Ruins of the past

Chapter 870 It’s your turn to escape

The transformations of the Holy Spirit that Chu Qiguang drew this time are Buddha's Light Appears, Sumeru in the Palm, and Zen and Martial Arts.

And the 'Sumiru in the Palm' is one of the core transformations needed for the 'Future Infinite Heart Seal', which can be used together with Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong and Qingjing Buddha Kingdom to exert a small half of the power of the 'Future Infinite Heart Seal'.

Especially after the 'Sumiru in the Palm' and the 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong' are ready, they can achieve a sure-hit effect, which is enough to increase Chu Qiguang's combat power.

At this moment, as the transformation effect of 'Sumi in the Palm' exploded inside and outside Chu Qiguang's body, a stream of knowledge about space, distance, and size came to his mind.

At the same time, his body already had a deeper connection with space.

And every trace of flesh and blood on his hands, every tiny particle, can sense the changes in time and space in this world and the Buddhist world.

He felt that as long as he spread his fingers, he could hold the sky in front of him in his palm.

"Sumiru in the palm of your hand."

“Buddha to the Divine Realm.”

"Be able to hold the mountains in your hands."

"It's a transformation that shrinks and enlarges the space in the palm of your hand."

"Sumiru is the legendary sacred mountain."

"It is said that only the most powerful Buddha can hold it in his hands."

The moment he gained transformation, Chu Qiguang understood its true role.

At the same time, seeing Chu Qiguang coming towards him, the six Taitai emperors all said, "What? You finally stopped escaping?"

In Chu Qiguang's eyes, the handwriting of the six Taitai emperors that appeared in the seeker's eyes also changed.

"The former most powerful person in the Holy Realm."

Chu Qiguang looked at the storm in the sky and the six looming figures in the storm, and said lightly: "The one who should escape now... is you."

"Emperor Tai Tai, thank you for the pressure you have put on me during this time."

"It is the pressure brought by a peerless strongman like you that forces me to unleash my potential and achieve another breakthrough."

"And now I have completely surpassed you."

After hearing what Chu Qiguang said, Emperor Tai Tai didn't believe it at all.

He snorted coldly and said: "I have fully mastered your martial arts and Taoism. After capturing you today, I hope you can still be as open-minded as you are now and make some contributions to the Central Plains that I will rule in the future." ."

The next moment, four Tai Tai emperors were already attacking Chu Qiguang.

A series of four divine swords appeared in their hands, turning into four gaps in the Buddhist world connecting the sky and the earth. While stirring up the wind and clouds, they slashed at Chu Qiguang from four directions.

But Chu Qiguang, who had fought against the opponent many times, knew that whether it was the movements and positions of the four Tai Tai emperors, or the four divine sword pagodas, there was a high probability that they were all fake.

All the real offensives of Emperor Tai Tai were hidden under layers of illusions.

In the past, when Chu Qiguang faced this kind of illusion, he could only rely on the Qing Jing Buddhist Kingdom to contain it. If it didn't work, he would rely on his cultivation to resist.

But at this moment, he has more decisive power.

I saw that his hands were bound inside, and his ten fingers were formed in seals, which successively transformed into the immovable root seal and the Vajra Wheel seal among the six major mudras.

Along with the changes in the handprints, a domineering thought came out of Chu Qiguang and swept across the entire world.

Whether it is the flesh, blood, Qi and Vajra inside and outside the body, or the power of Sumeru in the palm, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong and the Pure Buddha Kingdom, all are integrated by this supreme and overbearing thought with the activation of the mudra, and then produce Incomparably mysterious changes.

In the eyes of the seeker, the three transformations temporarily merged into one.

"Infinite Heart Seal."

"One of the magical powers passed down in the name of the future Buddha."

"Being able to manipulate the world in the palm of your hand."

"Future Buddha is a demon Buddha from the future."

"It is said that he was so terrible that he once destroyed the entire world."

"But for some reason, it was stopped at the end."

Buddha's light also bloomed between Chu Qiguang's sealed hands, seeming to reflect all things in the world.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang could feel that everything within a radius of ten thousand meters was like a palm.

Whether it was the strong winds and clouds in the sky, the sea water, fish, and sand in the sea, or the six Tai Tai emperors in the storm, the distance between them and Chu Qiguang was reduced to zero.

They seemed to be superimposed in Chu Qiguang's palm. As long as he thought about it, he could hit all targets and locations within the range in an instant.

"See clearly, Emperor of Taitai."

"Next, I will break your illusion first."

Chu Qiguang's hands turned into immovable root seals again, and the white flash instantly filled the sky, directly sweeping every inch of space within a radius of 10,000 meters.

The phantoms of the six Taitai emperors dissipated and their true bodies emerged.

At this moment, they were all in a state of tranquility, and their transformations were temporarily blocked.

They looked at Chu Qiguang in astonishment at the same time, with incredible thoughts in their hearts: 'The range of this move has increased more than ten times... Has he really made a breakthrough? In less than a month? ’

The next moment, Chu Qiguang flicked his fingertips, and the color of diamond flashed away.

"Do you see clearly?"

"Next, it's one of you six."

Layers of diamonds instantly spread from the belly of a Tai Tai emperor, tearing his flesh and blood from the inside out, cutting off his body, and then crushed him into a bloody mist that dissipated in the sky .

When Emperor Tai Tai saw this scene, his heart was filled with alarm, and he fired electricity in five different directions.

A trace of shock emerged from his mind again: 'The attack was launched directly from the stomach, and he could hit me directly? What kind of martial arts is this... No... it's magical power! Chu Qiguang succeeded in condensing his magical power. ’

'It is still a very powerful magical power. In such a short period of time...could it be that he created it himself? ’

Facing Emperor Tai Tai who was in a quiet state and was running away, Chu Qiguang looked calm.

But the Demon King's Sword soared into the sky, slashing out a hundred-foot-long void sword energy.

"There is no use running away in front of me."

The black void sword energy instantly penetrated different locations. The two Tai emperors, who were thousands of meters apart, surged out from their heads, smashing their bodies into pieces, and then were completely swallowed by the void.

Emperor Tai Tai's heart sank again when he saw this scene: 'Even the power of the sword can attack from within...actually activated directly from the head...'

'And there was no attack trajectory, and I was hit as soon as I launched it...'

However, just after Chu Qiguang killed three Tai Tai emperors in a row, his state of tranquility was overturned, and all his transformations returned to normal again.

The remaining three Tai Tai retreated in three different directions, and two of them escaped into the Buddhist world with a flash of golden light.

"Can you escape?"

Chu Qiguang remained motionless, but black flames burned in his palms.

"Come back to me!"

Then his body seemed to appear in the real world and the Buddhist world at the same time.

The three Taitai emperors felt a flash of black light in front of their eyes, and they had been pulled into a ghost realm full of bones.

Emperor Tai Tai's heart sank when he saw this scene: 'Chu Qiguang's ghost realm? But last time there wasn’t such a large capture range at all…’

He looked at Chu Qiguang, his face became extremely solemn: "You...really made a breakthrough? What kind of magical power is this?"

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