Ruins of the past

Chapter 819 Opportunity

Before Huang Huangpeng could think about it for a while, a strong pain surged into his heart.

As the power of the formation dissipated, not only the many masters of the human race regained their strength.

The blessed power on the giant dragons also began to dissipate, and the transformation 'Dragon Food Evolution' obtained by the Mirage Dragon King also became invalid.

As a result, the Golden Peng and Yunlong King fused in his body gradually melted.

They will gradually turn into flesh and blood and become part of the Mirage Dragon King forever.

Huang Huangpeng said with a painful look on his face: "Dragon King Mirage...what happened to me?"

Mirage Dragon King said calmly: "Thank you, human being."

"Next you will become food and become a part of my body."

"Then, I will contribute my last effort to the destiny of demons to conquer humans and the safety of all people in the world."

Huang Huangpeng's face gradually melted into the body of Mirage Dragon King, but when he heard what Mirage Dragon King said, he sneered.

"The Mirage Dragon King..."

He looked at the slowly collapsing dragon tree, his tone full of disappointment: "The dragon is too arrogant."

"If you are always so aloof, then even if the demon is destined to win over the human, you may not be the final winner."

Yunlong King, who was also gradually melting, said: "Shut up, human race. How can you imagine the greatness of Emperor Tian and Dragon Race?"

"We are the only descendants of gods in this world, a race favored by the emperor. All creatures in this world are destined to become our slaves and food."

He looked at the fallen dragon tree with anger and let out a low roar.

"Mirage Dragon King, take all my flesh and blood."

"You must assist His Majesty in conquering the human race, conquering this world, and welcoming the coming of Emperor Tian, ​​so that our race can once again stand at the highest point in the world..."

One person and one dragon completely disappeared from the Mirage Dragon King. The Yinglong King beside him spread out his colorful wings and said, "Let's go!"

"His Majesty may need us right now."

Seeing the two giant dragons trying to cut into the battlefield, Ji Haoran slashed out six sword shadows and blocked them.

Looking at Yinglong King and Mirage Dragon King, Ji Haoran thought to himself: 'I didn't expect Chu Qiguang to be able to cut off his spiritual veins. I don't know what his condition is now... at least he can't let these two dragons affect him. ’

Neither side spoke a word. They simply looked at each other for a breath, and they both understood that the other party was determined to fight.

The next moment, one man and two dragons were already in action.

In the blink of an eye, black and yellow hands, mirage, sword light, wind, fire, ice, water... various destructive forces have spread on the battlefield.

Ji Haoran was at an absolute disadvantage in an instant and was almost completely suppressed. He could only rely on the power of the six-mouthed divine sword to hold back the two giant dragons.

But at this moment, a shrill dragon roar came, and it spread throughout the entire Dragon Snake Mountain in the blink of an eye.

Even the strong men of the human race can hear the strong pain and hatred contained in the dragon's roar.

Mirage Dragon King and Ying Dragon King were shocked when they heard this voice, and their dragon eyes showed fear. They could not imagine what happened to the Dragon Emperor to make such a shrill roar.

"His Majesty!"

The Mirage Dragon King screamed in surprise, and the mirage energy exploded, bringing thousands of phantoms directly towards the direction where the roar came from.

Originally, he wanted to work with King Yinglong to deal with Ji Haoran first.

But now that he heard the Dragon Emperor's cry, he no longer had the intention to deal with Ji Haoran. He directly covered the opponent with infinite phantoms and accelerated his flight towards him.

Accompanied by the violent screams of the atmosphere, the energy and blood in the Mirage Dragon King's body surged violently, and the violent wind around him followed, piercing the sky like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in the direction of the dragon's roar.

Seeing this scene in front of him made him feel horrified.

"His Majesty!"

Time goes back to the moment when Chu Qiguang cut off his spiritual veins.

Looking at the collapsed cave in front of him, he retreated and returned to the Buddhist world.

Huang Daoxu was slightly startled when he saw Chu Qiguang's appearance.

Because from his perspective, he couldn't see the scene where Chu Qiguang passed by him, entered the gate of the Buddhist world, and cut off his spiritual veins.

In his opinion, just when he found the location of the spiritual vein corresponding to the Buddhist world, Chu Qiguang came out directly from it.

Chu Qiguang took the initiative to explain: "I just cut off the spiritual veins, and now Taiyuan Dragon Emperor should have disconnected from Longshen Mountain."

Hearing this, Huang Daoxu's eyes flashed: "If this is the case, our opportunity will come..."

The two of them didn't talk much. In a flash, they rushed out of the Buddhist world.

Chu Qiguang formed a seal with his hands and was about to open the door to the Buddhist world again and return to the real world together with Huang Daoxu.

At this moment, an angry dragon roar came from the distance, and it was the Canglong King who rushed over at lightning speed.

Ever since he was slapped into the Buddhist world by Chu Qiguang, he has been looking for a way back.

As soon as Chu Qiguang appeared in the Buddhist world, he also brought a dazzling light behind his head that was universal in the world.

The Canglong King who was nearby rushed over in an instant. After seeing the door to the Buddhist world opened by Chu Qiguang, a pair of dragon eyes seemed to be spitting out fire, and he tried his best to rush into it.

Chu Qiguang just glanced at the other party and had no intention of taking action.

After all, the energy and blood power in his body is almost exhausted now.

Every time he hits next, he needs to mobilize the energy and blood power that is common in the world.

'Alas, every next move will be a loss. Can I not fight or not...'

So he turned around and walked towards the gate of the Buddhist world, and said casually: "I'll leave it to you."

Chu Qiguang's ease was noticed by Huang Daoxu, especially since the other party not only looked unscathed at this moment, but could not even feel any weakening of strength, which made him unable to help being surprised.

‘Is Chu Qiguang already so powerful? ’

'Even after taking so many pills and receiving the blessing of Xuanyuan's divine power... this is a bit too incredible. ’

‘Even after fighting against the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and cutting off his spiritual veins... he was still able to remain in a state close to his peak? ’

‘Looking at his appearance, it seems that he doesn’t take Canglong King seriously at all. ’

Thinking of this, Huang Daoxu moved his fingertips and saw a mountain-moving talisman appear in front of him and burst into flames.

As one of the strongest people in the dragon clan besides the Dragon Emperor, Canglong King is also the only dragon among several dragon kings who has mastered martial arts.

His physique is strong and his vitality is tyrannical, ranking first among several dragon kings.

Even if Huang Daoxu wants to deal with the other party, it will take a lot of effort.

But if you just want to block the opponent for a moment, it will be much easier, even easier than dealing with other giant dragons who practice Taoism.

The next moment, a force as heavy as a mountain pressed down on the Canglong King with a bang.

Suddenly struck by this attack, Canglong King's huge dragon body hit the ground with a bang, squeezing it so hard that the ground cracked.

"Chu Qiguang!!"

When he raised his head, Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu had already entered the Buddhist door and disappeared. Looking at the slowly closing Buddhist door, an angry dragon roar broke through the sky and continued to echo in the Buddhist world.

There is one more chapter, currently being written

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