Ruins of the past

Chapter 840 Astrology and Dream Work

In the Whirlpool Palace, Chu Qiguang pressed his palm on Jin Nu's body, feeling the last trace of Buddha's fire flow into his body.

Then he anticipated the situation inside the Circle of Foolishness.

"The number of profound gifts has exceeded 2100, but I still haven't been able to achieve the various phases of vajra."

This result was beyond Chu Qiguang's expectation.

Originally, based on the gap in gifts required between entering the Tao and becoming a god, he speculated that more than 2,000 profound gifts might be needed to attain the sage and rectify the Dharma.

As a result, the time for meditating on the various phases of Vajra was reduced by more than 200 days on Dragon Snake Mountain. Now the number of profound gifts exceeds 2100, but in the end, it is still impossible to break through.

"But although it's not enough, I estimate it should be almost there."

"There is no need to rush into practicing this kind of thing."

"Jin Nu, let Youquan lead the team, and then transfer the powerful Taoists from the engineering team, and then we can work overtime together to find more Buddha Fire."

With the addition of millions of fishmen workers, the engineering team's labor force became abundant. This gave Chu Qiguang the confidence to join the Dao Powerhouse and ask them to collect Buddha's Fire for him.

At this moment, Qiao Zhi hurriedly ran in, jumped into Chu Qiguang's arms, meowed and said, "Chu Qiguang, I have thought of some bad things recently."

Qiao Zhi has been sleeping for several months since he used Chu Qiguang's physical body to perform a set of palm techniques on Dragon Snake Mountain.

After he woke up, he said that during his sleep, a large number of memories came to his mind.

But after waking up, these memories began to fade quickly.

So Qiao Zhi took the time to recall and record.

He didn't know what he was remembering at this moment, and he rushed to Chu Qiguang's place.

"Chu Qiguang, I remembered where the Star Scripture is!"

"The "Star Book" was not obtained by any force. It was lost somewhere."

Chu Qiguang's eyes narrowed. If he could obtain the "Star Sutra", he would have the opportunity to further deduce his "Great Freedom to Save People", which would definitely be of great help to the development of forces and the next war. .

He quickly asked: "Where?"

"I don't know. I can only remember that I am no longer in the Central Plains."

Qiao Zhi scratched his head anxiously and said helplessly: "I can't remember the rest. I'm afraid I have to regain control of the power of the Holy Realm before I can remember it."

"Then do you have to wait for me to break through to Sainthood?" Chu Qiguang pondered for a moment and said, "Don't reveal this matter to anyone for the time being."

"We'll wait until I break through to the Holy Spirit."

"That's right." Chu Qiguang asked again: "The palm technique you used on Dragon Snake Mountain..."

Qiao Zhi shook his head: "I remembered that, but that palm technique belongs to a set of magical powers, which can only be understood by those who are in the realm of saints."

"Tongsheng..." Looking at Qiao Zhi's leaving figure, Chu Qiguang's face looked calm, but his pursuit of Tongsheng became more and more urgent.

Another half month has passed, and Shuzhou, Donghai, and Lingzhou are all booming.

On the grassland, the men sent by Chu Qiguang also found a group of Daqian's Sons of Destiny based on the information provided by Qiao Zhi.

By transferring their energy to the Demon Emperor Sword, Chu Qiguang further repaired the sword.

This time, the Demon Emperor Sword has a stronger ability to communicate with the void, and the power of the void sword energy has increased several times.

In addition, he also has the ability to enlighten living beings.

The Demon King Sword can enlighten various birds and beasts and open their spiritual wisdom.

In Chu Qiguang's opinion, this is equivalent to being able to mass-produce monsters.

In addition, this ability also works on existing monsters and can improve their wisdom.

Even humans are within this range, and their intelligence is also enhanced after using it.

Chu Qiguang even tried it on a fish-man and found that the other person's intelligence had also been improved.

This fish-man, whose eyes gradually changed from numb and primitive to smart and intelligent, was appointed as the team leader after returning to the construction site, managing a team of 50 fish-men.

He is also the first fish leader in the engineering team.

But when he saw the stupid, backward, and retarded behavior of his fellow tribesmen, he gradually felt pain.

There is no fishman who can communicate with him normally, and he has to complete physically demanding work every day, with no pay and no future.

So a month later, the fishman committed suicide.

Chu Qiguang sighed after seeing the report.

"The construction of Shuzhou is inseparable from fish people."

"I decided to go on a hunger strike today to commemorate this fish man."

"From now on, this day should be designated as the Fish People's Day every year to commemorate the fish people's contribution to the construction of Shuzhou."

After Chu Qiguang finished speaking, he glanced at Youquan in front of him.

"By the way, let's put the fishman's enlightenment plan on hold for a while. The opportunity is not ripe yet."

"The construction of Shuzhou cannot be separated from the fish people."

After the Demon King Sword was successful on animals, demons, humans, and fish-men, Chu Qiguang tried to enlighten himself, hoping to improve his wisdom.

Unexpectedly, it failed this time, leaving him a little confused as to why.

Next, he can only spend some time every day to use the Demon Emperor Sword to enlighten the warriors, craftsmen, and apprentices of the Qi and Blood Workshop, striving to improve the wisdom of more people and increase the development speed again.

On the other side, Lin Lan's dream experiment has also entered a new stage.

This time, the person participating in the experiment was even more important. She was the sister of the richest man in the Central Plains, Zhou Yujiao, the Princess of Chu.

At this moment, after Jiaojiao responded to the vague call in her mind, she felt as if her consciousness was being pulled.

When she came back to her senses, what appeared in front of her had become a familiar scene.

She actually returned to Lingzhou, Qingyang County, Wangjiazhuang, and her hometown.

However, the scene in front of her was not real enough for Jiaojiao, and it always felt vague.

Many scenes look fine from a distance, but if you look carefully, you will find that they are blurry, as if they are shrouded in a cloud.

At this moment, Dalin Lan's sober voice sounded: "How? Can you stay awake?"

Jiaojiao nodded repeatedly and ran happily in this dream.

During this period, she was forced to read the Buddhist teachings found by the Incorruptible Buddha every day when she woke up.

She was very happy now that she could have time to relax, even in this simple dream.

Dalin Lan's cold voice sounded again: "Your body has fallen into a deep sleep, and the rest effect seems to be pretty good."

"Experiment for a while longer. If there is no problem, you will be able to enter this dreamland every day when you sleep and rest."

A look of regret appeared on Jiaojiao's face: "Can you only come when you are sleeping? Sure enough, my brother won't be so kind."

"But it's good. At least after reading during the day, I can rest and play at night."

The next moment, the scene in front of me changed, and I saw a large number of books appearing in front of me, densely arranged.

Chu Qiguang's voice also suddenly sounded: "Since you can stay awake and dream during sleep time, of course you can use it for work and study."

"Otherwise, how much resources have I spent to develop this dreamland? Could it be that it was created just for you to play with?"

Jiaojiao thought for a moment and said, "Brother... how about I just have a good sleep?"

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