Ruins of the past

Chapter 817 Cutting off the spiritual veins

Listening to King Yinglong's analysis, Huang Huangpeng had an uncertain look in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Mirage Dragon King seemed to feel something strange about Huang Huangpeng, as if he was strengthening his belief or comforting him, and said: "It is only natural that a demon can win over a man. Even if Chu Qiguang has earth-shattering cultivation, he will never be able to save him." Heaven’s love.”

Huang Huangpeng hummed, and his eyes seemed to become firm again: "Yes, destiny cannot be violated. No matter how strong Chu Qiguang's martial arts is, he will always struggle to the death."

An unpleasant feeling arose in King Yinglong's heart: 'His Majesty's great formation has been launched long ago, but why has it not been fully activated even now? ’

At this moment, a loud crashing noise came.

However, he saw the black spots around Longjun spread violently, and large areas of disaster water continued to drip out, just like the ink on the brush dropped drop by drop on the scroll, gradually blooming into a large area.

More and more disasters from the twelve plague dragons are gathering. At this moment, it seems that one can see the disasters rising up into the sky all over the Dragon Snake Mountain, turning into vortexes in the sky.

At this moment, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor had completely turned his head.

The pair of dragon eyes looked directly at Chu Qiguang, as if he had never really regarded him as an opponent until this moment.

But there was a coldness in the eyes of the dragon, which only made people feel a sense of desolation.

In the Tianshijiao main altar, everyone looked at Chu Qiguang, who was unharmed in mid-air, and their hearts became excited.

Wang Feipian said: "I didn't expect that Chu Qiguang would not fall behind at all. It seems that his strength is not inferior to Taiyuan Dragon Emperor."

Hao Xiangtong said excitedly: "More than just about the same, you can see that he is still calm and unscathed. On the other hand, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor has the help of a large formation and has taken advantage of the favorable location! Let me tell you, Taiyuan Longri's The real strength is still at a disadvantage.”

Although everyone thought Chu Qiguang was very powerful, Hao Xiangtong's words still made them feel that they were a bit exaggerated.

Among the crowd, only Fu Nanzi looked strange and was filled with doubts: "When Chu Qiguang left the Zixiao Palace, he probably didn't break through to the Holy Spirit. How could he defeat the Dragon Emperor?"

In mid-air on the other side, Chu Qiguang called Qiao Zhi in his heart.

It's a pity that Qiao Zhi seemed to have completely passed out since he used the move of All Heavens Silent Heart Palm, and never responded to Chu Qiguang's call again.

Not only that, at this moment, the energy and blood power in Chu Qiguang's body was already less than 10%, and even Xuanyuan's divine power had been depleted by more than half.

On the contrary, the void cracks behind him expanded even more, and turned into streaks of white lightning that appeared all over his body, further strengthening his power.

Jiaojiao sighed and said, "Brother, why don't we withdraw? The general Qi and blood reserves in the world are going to be warned."

"If this continues, I don't know how many people will jump off the building."

"It's not easy for us to survive until now. The gap between becoming a saint and manifesting the spirit is still too big."

"Just to block these three moves of Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, how much energy and strength did we lose? This battle is really a big loss, and we will lose even more if we continue to fight..."

"Stop talking, Jiaojiao." Chu Qiguang said slowly: "Although I have been teaching you how to make money and how to run a business, there are many things in this world that cannot only be judged by whether you are losing money or making money. "

"Sometimes, we have to invest even if we know we will lose money."

After Chu Qiguang finished speaking, he stopped talking and just looked in the direction of Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, as if he wanted to hold on for a while longer.

But at this moment, Jiaojiao suddenly shouted again: "Brother..."

"I know." A hint of excitement flashed across Chu Qiguang's face: "It's finally done."

Just when everyone thought the war was about to start again.

A gate to the Buddhist world suddenly appeared behind Chu Qiguang.

At the same time, he said:

"Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, since the three moves have been passed, it is now my turn to take action."

"With the next move, I will first cut off the spiritual veins under your body."

"If you can block it, just block it and watch."

Chu Qiguang's words immediately caused a big stir in everyone's hearts.

Mirage Dragon King, Huang Huangpeng, and Ji Haoran were all shocked, and an idea came to their minds.

"Is that the trick?"

It seemed that he was reminded of Chu Qiguang's sword that no one could see in the Thousand Houses of Donghai Prefecture.

It's just that Ji Haoran was thinking about whether Taiyuan Dragon Emperor could block this move, while Mirage Dragon King and Huang Huangpeng were thinking about how Dragon Emperor would break this move. Could they also take the opportunity to get a glimpse of the true nature of this move? .

After Chu Qiguang finished speaking, he drew out the Demon Emperor Sword and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's head.

The next moment, in the midst of everyone's attention, he flashed like a black meteor and rushed straight to Nagarjuna's position.

The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's body was shaken, and the twelve plague dragons and floods that filled the sky were about to launch together to surround and kill Chu Qiguang.

And just after Chu Qiguang arrived above the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, the sky was about to be surrounded by disaster and water, and he was completely swallowed up.

A gate to the Buddhist world suddenly opened behind him, and his super-sensory ability was instantly activated to freeze time and space.

For a moment, the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and the misfortunes in front of him all stopped.

Chu Qiguang, on the other hand, squeezed out every ounce of strength in his body and stepped into the gate of the Buddhist world at full speed.

At this moment, in the Buddhist world, a large hole was dug into the ground.

When Chu Qiguang exploded with all his strength, the atmosphere was shattered layer by layer by him like glass.

The whole world seemed to be blurred at this extreme speed.

Fortunately, the underground passage was a straight line. Under his full acceleration, he arrived at the end of the underground passage in 0.1 seconds. The person who appeared in front of him was Huang Daoxu, the leader of the Tianshi Sect.

According to the original plan, it was Huang Daoxu who delayed time for him while Chu Qiguang searched for the location of the spiritual veins.

However, after Chu Qiguang became ill again, resisted the Dragon Emperor, and protected the Tianshi Sect General Forum, he contacted Huang Daoxu through the monster bird controlled by Jiaojiao, asking him to find the corresponding spiritual vein in the Buddhist world. Location.

At this moment, the bird standing still in the air next to Huang Daoxu is the monster controlled by Jiaojiao.

A Buddhist door stood quietly in front of them.

In the next 0.1 seconds, Chu Qiguang had passed through the Buddhist gate and came to the real world again.

What appeared in front of him was a huge underground cave.

As far as the eye can see, there are stone walls emitting spiritual light everywhere.

In the center of the cave, there is a black and white dragon shadow intertwined with each other.

The white one is the result of the spiritual veins of Dragon Snake Mountain.

The black Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's spiritual veins are where his true body lies.

Without saying a word, Chu Qiguang slashed away with the Demon Emperor Sword in his hand, slashing out seven swords in one breath.

When the effect of space freezing ends, everything around starts moving again.

The Void Sword Qi slashed out by seven consecutive Demon Emperor Swords penetrated the two dragon shadows and directly divided them into two.

The next moment, the cave in front of him trembled violently, and the white dragon shadow seemed to let out a burst of cheers, then reintegrated into the earth with a whoosh and disappeared without a trace.

The black dragon shadow roared, and the entire cave collapsed amid violent tremors.

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