Ruins of the past

Chapter 886 Changed History

Xinghan 1 year, June.

In front of the blood pool in Salo Palace.

Jin Nu is reporting the situation in various places to Chu Qiguang.

"The demon kings of the Eighteenth Route of Datai have gathered together. According to Juno, they plan to unite to fight against foreign enemies... We have sent the information to Jin Hailong, and he plans to stand firm in Da Zhu..."

"Lei Yushu broke through the realm of manifesting the gods and completed the "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom", and the sales volume of related Qi and blood funds soared..."

"All the remaining eight generals of the Xinghan Dynasty have been found. Currently, two have entered the cat factory, two have entered the dog factory, and one is studying in the Sala Palace..."

"The growth rate of housing prices in various places has slowed down, and the first batch of public rental housing in Night City has been officially launched..."

"Buddha Incorruptible has completed the "Dharma Realm Samadhi Zen Contemplation" and has now mastered the three-door sage teaching..."

"The Qi-blood mecha you suggested developed by the workshop has completed its first-generation product testing..."

"The number of Qi and blood machines and blood pools constructed in various places has increased by 75% year-on-year, and blood pools are entering thousands of households..."

"Jiaojiao, Lin Lan, and the reincarnated An Yiyun have completed the first phase of the dream network construction you suggested. They have completed the dream network in the Salo Palace that can connect a hundred people..."

When Chu Qiguang heard this, he thought to himself: 'Is this the world's first local area network? ’

Jinnu continued: "Manager Jiang Longyu has announced that he will take a leave of absence and retreat. He will not be able to get out of seclusion unless he manifests his spirit... Well, he just sent you an email and wants to ask for tips on how to break through the manifestation of his spirit..."

Chu Qiguang heard this and said, "Tell him that if he doesn't break through to manifest the spirit this year, the year-end bonus will not be paid, and next year he will be transferred to the northwest to repair the blood pool."

After Jin Nu left, Chu Qiguang began to activate the power of the ritual again to receive the extraterrestrial knowledge from the void.

In the past few months, he has been trying to communicate with the creatures in the world ruled by Huang Suotian through the void.

Although it was difficult for both parties to understand what the other party wanted to express at first, Chu Qiguang was a being in the sage realm after all, and he quickly understood the other party's language clearly.

And in the following days, he tried his best to get rid of the interference of the void, and was able to receive the information conveyed to the void by the other party more and more clearly.

Chu Qiguang gradually began to know that the person he was in contact with was a force called Qujiazhuang.

The other party is a very small group of people in that world who do not believe in Huangtian, but pursue freedom of belief, resent Huangtian's brainwashing, and hope to contact the cult family outside the world.

For such ambitious people who are dedicated to freedom and democracy, Chu Qiguang will naturally choose to help.

At first, he tried to pass on some of his martial arts and Taoist experience to the other party.

But every time he whispers, the person conducting the ritual will turn into a madman or a monster, and will eventually be killed by other members of the family.

So Chu Qiguang began to lower his standards. He was not teaching any extraordinary power. He still taught the other party some interesting knowledge about finance, management, physics, and chemistry, so that the other party could master the ability to get rich.

Judging from the feedback from the other party, Qu Jia has a good grasp of this knowledge.

They first created false news about the gold mine, which attracted a large number of people to Kaiken Town.

Then he started local businesses such as accommodation, hardware, and catering, earning enough money from outsiders.

Later, a bank was opened to attract funds from dozens of surrounding towns.

During this period, they also developed farming, built bridges and roads, established soap factories, secretly collected gunpowder, and made muskets...

And Chu Qiguang also discovered through the other party's feedback in such exchanges that time had spanned hundreds of years.

‘The flow of time in the two worlds is different? ’

This was the first thought in Chu Qiguang's mind.

But further understanding made him realize that things were not simple.

In the past, he often received some strange and paradoxical information from the Qu family in the void.

For example, the other party told him that the barrel of the gun had been built, but Chu Qiguang did not remember that he had taught the other party this.

Another example is that the other party wanted to ask again about the sales method he taught last time, but Chu Qiguang didn't remember that he had talked about it.

And sometimes, the history of the Qu family changes.

For example, the factory opened by the other party used to be a flour mill, but after Chu Qiguang imparted some knowledge about soap, the flour mill disappeared from history and was directly turned into a soap factory.

Chu Qiguang asked the other party where the flour mill had gone, but the other party said that he had never opened a flour mill.

These days, Chu Qiguang continues to pass on printing technology and is once again waiting for feedback from the other party.

"Business at the printing factory is going very well, and we have already received orders from the county government for next year."

"Soap factory? Are you talking about the knowledge you once imparted to me?"

"But haven't you already decided that we should use the knowledge of printing?"

Chu Qiguang touched his chin, and an incredible thought came to his mind: "There is no concept of time and space in the void."

"Information about the past and future is mixed together."

"So the information I sent in the past may be received by them now, but it is more likely to be received by them in the past or even in the future?"

"Then history changed?"

" is this possible?"

"If history can be changed so easily, and the realm of Tongsheng can send messages to the past and future through the void... wouldn't the universe be in chaos long ago?"

"And our world can't be what it is now."

"Just like in my previous life, I wanted Qiao Zhi to bring the information back. Obviously it's not an easy task."

Chu Qiguang's thoughts were ups and downs, and the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt: "No, there must be some key factors that I don't know about."

He shook his head and continued to focus on the void.

Although he didn't know what was going on, for Chu Qiguang, this was an excellent opportunity. While collecting knowledge and intelligence, he could also study what was going on.

1732, New World, Luzhou.

A hundred years before Sheriff Zhan Tian investigated Qujiazhuang.

The contemporary head of the Qu family, a middle-aged man named Qu He, stood on the altar, closing his eyes and listening to the murmurs from outside.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, excitement flashing in them.

He exclaimed, "I heard, heard His prophecies of the future."

"The rituals and mystical knowledge we possess are not powerful enough to withstand His great will."

"Blind pursuit of advent rituals will lead to the destruction of the family."

"Next, we need more wealth, more manpower, and more rigorous organization!"

"Money! It is the best tool we can use to master more rituals and more mysteries!"

From this day on, the original history has changed, and Qujiazhuang has not disappeared into history as the ceremony got out of control.

They carefully hid their secrets, frantically earned wealth and expanded capital. The family business penetrated into all walks of life, and over the next hundred years, they gradually became the most powerful family in the New World.

And time came to this day again in 1842, and now Luzhou in the entire New World has become the headquarters of the Qu family.

The originally muddy and remote Kaiken Town has turned into a prosperous small town after a hundred years of management and was renamed Tongtian City.

A city university called Tongtian was even established locally.

But the recent series of serial suicides has attracted the attention of the police and the Holy See.

Hunter Zhan Tian came here because he wanted to find out whether there was any shadow of the evil god behind this series of suicide cases.

Walking on the cement road of Tongtian University, Zhan Tian looked at the strange black clouds above his head, feeling as if some mysterious creature was swimming and surging in it.

This small city located in the south of the New World seems to be shrouded in haze forever. Zhan Tian has not even seen the sun for a day since he came here.

He found the long-collected mayor's diary in the library of Tongtian University, which recorded the process of transforming the town into Tongtian City over the past hundred years.

But among those few descriptions, ambiguous insights, and gibberish-like fantasies, Zhan Tian didn't get any useful information.

After leaving the university, he walked on the streets of Tongtian City. The towering chimneys, densely covered courtyard walls, closed manors, and those Tongtian people with shrewd calculations and ferocious faces who were always selling something to him all made him feel... This small town that was already shrouded in ominousness had countless reasons for the outside world to hate and fear it.

These Tongtian people have a very bad reputation in the outside world. They always hope to sell products that others cannot use, and regard them as their highest sales goals.

Zhan Tian only walked a few hundred meters and was already being sold psychedelic drugs, fake wine, fake cigarettes, weird women's underwear, and some terrifying monster statues... It is said that these came from local ancient legends. .

In addition to these sales vices, Tongtian people are often associated with stinginess, greed and shrewdness.

At least Zhan Tian understands this deeply now, because in addition to being promoted, he has been defrauded five times in Tongtian City so far.

Late at night, Zhan Tian sat at the shabby desk in the hotel, recording the results of today's investigation.

"There is no doubt that this entire city has been enveloped by evil forces."

"The ancient evils that lurk in the gaps of the shadows are awakening."

"Tongtian people have become their evil slaves."

"Although there is no evidence, I am sure that something is affecting them. It makes them have unparalleled greed and desire in their hearts."

"I recommend a detailed investigation of the composer."

"The information they left behind was too clean, so clean that it was a bit abnormal..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, but before Zhan Tian could stand up and open the door... With a loud bang, someone knocked on the door of his room from outside.

Then one person's collision gradually turned into a group of people's wanton movements, which were also mixed with many strange terms that Zhan Tian didn't understand, as well as violent growls and gasps.

He had to push open the window door and escape out of the hotel.

But soon the noisy sound came from behind him. Behind those strong walls, among those exquisite flower beds, and behind those gorgeous iron gates, more and more Tongtian people gathered around...

The next morning, the cold rain woke him up. Zhan Tian fled to a nearby town with a look of horror on his face, where he contacted the Holy See of Emperor Tian.

The fear of that night still lingered in his mind, and Tongtian Man's ferocious face and weird smile became Zhan Tian's nightmare for the rest of his life.

He reported his horrific experience to the Holy See.

Afterwards, the Holy See organized a new investigation team. They wanted to find out what kind of terrifying and terrifying evil tricks were used to make Zhan Tian owe millions of dollars in Tongtian City.

The citizens of Tongtian City took Zhan Tian to court with a complaint, requiring him to pay off the bills he had consumed in the city, make up for the interest on the debt, and publish an apology in the newspaper for slandering Tongtian City.

Both sides refused to give in, and a war of words spread throughout the New World.

And soon the Holy See's investigation team found traces of the evil god's ritual in Tongtian City, and one team member was bewitched by the evil god and launched an out-of-control ritual.

The evil from the stars and the vast secrets from the depths of the universe swallowed up the entire city in an instant.

Tens of thousands of people were turned into hideous and strange monsters. Those high walls, those courtyards, and those magnificent halls seemed to have come to life, becoming a maze where countless wealth was buried.

The Holy See had to organize an expeditionary force to destroy these monsters in Tongtian City.

But the monsters were too numerous and powerful, causing huge damage.

In order to prevent the situation from completely getting out of control, the Holy See finally mobilized the Emperor's Sky Star outside the atmosphere.

Under the prayers of tens of thousands of people, thunder pillars descended from the sky and penetrated the crust of Tongtian City.

Crazy electricity pierced the bodies of all the monsters, and the blazing high temperature vaporized all the monsters on the spot, and then the hot magma flooded the entire city.

Since then, Tongtian City has been razed to the ground and has become a taboo in history.

All members of the Qu family were also secretly arrested by the Holy See, and what awaits them is endless torture.

After Chu Qiguang finished reading Qu Jia's last feedback, he thought to himself: 'Did you fail again? ’

‘That world is really weird. ’

After this in-depth communication in the world, Chu Qiguang felt the strangeness of the opposite world.

Their technological capabilities are not developed, and the living standards of most people are at the level of the first industrial revolution on earth.

But the Holy See possesses Taoist power that far exceeds the times. For example, this orbital strike called the Emperor Sky Star directly destroyed a city in one blow.

In addition, there is also particularly outstanding electrical technology, which allows them to master many strange weapons and equipment and household appliances.

‘Although the Qu family was destroyed again, the harvest was pretty good. ’

Chu Qiguang's mind was churning with the knowledge he had gained from this world, and he had hundreds more gifts from the Ring of Foolishness in his chest.

‘But this time the Qu family only used money to buy a lot of secret historical knowledge, martial arts knowledge, and some specious information from retired clergy. ’

'If the Qu family can become a high-level member of the Holy See, or even rule that planet, I can obtain more high-level knowledge belonging to Emperor Tian, ​​​​and speed up my progress in breaking through Shenyou in the future...'

At the same time, Chu Qiguang also wants to give it a try to see if this impact on past history will spread from one planet to the entire universe, and even affect his world. Where are the boundaries and restrictions? .


Thank you to ‘Summer Fireworks and Me’ for the 10,000 rewards

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