Ruins of the past

Chapter 844 Vajra Phases

At the moment Chu Qiguang stepped into the 'sun' transformed by the sky full of treasures, "Vajra Phases" also officially broke through under the influence of the Ring of Foolishness.

He could feel the profound gift of the Ring of Folly on his chest like a raging torrent, constantly squeezing into his body, infiltrating every bit of his flesh and blood, and changing his life form.

Much of the knowledge in "Vajra Phases" also emerged from his mind under the attraction of the gift, and then this knowledge triggered drastic changes in his body and spirit.

Chu Qiguang felt that his spirit, consciousness, and realm were infinitely sublimating. All the fog in "Vajra Phases" suddenly dissipated. This sage inheritance no longer had any secrets in his eyes.

"The King of Diamonds is strong and unable to cut off."

"With the power of millions and billions of Buddhas, it cannot be destroyed."

At this moment, Chu Qiguang's gaze seemed to penetrate thousands of years and saw the era when "Vajra Phases" was created.

The Buddha understood the Dharma from the "Book of Earth" and left the inheritance of the "Sutra of Mount Sumeru King" to Vajra Temple.

From then on, generations of Buddhist disciples worked hard to cultivate, until the Great Dragon Elephant Buddha began to study taboos and created the inheritance of "Dragon Elephant Great Freedom", but it also caused a plague called the Abnormal Demon Disease.

The Great Dragon Elephant Buddha also went completely crazy in the process of hunting and eating demons for a long time.

After that, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the Buddhas at Vajra Temple banned all research related to demons, hunting, and eating.

Therefore, in order to create the Dharma to fight against the demons and monsters in the realm of sage, the Buddhas took different paths.

The Buddha believed that the physical power of demons and demons is inherently superior to human beings. "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom Power" has developed the human body to its limit. Next, we should pursue external power and spiritual power to bless ourselves and break through limit.

Another Buddha believes that the potential of the human body itself is great enough, and we should pursue it inwardly, tap our own potential, and ultimately break through to the realm of sagehood.

The two sides were at loggerheads, and finally agreed to take turns studying the "Book of the Earth" and then explore their own way forward.

Among them, those who pursue external power to bless their bodies are called sutras.

Those who pursue inner strength and tap their own potential are called hermit sects.

Sutras sense the Buddhist world, gather faith, and control the Buddha's fire. They constantly hone their own spirit and will, and use their thoughts to control various external forces.

The Yin Sect, on the other hand, senses its own flesh and blood, tempers its body day after day, and pursues its own strength.

Decades later, the explicit sect and the hidden sect were unable to break through to the realm of sage, so they sat together again to exchange righteous thoughts.

However, the two sects' respective pursuits of Tongsheng were in completely different directions, and neither could convince the other. Instead, they continued to have conflicts, triggering many conflicts.

So the leaders of the two sects decided to hold a big competition. Both sides would practice Buddhism to see who was better and who was taking the true path to sainthood.

The two sides fought fiercely for three months, with each winning and losing, but still no one could convince the other.

In the end, Shi Tianfo and Feitian Buddha, the strongest of the two sects, took action personally and fought several fierce battles for ten days and nights.

The spirits and bodies of both sides were injured and shattered in repeated battles, but they never stopped.

In the end, the two Buddhas' heads violently hit each other and died from exhaustion.

But both parties smiled before they died, showing signs of great enlightenment.

The broken flesh, flesh, and spirit of both sides merged into one under the bombardment of power, turning into a shining golden substance.

This physical property cannot be destroyed or cut off, and it was only discovered at the expense of the two peak powerhouses at the time.

In order to commemorate their efforts in exploring the path to sainthood, they named it Vajra Temple after Vajra Temple.

"The Vajra conquers heretics, slays demons and demons, and is unstoppable."

Vajra was originally used to describe a state in which the body and spirit of the Buddha were indestructible, and later became the name of the Vajra Temple.

The Buddhas named this object King Kong, which also means that they believed that if they could explore the mystery of this object, they would be closer to the realm of the Buddha.

Since then, generations of Buddhas and monks have died of exhaustion trying to discover the secret of Vajra.

The diamonds formed by these Buddhas were hidden in a cave called the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, and were shaped into the images of the Buddhas. They were placed together with the sacred object "Book of the Earth" of the Diamond Temple for future generations to refer to. Understand the secret.

Two hundred years later, the Buddha statues in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave came to life and turned into hundreds of Vajra Corpse Buddhas to cause harm to the world.

A talented monk surrendered the Vajra Corpse Buddhas one by one, and in the process gathered the wisdom and power of generations of Buddhas, and finally understood the method of "Vajra Phases" in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave.

It is said that for thousands of years after that, the voices of corpse Buddhas reciting scriptures can be heard wandering in the darkness in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave.

At this moment, the energy and blood in Chu Qiguang's body first turned into bursts of flames, and then changed from simple flames to Buddha's fire.

These Buddhist fires were formed by the combination of his energy, blood, power and knowledge. They burst out from every ounce of flesh and blood in his body and penetrated his body in the blink of an eye, turning into a huge fireball.

At the same time, Chu Qiguang's consciousness carried the understanding of "Vajra Phases" and instantly broke through the shackles of the physical body and penetrated into the void.

In the process of breaking through to the Tao and manifesting his spirit, Chu Qiguang could vaguely feel that he was in contact with the void, and even witnessed the way of heaven behind the void.

But it was not until this moment, during the process of breaking through to the Holy Spirit, that he had a clear insight into the process of sensing the void.

His consciousness penetrated the darkness of the void like a ray of light, witnessing the endless abyss behind the void.

Chu Qiguang saw the depth that could not be understood or described.

The seeker's eyes once again reflected those two words: "The Way of Heaven."

Just after he traveled through the void with his understanding of "Vajra Phases" and witnessed the way of heaven, a more magical and violent feedback broke out in him.

Starting from the position of the heart, the energy and blood that had turned into Buddha's fire mutated again and turned into an unknown substance of pure gold.

The golden energy and blood blended into his flesh and blood, turning him from head to toe, from his internal organs to his brain, and even the sea of ​​​​consciousness turned into a golden light.

And the mystery of this transformation into a saint is also conveyed in the seeker's eyes.

"Vajra body."

"Explore with the goal of becoming a saint."

"But the Buddhas who died on the way turned into Vajras."

“Its nature is so strong that nothing can be cut off, and nothing can be destroyed.”

"The aggregation of knowledge and flesh and blood has crossed the boundaries of human beings."

"Becoming King Kong is the price."

Chu Qiguang felt the changes brought about by this vajra body, and various understandings about this transformation arose in his heart.

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