Ruins of the past

Chapter 875: The Governance of the Dragon Clan and the Demon Saint from Outer Heaven (please vote fo

Deep under the sea, with Chu Qiguang's grasp in the air, the entire underwater dragon palace quickly floated toward the surface of the sea.

Countless sea monsters and dragons looked at the golden figure in horror, just like a frightened rat, unable to move.

But at this moment, the roar of the dragon sounded, and a black dragon rushed out of the Dragon Palace, roaring: "Chu Qiguang! Even if you kill us, even if you destroy the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Clan will never surrender!"

"Even if we die, the dragon soul will return to the Emperor's World and obtain the eternal life granted by the Emperor!"

This black dragon is the Black Dragon King, the leader of the Ancient Dragon Soul. He is obviously a fanatic believer in Huangtian and has extremely high faith in Huangtian.

It was precisely because of his fanatical belief in the Emperor that the Black Dragon King was able to madly attract believers, especially extreme believers, after the Dragon Clan was defeated.

After the war, the dragon clan suffered severe physical and mental blows, and many giant dragons found it difficult to accept the result of another complete defeat in the Central Plains.

In this context, Huangtian's followers are more respected among the Dragon Clan.

Many dragons who could not accept the defeat led the sirens to pray to the emperor all day long, reading ancient scriptures and seeking spiritual comfort from them.

It was under this circumstance that the Black Dragon King emerged. With the help of the spread of extreme beliefs, he united a large number of dragon believers, and even led believers to attack humans.

The Blue Dragon King and the Mirage Dragon King were worried that he would start a fight again, so they personally captured the Black Dragon King.

As a result, a large number of dragons opposed him, and finally he had to be released.

Once this level was released, the Black Dragon King became a hero against the oppression of the human race, while the Blue Dragon King and the Mirage Dragon King were beaten into the lackeys of the human race.

In just a few months, the Black Dragon King had more followers, and the ideas he spread became more and more extreme.

He advocated the power of Huang Tian, ​​summoned the young dragons, and conveyed to them the ideal of sacrificing their lives for Huang Tian.

He places the status of dragons above all living beings. They are the superior race determined by the gods. All other living beings should be ruled by dragons...

His extreme thoughts allowed him to be supported by a large number of young dragons and even the monsters in the sea. In the end, he even planned an attack on the Demon Suppression Division.

At this moment, after hearing the Black Dragon King's shouting, the entire Dragon Palace resounded with dragon roars one after another, as if they were shouting and cheering for him.

The Black Dragon King looked at Chu Qiguang with enthusiasm: "Did you hear that? That is the dragon roar dedicated to Emperor Tian."

"The Emperor is watching us. He will grant us eternal glory and happiness, but you will be destined to be chased by the Emperor and suffer eternal torture..."

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly as he looked at the Black Dragon King who kept talking.

He didn't bother to say anything more, so his handprints changed, and the sea water covering the Dragon Palace was lifted directly, and then he saw the sound of wind and thunder coming from his body.

"Dragon and snake rise from the land! Thunder bursts from the sky!"

"The stars shift! Two worlds meet!"

Chu Qiguang directly used the Huangtian Dao Talisman Water, and then activated the Huangtian Dao Technique.

Thunder light flashed across Chu Qiguang's body, and the phantom of Huangtian World emerged behind him, covering the entire underwater dragon palace.

Many dragons who saw this scene were completely shocked, and they all looked at Chu Qiguang who had used Huangtian Taoism with astonishment on their faces.

The Black Dragon King even shouted in disbelief: " can you use Huangtian's Taoist magic?"

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "Of course I learned it."

"is it hard?"

The next moment, the thunder that was summoned exploded directly on the Black Dragon King.

This thunder was controlled by Chu Qiguang with the immeasurable future heart seal, and directly penetrated the Black Dragon King's body, blasting his flesh and blood.

Amid the wailing sound, the Black Dragon King's body and limbs were cut into several sections by thunder, and he let out a shrill roar.

He wailed in waves: "Chu Qiguang! You blasphemer! Even if you kill me, the gods will take me to the Emperor's World, and you will definitely be punished by the gods..."

"Did I tell you to die?" Chu Qiguang snorted coldly, and his handprints changed again. As the door to the Buddhist world opened, monster clones sprang out and penetrated directly into the Black Dragon King's body.

"If I want to kill you, no one in the world will be able to save you, but if I don't let you die, then Huangtian will not be able to accept you."

As the Black Dragon King screamed, the monster penetrated into his body, sutured his wounds, reconnected his severed body and limbs, and brought him back to life.

Among the dragons who saw this scene, several giant dragons immediately rose into the sky and roared towards Chu Qiguang.

Judging from their turbulent expressions, they seemed not to be afraid of being killed by Chu Qiguang. They were obviously fanatical believers trained by the Black Dragon King.

However, their fanaticism could not close the gap with Chu Qiguang. With a flash of golden light, all the resisting dragons were captured by Chu Qiguang.

And after Chu Qiguang's suppression of everything he wanted and his inability to control life and death, the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace fell silent, and no dragons rushed out to resist.

All the creatures in the Dragon Palace just watched silently as Chu Qiguang caught the East China Sea Dragon Palace above the sea.

The Dragon Clan was temporarily suppressed by Chu Qiguang with violence, but he knew that violence alone was obviously not enough. Extreme beliefs were spreading within the Dragon Clan, and he needed some more effective methods.

So after meeting the Mirage Dragon King and Canglong King, Chu Qiguang said: "Among your dragon clan, some dragons are spreading some extreme ideas, which affects the peace of the world, and will also prevent the dragon clan from integrating into the Central Plains family. This is not good. …”

"From now on, all Dragon Clan, especially the younger generation of Dragon Clan, will have to go to class every day to learn the culture of the Central Plains human race, learn the history of two defeats, and learn the lessons..."

"All the Taoism and martial arts of the Dragon Clan should be open to all members. Those who want to practice the skills of Dragon Dragon can apply for a loan and further study abroad in Shuzhou..."

"As long as they are willing to improve themselves, whether they are humans or dragons, I will treat them all equally, and I am willing to give them a step up."

"If they can come to Shuzhou to study, I will personally give them a few lessons..."

"There are also some elderly and middle-aged dragons who should go to Shuzhou. There is a job there that is suitable for them."

Mirage Dragon King asked: "What kind of job is it?"

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Don't worry, it's just a matter of sleeping more. It's a job that everyone in the Central Plains is rushing to do."

"There are also monsters in the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Clan does not need so many monsters to serve them. Next, we must help them return to society and find new jobs..."

After sending away the Mirage Dragon King and the Cang Dragon King, Chu Qiguang said to Jin Nu on the side:

"The next joint ventures should pay attention. All businesses that cover important aspects such as dragon food, construction, blood pools, weapons, trade, etc. must have our capital injection, and we must take the majority of the shares..."

"As for the Dragon Clan's shares, find several of their big families and give each family shares in an industry..."

"In the future, the products that Han sells to the Dragon Clan will be handed over to them as agents..."

"Also, find some dragons who are willing to join us, give them some salary, and then organize them to go to Shuzhou for a tour..."

"Let them come back to promote the evil nature of the Dragon Clan, the superiority of the Han Dynasty, the Dragon Clan's past centralization, current democracy, the Dragon Emperor's dictatorship, the evil god Emperor Tian, ​​and what else, the Dragon Clan's massive consumption of fish has led to the extinction of marine species, causing the demonic dye to further increase... "

"In terms of information, first go to the school in Shuzhou to find it. If it doesn't work, ask Qiao Zhi. If it doesn't work, then ask me..."

"Remember, not only the Dragon Clan, but all the tribes in the world must have our people to promote our superiority and criticize the evil nature of the demon tribe in the past. This matter is very important. You must hurry up and do it..."

"Don't forget this when you conquer Dazhu in the future."

"Well...the Dragon Clan Special Zone also needs someone to take care of it..."

With the cooperation of Chu Qiguang's set of policies, the Dragon Clan will usher in huge changes in the next few years.

In order to better implement this reform, Chu Qiguang sent Misiri, who was originally from Daxue Mountain, to come here as an ambassador, and was also responsible for the construction of the world's traffic and Qi and blood networks.

After all, Miss Ri has performed well in Shuzhou in the past few years, and has completed its Qi management business well every year, and has almost paid off the debt it originally owed.

After Chu Qiguang talked with him, he also found that his thinking had changed a lot. He had been actively learning new knowledge from all walks of life in Shuzhou and keeping up with the pace of the Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, Misiri practices Dragon Fist and can transform into a dragon body, which is even more suitable for the environment here.

Yongan 25 years, January.

Not long after Chu Qiguang finished handling the matter of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, new news came from the Demon Saint Bo Nan.

Night City, the location of the underground workshop.

Countless golden monster statues of different sizes, ferocious faces, and shapes were placed together.

These are all the troubles caused by being sealed by King Kong.

For the past two years, Bo Nan has been sealed in King Kong and never seen the light of day. Let alone moving around, no one even talks to him.

During the period when Bo Nan was sealed, it would often take a month for someone to come over and ask him a question that Chu Qiguang wanted to ask.

If Bo Nang is unwilling to answer, or if the answer makes Chu Qiguang dissatisfied, then he will have to wait until next month to see anyone again.

In addition to this, he had to continue to be drained of Qi and blood by the Tongtian Baozhao in his body, and his whole person became weaker and weaker.

It has been going on like this on and off for two years. In the past two months, Bo Nang has been asking to see Chu Qiguang, expressing his willingness to say anything.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang's figure appeared directly in front of Bo Nan accompanied by golden light.

"I'm very pressed for time, you only have a moment."

The golden statue shook violently several times.

Chu Qiguang flicked his fingertips and saw that the diamond on it was slightly deformed, melted and then spread apart, revealing Bo Nan's head.

Bo Nan was really scared of being imprisoned, so he didn't try to hide it this time and said directly: "Demon Saint! Everything is the will of Demon Saint. He asked the Three Saints of Da Zhu to send monsters to you."

"Demon Saint? Aren't you the Demon Saint?" Chu Qiguang raised his eyebrows: "Are you kidding me?"

Bo Nan felt that King Kong was about to be swallowed up again, and said quickly: "It's not me! It's outside the sky. There is also an existence called the Demon Saint outside the world. Many of the previous ideas of the Three Saints of Da Zhu were influenced by this Demon Saint. My name is also From him."

"You know that Dazhu inherits the righteous method of Wuwei Sect. This righteous method is designed for the ascension of the soul. It also contains many rituals for communicating with the outside world and summoning the Nine Heavens Old Immortal."

"In the past, the Three Saints of Dazhu used the monsters of Dazhu to perform living sacrifices and performed many rituals in order to ascend to the sky."

"On one of these occasions, they met a being who claimed to be the Demon Saint."

"The demon saint said that he, like the Nine Heavens Old Immortal, came from Taichu Dao Palace and was willing to help the three saints complete the ascension of the soul."

When Chu Qiguang heard this, his heart moved slightly: "Is it the Taoist Palace of Taichu again?"

He had also heard news about Taichu Dao Palace in Huangtian's token before.

So Chu Qiguang then asked: "What happened next?"

Bo Nan said: "The demon saint seems to have always been very interested in the Central Plains and you. He even ordered the three saints to send monsters to the Central Plains."


Bo Nan seemed to hesitate.

Chu Qiguang said solemnly: "If you don't tell me, I will leave."

Bo Nan said helplessly: "And I... I don't know what kind of ritual the Three Saints of Dazhu and the Demon Saint launched. Before I had consciousness, I was sent to this world by the Demon Saint."

"The three saints lost half of their soul. They said they were taken by the demon saint to the Taoist Palace of Taichu in the sky."

Chu Qiguang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that this planet was really in trouble, not only Huangtian, but now it seemed that it was also being targeted by Taichu Dao Palace.

Bo Nan continued: "They said... the demon saint said that I will meet someone similar to myself in Dazhu in the future."

"That person will stay in Dazhu instead of me."

"And I will go to the Central Plains on his behalf..."

"Huh?" Chu Qiguang's eyes narrowed and he said coldly: "Tell me more about this paragraph."

Bo Nan sighed and continued: "There is no more, that's what he said. But obviously the demon sage's prediction is not accurate at all. You have also captured all the demons sent by the three sages to Qingyang County."

Looking at Chu Qiguang who fell into silence, Bo Nan felt uneasy in his heart, like a criminal waiting for the verdict.

After a long time, Chu Qiguang said: "If you have anything to add, just shout at any time."

After saying that, King Kong sealed Bo Nan's body again.

Bo Nan yelled: "What are you doing?! You promised to let me out!"

Chu Qiguang said: "I told you to let you out."

"But not your physical body."

"It's just your consciousness."

"From now on, just work in your dreams."

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "Jiaojiao, let Lin Lan monitor him and write down every word he said in his dream and every person he met..."

Jiaojiao asked curiously: "What did he mean by what he just said? What substitutions, similarities..."

Chu Qiguang said casually: "It's just crazy talk, don't pay attention to it."

A few days later.

Chu Qiguang left the Buddhist world and came to Lingzhou, Beiyue Mansion, Qingyang County, and Wangjiazhuang.

Because of the war, Wangjiazhuang has long been reduced to ruins.

Not to mention the imprint left by Chu Qiguang's past life, the entire village no longer looks like it used to.

Cemeteries built with funds raised in the past have become overgrown and neglected.

Chu Qiguang walked around the ruins of Wangjiazhuang, but found nothing.

"Demon Saint..."

He looked up at the sky, looked in the direction of the starry sky, and murmured in his heart: "What is so special about this planet that attracts so many beings from outside the world? Or maybe the world outside the world is so prosperous, and there are masters everywhere. ?Easy to meet?”

At this moment, Chu Qiguang's brows furrowed more and more tightly. Looking at the stars in the sky that represented the Huangtian World, a trace of doubt arose in his heart: "Is the star in the Huangtian World... becoming a little brighter? ?”

"Because of the closer relationship?"

"According to common sense, stars that are who knows how many light-years away... shouldn't change so fast."

"But things like the Huangtian World cannot be measured with common sense..."

While Chu Qiguang was thinking, he saw a yellow light shining down from the stars, like a faint yellow halo, covering the whole world.

I will update 4,000 words first, and I should be able to update it again in the morning.

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