Ruins of the past

Chapter 882 Backup and Learning

Outside the Sala Palace, a group of tourists were visiting.

A tour guide introduced them: "This Sala Palace used to be the place where the Buddha lectured. It is said that at that time, tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples came to listen to the lectures every day."

"Since ancient times, this has been one of the most important places in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and a holy place in the hearts of countless Buddhist disciples."

"But in the past, only the best and most well-backed children from aristocratic families could come here."

"However, since it became the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and the economic center of the world, the external area of ​​​​Sala Palace has been open to all people, and anyone can come here to visit and travel."

"This is the superiority of our Xinhan society..."

A group of tourists nodded in agreement, and some even clapped, with confident and optimistic smiles on their faces.

Chu Qiguang walked behind them and entered deeper into the Salo Palace.

A little boy followed him and wanted to enter, but was stopped by the security guard.

"Children, only staff can enter inside, not tourists."

The little boy's mother also came over, pointed at the fox girl following Chu Qiguang and said, "Is that your staff too?"

She frowned and said, "When did Sara Palace start recruiting fox demons? Why don't you check her out?"

As soon as Chu Qiguang entered the depths of the Sala Palace, he could feel that the energy and blood in his body had become more active several times. Whether it was the efficiency of its operation or the degree of consciousness controlling it, it was incomparable with the outside world.

Comparing the two, they are like clouds and mud.

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "The blessed land here is really much more advanced than outside."

The fox girl said with a smile: "After all, those who can work inside the Sala Palace are geniuses with high resistance to demon dyeing."

"There are too many ordinary people in the outer exhibition area. They are not suitable for contact with high-level blessed places. This is a burden for them and can easily increase their magic."

"Since the imperial court accepted the people's protests, reduced access to knowledge, and passed a bill to protect ordinary people, for the sake of ordinary people's physical and mental health, ordinary people without permission are prohibited from entering high-level blessed places."

Chu Qiguang did not comment on this, and just asked: "When will Jiaojiao be free?"

Qingqiu replied: "Mr. Zhou is currently attending the World Defense Outer Gods Conference in Datai. I'm afraid she won't be able to find time to see you in a short time. However, she was very excited when she found out that you were awake and said that she would definitely come as soon as possible after the conference. Come see you.”

"I see."

After Chu Qiguang returned to his secret room in the blood pool, he took out his book of emptiness and read it.

The fox girl on the side looked at the book curiously, but found that where Chu Qiguang was looking at it with interest, it was blank.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang smiled at her and said, "Qingqiu, let me stay by myself for a while."

The girl named Qingqiu nodded and left the secret room.

Just after Qingqiu left the secret room, a voice came from the Dream Network: "How is he doing?"

Qingqiu responded: "It's nothing special. Just like everyone who wakes up from hibernation for a long time, he is a little uncomfortable and a little old-fashioned."

The other party asked again: "Has he shown any intention of taking over the Chamber of Commerce again?"

"No." Qingqiu shrugged and said, "Even if there is, it's useless. Times have changed. Can he really come back?"

In the secret room, the Book of Emptiness in Chu Qiguang's hand looked blank.

But after passing through the layers of light that have been transferred by the future immeasurable heart imprint, you can see that lines of text are constantly jumping out on it.

The group of friends are talking about a certain extraterrestrial force called Sumero Mountain, and it seems that they are planning to find a new lucky person to defraud the skills.

None of them seemed surprised that Chu Qiguang was back online.

When Chu Qiguang asked them if they hadn't seen each other for 52 years, they all acted very normal. It seemed that 52 years was no different to these high-ranking beings outside the world than a short nap.

But Zhou Bai reminded him of some bad news.

Emperor: It will take about fifty years for Huangtian World to reach you.

Emperor: But don’t be happy too early.

Emperor: The Emperor Angel under him has never given up over the years. Don’t open the door randomly until you are sure enough.

Chu Qiguang put away the Book of Emptiness and looked at the Qi and Blood Network aside, recalling in his mind the previous message that seemed to be Master Qiao's.

‘Anyway, let’s improve our strength first. ’

‘It’s almost time to harvest the seeds that were sown before. ’

Although he had hibernated for 52 years, Chu Qiguang could feel at this moment that his body and blood had not declined at all. On the contrary, after 52 years of idle training, he had reached a peak state with no progress.

In addition, the blood pool orders he issued over the past 52 years have also been operating spontaneously.

Every month he consumes energy and blood, spontaneously runs the heretic enlightenment to extract transformation, and uses the immeasurable heart seal of the future to deduce magical powers.

Although the efficiency is not as good as when he is actively operating, it has been running passively for 52 years, like an ascetic monk with unlimited will, without stopping for a minute or a second.

And because of the characteristics of the Blood Pool Network, relying on the underlying commands set by Chu Qiguang, in the process of this deduction, the Blood Pool Network continues to absorb various martial arts and Taoist related knowledge found in the entire society to assist Adjust the results of the deduction.

According to the log records in the blood pool, Chu Qiguang could see the first 12 years of hibernation. After deduplication, he had collected a total of thousands of transformation information.

In this way, he deduced the prototype of his own magical power and confirmed three transformations.

During the 25th year of hibernation, the self-created magical power established 6 core transformations and basically completed the deduction of magical powers.

But because Chu Qiguang did not wake up, the deduction continued, and he began to iterate, improve, and create his own magical powers.

During the 32nd year of hibernation, the self-created magical power corrected the two core transformations, deducing the magical power to a point where it was irreversible.

So next, the deduction changed from the screening of core transformation to the deduction of martial arts and Taoism, in order to create a kind of martial arts and Taoism that can perfectly display the results of the deduction.

After another 19 years of continuous deduction, creation and revision, the supporting martial arts and Taoism of the self-created magical powers have been completed.

Chu Qiguang can directly master this perfect magical power as long as he masters this martial arts and a Taoist technique based on these deduction results, and then points out the six core transformations.

With the number of gifts he now has and the massive amount of Qi and blood circulating in the world, that can only be accomplished in an instant.


"The monster clone used to store the results is missing."

Because it was difficult for Chu Qiguang's brain to record various information during hibernation, he chose to use a monster clone to temporarily store information.

But now, after searching along the Qi and Blood Network, he found that none of the monster clones that he and Jiaojiao shared back then could be found.

However, Chu Qiguang had already made a record for this situation.

In addition to Jiaojiao's monster clones, Chu Qiguang also used the blood pool to customize some monster clones that only he could use, and hid them in a place only he knew, as another backup library for information storage.

There is more than one similar backup library. In addition to storing the deduction results of magical powers, there are also many knowledge that have been collected continuously over the years, waiting for him to harvest them all at once to obtain a large number of gifts.

"There's also the Demon Emperor Sword and the Immortal Killing Armor... I hope they haven't stopped their related plans."

"Anyway, let's collect the deduction results of magical powers first."

Night City.

Ten Thousand Buddhas East District.

There is a huge campus used to train talented students from all over the country.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang was walking on campus, his eyes sweeping over a student who was coming and going in a hurry.

Qingqiu followed him and said: "This is the Night City of Night City. Only the top geniuses from various prefectures and counties can come here to learn martial arts and Taoism-related knowledge..."

“Where do you want to start your tour?”

"Ye Da?" Chu Qiguang looked at the location that was an ordinary house 52 years ago and asked: "The atmosphere of practicing martial arts and Taoism here is very strong?"

All the way into the school, Chu Qiguang had hardly seen any warriors below the third level.

Moreover, all the students were walking in a hurry, either reading books or practicing martial arts along the way.

This was completely different from the leisurely life of the people he saw outside the school.

Qingqiu said with a smile: "Because everyone works hard."

"Really?" Chu Qiguang's eyes wandered around the school for a while, then he suddenly looked at a teaching building and said, "Let's go there and have a look."

Qingqiu said: "That is the teaching building. Do you want to see how the students are doing class?"

"Well, let's see."

But as soon as Chu Qiguang stepped into the teaching building, he was targeted by several Qi-blood robots.

They have a body shape similar to humans, and the outside is completely covered with black exoskeletons.

The qi and blood in the body exudes bursts of masculine aura, all of which are the amount of qi and blood that can only be mastered by fifth-level warriors.

One of the Qi-blood robots made a voice: "Please show your student ID. Only students who have signed up for relevant courses and completed payment can attend classes in the designated classroom."

Chu Qiguang could feel that these Qi-Blooded Machine Soldiers were about to move, and it seemed that once he couldn't produce his student ID card, they would attack him directly.

Qingqiu got out from behind Chu Qiguang and retrieved the ID from Mengwang: "We are here to visit."

After crossing the protective line of the Qi-blood machine soldiers, Chu Qiguang asked: "Is the entry and exit of the teaching building here so strict at ordinary times?"

Qingqiu nodded and explained: "When knowledge was first fully opened, society did usher in great development and progress."

"However, corresponding to this is the rapid growth of magic dye. Not only the number of magic dyes is increasing year by year, but the content of magic dye around the world is also increasing, causing serious damage to the environment."

"Considering the dangers of knowledge, especially the evil contamination that martial arts and Taoism will bring, and even the damage it will cause to the environment around the world."

"The imperial court united the major sects and launched a sustainable development policy."

“One of the most important policies is the knowledge access standards.”

"Currently, there is a limit on the amount of knowledge that each prefecture and county can impart every year. Once the amount of knowledge obtained exceeds the limit, not only the local government will be responsible, but the local school will also be fined, and even be reduced to a blessed land level, resulting in lower housing prices and asset losses. shrink……"

"The Qi-Blood Robots in the teaching building are the school's purpose to prevent students from accidentally learning too much knowledge, exceeding the amount of knowledge acquired, and causing damage to the world's environment."

"How much knowledge has been acquired?" Chu Qiguang's eyes fluctuated slightly: "You are really... environmentally friendly."

Qingqiu said proudly: "Under the joint governance of the imperial court and the chamber of commerce, the whole world has become more and more rational and civilized. We will not practice unscrupulously or even cause damage to the environment like people in the past."

Chu Qiguang came to a large classroom and wanted to find a seat to sit down and listen casually, just like he did in his previous life as a university auditor.

But he found that as soon as he walked into the classroom from the back door, all the students and teachers in the classroom looked towards him.

"Classmate, which classroom are you from?"

"You're not in our class, are you?"

"Are you here to eavesdrop?"

"Has he paid the tuition? The tuition for this class is 200 Qi..."

Feeling the hostility in the eyes of these students, Qingqiu quickly stood up and explained: "Everyone, don't get me wrong. We are staff of Salo Palace. We are here to inspect the school today. You can just pretend that we don't exist."

After hearing these words, the hostility in the eyes of the students looking at Chu Qiguang and Qingqiu immediately turned into envy and yearning.

After Qingqiu showed his ID to the teacher, he took Chu Qiguang and sat in the last row.

The teacher on the stage began to explain the martial arts that looked very familiar to Chu Qiguang.

"Hunyuan Taiyi Qigong is the secret martial arts of the past Demon-Suppressing Division. Everyone here today is an authorized student. You should have learned the first-level public version on your own, so I won't go into it. "

"You should have all learned the second level in the cram school. Let's start from the third level..."

Seeing the students sitting one seat apart from another in the classroom, Chu Qiguang asked a little strangely: "Why do they sit apart from each other?"

Qingqiu said matter-of-factly: "Of course I am afraid that others will see my notes. After all, what is recorded in the notes is the valuable knowledge that they were authorized and paid for.

Being seen by others is like being stolen, right? It also involves violating regulations on knowledge leakage.

Anyway, as far as I know, anyone who peeks or steals other people’s notes at night will be isolated and ostracized by everyone. "

Chu Qiguang asked: "Don't they use Mengwang Ji?"

Qingqiu shook his head and said: "Mengwang prohibits the dissemination of any martial arts or Taoism. If you pirate it, you will be beheaded."

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Is there still fierce competition between them?"

Qingqiu glanced at Chu Qiguang in surprise, nodded and said, "Well, in order to reduce the number of possessed demons and reduce the damage to the environment by individual strong men, there is also a limit on the number of individuals who can enter the Dao each year."

"A prestigious school like Night University can provide students with three places for Taoist cultivation each year."

"If you want to get a spot, you need to be in the top three in the grade."

"If you don't get a place before graduation, you won't be able to get entry materials for the rest of your life. In the future, you can only join the martial arts or major chambers of commerce as apprentices..."

"And many students from small places have borrowed money from Tianxia Tongxing in order to make up for their classes and tuition fees. If they don't find a good job after graduation, it will be quite difficult to pay them back, right?"

At this moment, a girl raised her hand in a panic and said: "Old...teacher, I didn't hear clearly the circulation of qi and blood in that section just now. Can you please explain it again?"

The teacher on the stage frowned.

Before he could speak, the students started shouting.

"Is there any mistake? Do you get to ask questions during the big lecture?"

"If you want to ask questions, sign up for one-on-one lessons yourself."

"Just don't waste everyone's time."

"Teacher, please continue talking."

The teacher nodded, ignored the girl who asked the question, and chose to continue teaching.

The girl who asked the question looked at the classmates beside her asking for help: "Can you borrow my notes? I just..."

The students immediately turned away in disgust.

"I have already spent all my living expenses this month, and I really don't have the energy to sign up for classes anymore..."

"Please let me take a look, just take a look..."

"This classmate." The teacher on the stage said impatiently: "If you don't attend class well, please leave."

The girl who asked the question immediately lowered her head and continued to listen to the lecture while holding back the tears in her eyes.

"You can't even ask questions?" Chu Qiguang said, "It's really complicated."

"Scroll?" Seeing that Chu Qiguang didn't mean to explain, Qingqiu said, "Well, after all, everyone doesn't like people who waste time, right? There used to be teachers who answered students' questions in class, but they were reported by other students."

"I heard that the teacher jumped off the building later?"

"Anyway, I think it's impolite to ask questions in class. This kind of person either didn't make up for the class well before, or he deserted in class. He has to pay for his own mistakes. Why should other students in the class waste time to make up for him?"

After the class ended, the teacher said on the stage: "That’s all for today’s discussion of Hunyuan Taiyi Qigong. If you don’t understand anything, you can sign up for my one-on-one guidance course. I have a part-time job at the cram school opposite. …”

After class, the students all hurried to the next class.

When Chu Qiguang came outside the corridor, he could find a Qi-blood robot at the door of every classroom checking the students' ID cards to prevent them from running into the wrong classroom.

Chu Qiguang asked: "You seem to be familiar with this place. Were you also a student of Ye University before?"

Qingqiu shook his head: "I graduated from Tianshi Mansion."

Chu Qiguang asked: "Tianshi Mansion? Tianshijiao also has a school? Can they also select talents from all over the country?"

Qingqiu explained: "No, Tianshi Mansion is a private school. Only those who have more than 10,000 qi and blood in the world and pass the potential test can enroll."

"After all, the higher the energy and blood reserve, the faster one can practice martial arts. This is the so-called true genius."

Chu Qiguang said: "Potential test? How to test?"

Qingqiu said: "It depends on the number of martial arts and Taoist techniques you have mastered since childhood, and the level of demon contamination after reading a lot of knowledge..."

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "In short, only powerful people can measure their potential, right?"

Qingqiu said: "That's not entirely true. Every year, geniuses from poor families are still recruited into the Tianshi Mansion."

Chu Qiguang walked around the teaching building, as if looking for something.

Qingqiu said doubtfully: "If you are looking for something, you can tell me."

"I just want to take a look." As he spoke, Chu Qiguang suddenly stopped at the door of a toilet.

He could sense that the monster clone he had buried was about twenty meters below the toilet.

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