Ruins of the past

Chapter 834 Coming to the Deep Sea

Overwhelming, endless fish-men filled the sea water.

They surrounded Linlan and Linlan in all directions, forming a huge, twisting sphere that completely swallowed the two of them.

And under the layers of more and more overwhelming murlocs, Lin Lan could only see darkness.

Nothing could be seen, everything was enveloped in pure darkness, and all one could hear was the strange sounds made by the fish-men.

I don't know if the voices of hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of murlocs are superimposed together. It seems like they are roaring, chewing, or some kind of sticky pus is constantly flowing out.

In the endless darkness, only these disgusting and weird sounds filled the air, enough to drive any mortal directly crazy.

When Dalin Lan came back to his senses and woke up from the endless darkness, he still felt a kind of nausea and irritability from the heart.

That strange voice seemed to remain in her brain, echoing constantly and lingering.

Dalin Lan covered her forehead and murmured: "Is that a dream just now?"

Xiao Linlan on the side said: "I'm afraid it has something to do with that call from the deep sea."

A strong murderous intention flashed in Dalin Lan's eyes: "But how did he call us into the dream without anyone noticing?"

"There must be some secret that we don't know about in that Star God's remaining dream."

Xiao Linlan said: "We can only go into that dream to investigate."

In the next few days, the two of them entered that dream again and again, but still found nothing.

And even if they try to stay awake and not fall into a dream, they are always dragged into it again and again.

One moment the two of them were staring at each other closely, and the next moment they fell into a deep sleep unknowingly and entered that deep dreamland.

As they entered dreams more and more often, a sense of weakness gradually lingered in their hearts.

The fish-men's wild laughter kept reaching their ears, and those pure white eyes lingered in their minds, seeming to have been staring at them secretly:

"Give up your struggle, no one can escape the Star God's dream."

"You will eventually surrender to me, become a member of my clan, become the servants of the Star God, and work with me to breed the great Deep Sea Empire..."

Waking up from the nightmare again, Xiao Linlan said: "Can I ask Brother Chu if there is anything I can do?"

Dalinlan said: "His ghost realm is not as good as ours. He has not even completed the Soul Refining Record, and he knows nothing about dreams. What can he do?"

Xiao Linlan said: "Brother Chu is well-informed and has a wide network of people. He has countless strange people and strange things. He will definitely be able to come up with a solution."

When Chu Qiguang came to Lin Lan's retreat, he understood what happened above.

"Is the attack in the dream? Is it related to alien creatures?"

This aspect does touch upon Chu Qiguang's knowledge blind spot.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to open the magical Book of Emptiness and ask the friends inside if they were good at dealing with such situations.

Emperor: Dreams, ghosts? Well, this has something to do with the spirit and the soul. The people who know the most about this are probably the Demon Boss and the Ghost.

Blind Mountain Crazy: Does Future Demon Senior even understand this?

Emperor: Haha, there must be something in the world that the devil doesn’t understand, but we don’t know what it is so far.

According to Chu Qiguang's understanding, the group was still very lively during this period.

Especially Zhou Bai and Kuanghao Yeqiong have been trying their best to deceive Blind Shantian Chi.

The future demon even taught the other party's Taoist skills several times. After he solved the other party's doubts, he became a senior who Tianchi admired extremely.

In Chu Qiguang's opinion, it was only a matter of time before Tian Chi was deceived.

Emperor: But the Demon Boss has no time now, so he can only find another person.

Tongtian: Who is the other one?

Emperor: Wait a minute, let me see if I can... wake him up.

So after Chu Qiguang waited for a while, a man named Tiansheng Zhenhun spoke.

Tianshui Zhenhun: Hehe, is Tongtian coming? Okay, you can actually make the emperor wake me up, so tell me about your situation in detail.

After listening to Chu Qiguang's words, Tiansheng Zhenhun returned: Oh? It seems that your planet has encountered a star wanderer.

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: What is that?

Tianshui Zhenhun: A combat unit of the Aberrant Empire. He should have fallen into the extra-dimensional passage during a certain war between the empire and heaven, and ended up on your planet.

Don’t you know about the Aberration Empire? Hmm... using the term you use here, it should be called the Kingdom of Demons.

The so-called aberrations are what many forces call monsters, and the Aberration Empire is a country composed of aberrations.

We will talk about the specific situation of the Aberrant Empire and Heavenly Court later. I will teach you how to deal with this thing first...

Soon after, Chu Qiguang put away the Book of Emptiness, went to Lin Lan and said, "There is a way to deal with that fish man and the Star God."

"The other party locked you through dreams, and we can also lock him through dreams."

Seeing Chu Qiguang suddenly confident, Dalin Lanqi asked: "How to lock it?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Everyone who passes by will leave traces, and the same is true for the spread of dreams."

"You can continue to dream, and I will track him backwards through your dreams."

So a few days later.

Chu Qiguang cut through the sky alone, bringing up a long air wave to fly to the south.

After continuous high-speed flight, he arrived at the Yuezhou coast in the southern part of the Central Plains, and then continued southward on the sea, arriving at a sea level about two thousand miles away.

With a bang, he crashed into the sea, splashing water all over the sky.

As the sea water rushed up to the sky and fell again, it seemed like a heavy rain fell on the sea level.

As soon as he entered the sea, Chu Qiguang felt like a fish in water.

That was the Holy Transformation Four Seas Dragon Teng at work. As Chu Qiguang's only Holy Transformation at present, Chu Qiguang felt the domineering aspect of it as soon as it was activated.

Not only did the seawater not give him any resistance, it was even like a part of his body, pushing his body like an arm and accelerating his movement.

And every time he took a deep breath, a large amount of seawater poured into his body along his mouth and nose, making him feel like he was breathing thick air. Not only did he not feel suffocated at all, he even felt His body felt comfortable, and his physical strength and energy and blood quickly recovered with his breathing.

At the same time, there was even more surging power roaring back and forth in his body.

The energy and blood in his blood vessels surged like a giant dragon, and even sent out dragon roars during the operation, shaking the seawater around him, forming dragon-shaped torrents.

The next moment, as his body shook slightly, it quickly descended like a tornado, rushing straight to the depths of the seabed.

There is one more chapter to be finished and more to come

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