism.

‘Perhaps…this is also what Huangtian World is worried about, so that’s why the life-span reduction strategy was adopted? ’

‘Are they also worried that within decades or hundreds of years, our development will surpass theirs in a blink of an eye due to some accident? ’

'But if you want to create this magical power that drives the times, you need a lot of qualifications and knowledge. ’

Chu Qiguang once again set his sights on the world beyond the distant starry sky.

As a new knowledge channel, it should be able to provide him with more information for his next breakthroughs.

At the same time, the history of that world was also undergoing various changes due to Chu Qiguang's interference.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'I have asked them to form good relationships, make more friends, and not engage in violent things. It should be... okay? ’

The dilapidated courtyard walls, rotten weeds, the gloomy faces of the servants, and the slightly crazy eyes of the housekeeper...

The entire Qujia Manor has become completely different from when Zhan Tian arrived a few years ago, full of all kinds of decadence and decadence.

At this moment, Zhan Tian didn't know that it represented some kind of grand and terrifying opening. He only thought that the Qu family had gradually declined over the years.

After Zhan Tian and the investigative team members met with Mrs. Qu, the contemporary head of the Qu family, they had a conversation with the thin noble lady.

When the so-called evil god ritual was mentioned, an uncontrollable tremor flashed across Mrs. Qu's eyes.

Her voice became extremely high-pitched, like fingernails scratching deeply on a blackboard.

"Oh my God! Foreigner! How dare dare you put our family and the evil god together!"

"That is the greatest insult to a devout believer like me!"

Zhan Tian and the investigators began to try to calm the woman's emotions, but found that the lady's face was gradually distorted, and waves of curses that did not sound like a human voice came out of her mouth.

Finally, the woman fainted with a high-pitched scream, still mumbling some broken and unintelligible words.

These colleagues of Zhan Tian are proficient in more than ten languages ​​​​of different countries and races, and some even understand taboo texts that should have been lost in history.

But the strange words in the woman's mouth could not form any language known to the investigative team.

And it is said that after she woke up the next day, she turned back into the gorgeous and dignified lady. She knew nothing about what she did yesterday, as if her memory had been completely wiped out by some superior being. Same.

Mrs. Qu's suspicious behavior also aggravated the suspicion of the investigating team members. Even Zhan Tian couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart, and began to wonder if the poor woman had been bewitched by the evil god.

However, subsequent investigations did not find any evidence related to the evil god.

They followed the instructions of the traitor who fled the Qu family, but only found the secret cellar that had been cleaned up, the empty and broken woods, and some strange graffiti collected by the servants.

It seems that someone wiped out all the clues before they arrived, but this behavior only made the investigators more certain about the Qu family's suspicion.

But soon the local city hall and church began to put pressure on the investigation team, asking them not to wrongly accuse a noble believer or a kind-hearted rich man.

At the same time, the investigation team members were also exposed to unimaginable dark corruption.

Marin, the oldest senior investigator, had a gambling habit due to years of investigating dark secrets. He chose to run away after owing hundreds of thousands in loan sharks in Tongtian City.

Another tall investigator, An Ni, who has the strongest combat power among the crowd after years of martial arts training, came to the hotel alone under the seduction of a fraudster.

When the police found him, this strong man who was once as strong as an ox and was proficient in dozens of martial arts had only one kidney left. He looked sick all day long and could not even lift his own luggage.

Other investigators were either involved in a new type of scam called pyramid schemes, or their investments failed, or they suddenly won big prizes, or they were hired away by a large company with a high salary...

They are either in jail, missing, or leaving their jobs voluntarily.

The investigation team that was originally full of great ambitions ended up with only Zhan Tian left.

A lack of personnel, coupled with a lack of evidence, meant that the investigation was about to fizzle out.

Zhan Tian decided to meet Mrs. Qu one last time and make a last-ditch effort.

But when he saw the other person's face full of maternal glory and her slightly bulging belly, Zhan Tian said in surprise: "Are you pregnant?"

Mrs. Qu looked at her swollen belly lovingly and said softly, "Yes, this is my child."

"I could feel he was a boy."

"He contains noble blood that you can never imagine."

"No one can imagine how he will change the world in the future."

Zhan Tian looked intently at the child in his belly, feeling a deep-rooted fear for no reason, as if some inhuman high-ranking being was watching him through his belly.

"are you ok?"

A strange voice suddenly sounded. The language was not any language that Zhan Tian was proficient in, nor did it even resemble the cry of any known creature.

It was like the whisper from ancient evil was conveyed directly to the depths of his soul.

Zhan Tian felt like he was wrapped in indescribable fear, and he seemed to see the shining stars and the roaring Milky Way outside the sky.

A piercing scream came from Zhan Tian's throat. Zhan Tian could no longer bear the fear of being in the same room with that unknown existence. He ran out of the Qu family manor crying and yelling.

No one knows where he left or where he passed out.

When people discovered Zhan Tian again, he had become a drunkard on the streets of Tongtian City. In addition to spending money to get drunk every day, he muttered some words that others could not understand.

Just when everyone thought the investigation was over.

A month later, the elite hunters organized by the Holy See came to Tongtian City and found Zhan Tian.

"Praise the Emperor! You are finally here!" Zhan Tian looked at the leading hunter excitedly: "I have been secretly observing the container where the evil god descended for the past month."

"In two months at most, she will give birth. The inhuman darkness is condensing in her body. We must hurry up to prevent it from coming."

The leading hunter said confidently: "Don't worry, the Holy See attaches great importance to this operation. The Emperor's Star is on standby at any time, and there are a thousand Dharma Protector Generals outside the city ready to set off..."

At this moment, the sound of dogs barking came one after another, and the dogs in the whole city started to roar up to the sky like crazy.

The rats emerged from the ground without anyone else, and dispersed screaming in the streets like a tidal wave.

In the sky, crows covered the sky and flew over the city like locusts, making a manic roar.

Seeing the strange scenes in front of him, Zhan Tian had a bad premonition in his heart: "It's the Qu family. There must be something wrong with the Qu family!"

Zhan Tian immediately led the hunters to the direction of the Qu family manor. What he saw was shocking bloodstains, broken corpses, and those strange and dark ritual sacrifices everywhere.

When they entered the Qu family's basement, they found that the place had been turned into a huge maze of bones that could not be seen to the end by the indescribable and terrifying power.

Here they killed the corrupted servants, crazy thugs, and twisted monsters. After suffering heavy casualties, they finally reached the deepest part of the underground palace.

Madam Qu's mouth opened, revealing a row of long fangs, her eyes were scarlet, and her tongue grew out like a curled tentacle.

She held her belly in pain, and when she saw Zhan Tian and others, she immediately let out a piercing scream of depravity.

A hunter collapsed immediately, holding his head and falling into indescribable fear, completely losing his fighting power.

"The children of the evil god are coming!" The hunter captain who led the team roared: "For the sake of the emperor!"

"Purify them!"

The war broke out immediately. Mrs. Qu, who was infected by the evil god, showed inhuman and terrifying power. The hunters present died or went crazy in the fierce battle.

Soon, only Zhan Tian and the hunter captain were left on the scene who still retained their fighting strength.

Mrs. Qu's eyes had turned into a long and narrow darkness, like a bottomless abyss hidden.

She stared at Zhan Tian and roared in disbelief: "Why!"

"Why is it you every time!"

"Why do you always come to ruin our good deeds!"

"Why can't you ever die?"

Zhan Tian couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words. He only knew that the situation was extremely dangerous.

But at this moment, a rumbling sound was heard, and one after another, giants wearing golden armor and exuding vast divine power broke through the wall and broke into the underground space.

It was the thousands of guardian gods who arrived. Under their suppression, Mrs. Qu retreated step by step, and the corrupt flesh and blood on her body was gradually melted away by the vast divine power.

Watching this scene, Zhan Tian breathed a sigh of relief, just when he thought the matter was about to end and the evil god's coming ceremony was about to be interrupted.

A baby's cry of "Wow" spread throughout Tongtian City.

Under Zhan Tian's horrified gaze, thousands of Dharma Protector generals were twisted and torn apart by an invisible force, turning into broken limbs and debris all over the sky.

Mrs. Qu looked at the child in her arms with a kind face, and gently patted the child's back to comfort him like an ordinary woman.

"He has arrived...He has really come..."

The hunter captain on the side looked at this scene with shock and anger, and finally let out a roar, drew his sword and slashed at the baby.


Another cry swept through the captain's body. He screamed and covered his head, and tentacles began to grow all over his body.

Zhan Tian looked at this scene in despair. Just when he thought he was going to die, there were roars from the rock formations above.

A beam of light tore through the atmosphere, shot directly from the sky all the way into the Qu family manor, then flattened the entire manor, tore apart layers of earth, and hit Mrs. Qu on the altar and the baby in her arms.

The dazzling golden light instantly lit up the entire underground palace, almost blinding Zhan Tian's eyes in an instant.

In the end, he could only see the baby opening its mouth and making a terrifying whistling sound toward the beam of light falling from the sky.

The light beam seemed to be frozen in mid-air at this moment, like a recorded oil painting, deeply embedded in Zhan Tian's memory.

Even amidst the low, depraved and eerie roar of the Evil God Vessel, the light beam gradually began to show signs of retreating.

'Failed? Even the Emperor Sky Star failed? ! ’

Zhan Tian looked at this scene in surprise, but the next moment, as the sounds of praising Huang Tian spread throughout the world, the light pillar shrank instantly and turned from gold to purple.


The beam of light instantly penetrated the earth, and after the miserable scream, Mrs. Qu and the evil god's container had all disappeared.

"it is finally over."

Zhan Tian lay down on the ground, feeling relaxed physically and mentally.

But at the next moment, a ball of flesh and blood suddenly burst into his clothes from the shadows, and penetrated into his flesh and blood without him realizing it...

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