Ruins of the past

Chapter 730 The Beginning of Chaos (First Update)

Seeing the strange phenomena gradually dissipating in the sky, Chu Qiguang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "How is Si Xingchun?"

A rat figure stood up on the edge of the wall. After hearing Chu Qiguang's question, he immediately answered, and a delicate voice came out: "Dead, the Buddha of Immortality used a method that I have never seen before. Amazing."

Chu Qiguang stood up: "Let's talk while walking."

I saw a gate to the Buddhist world suddenly opened behind him.

"Sister Feng, go and pick up the little friends."

"Master Qiao, please work with me to prepare... this great gift for the common people."

Seeing that Chu Qiguang and his men seemed to be taking action, Yi Siman finally couldn't help but said: "Chu Qiguang, what about me? What are you going to do with me?"

Chu Qiguang turned back to look at Yi Siman and said, "If you want to see it, come and see it."

"If you want to leave, you can leave."

"Our Bashu Chamber of Commerce has always been able to come and go freely."

Hearing this, Li Yaofeng, Qiao Zhi and others all rolled their eyes.

Yi Siman didn't believe Chu Qiguang's words either, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to escape even if he left.

He stood up and said, "I at least want to see with my own eyes...what exactly are you going to do."

In the underground hall.

Facing this powerful man in front of him, an unprecedented formidable enemy, Ji Haoran had already raised his spirits to the tune of 120,000 points.

But he understands that there is a gap in realm here. What the other party has mastered is still a terrifyingly powerful Taoist technique that can control the magic dye.

'Just relying on my own cultivation of "Qingyang Water Tribulation", I am afraid that I will definitely die after one or two moves. ’

Thinking of this, Ji Haoran immediately used the trump card he had prepared.

He took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, and strands of golden light emerged from his mouth, turning into bright sword lights.

This golden light and sword light are none other than the Nine Heavens Roaring Sword among the Great Xia Divine Swords, which can call out violent winds and storms.

Even when it was in the hands of Tian Sheng Emperor, it was able to communicate with the Gang Qi layer and create hurricanes that eroded several states.

When not in use, this sword can be transformed into lung gold sword energy, hidden in a person's lungs.

At this moment, seeing Ji Haoran open his mouth and spit out sword lights, Jiang Hongyun's expression changed slightly, and he said with a complicated emotion: "Jiuxiaotian Roaring Sword?"

"It's this sword." As Ji Haoran spoke, his figure was gradually enveloped by the golden storm.

In order to control the transformed Gang Qi layer, the original Great Xia Dynasty built a total of nine divine swords.

It is said that everything from climate to feng shui in the world is controlled and regulated by the imperial court.

After the Great Xia fell apart, the royal family also took away these nine divine swords. Over the next hundreds of years, the nine divine swords were kept by different branches of the royal family.

Among them, the contemporary Great Xia Zi Ji Yuan's branch is the strongest and most powerful, possessing a total of five divine swords.

The branch that Ji Haoran belongs to retains a Nine Heavens Roaring Sword, and has the mission of protecting the Gang Qi layer from generation to generation.

Because of its ability to summon wind, the Nine Heavens Roaring Sword has a great influence on the Gang Qi layer, and the people in the clan have sworn not to use it without permission.

Ji Haoran never considered this magic sword even when he assassinated Emperor Yong'an.

However, the Immortal Dao and the Northern Monster Tribe actually wanted to revive the Saint Emperor's traces. This matter was so closely related that Ji Haoran couldn't care less... so he broke into the clan's forbidden area and opened the divine sword.

Thinking of this, Ji Haoran suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Since his birth, Ji Haoran has inherited the will of his ancestors passed down from generation to generation in the clan, to protect the Gang Qi layer and resist the intrusion of external gods.

Originally, he thought that time had changed, and since the Great Xia Dynasty had been destroyed, he would use what he had learned to help the current Han Dynasty maintain peace and prosperity.

But after hiding his identity as an official for many years, he discovered that Emperor Yong'an was a selfish man who regarded the world as private property and treated all officials as slaves.

The country of the human race is becoming more and more precarious in the hands of the other party, so that the people are in dire straits and chaos reigns.

After being completely disappointed with the Han court, he joined An Yiyun's plan to assassinate Emperor Yong'an and replace him with another emperor.

Unfortunately, the assassination failed, and Emperor Yong'an still sat high on the throne.

And the orthodox successor of the Daxia royal family, this generation of Daxia's son Ji Yuan... The other party's subsequent performance in colluding with the demon clan and the immortal way in Longshen Mountain also made Ji Haoran extremely disappointed.

The great catastrophe of the earth is approaching, the outer gods are watching with eager eyes, and the demonic contamination is surging year by year, but the human race is still divided within, and they are constantly fighting for power and profit.

On the other hand, the northern demon clan has received help from immortals and external gods over the years. Not only has its strength increased steadily, but now it is trying to revive and control the 'traces' of the human race's holy emperor.

‘Is it true that the destiny of demons to conquer humans is so unchangeable? ’

The feeling that all resistance is futile in the face of the general trend has been tormenting Ji Haoran's heart over the years.

But the next moment, a hint of perseverance flashed through Ji Haoran's heart: 'No matter what...'

‘Even if you sacrifice your life, you can’t let the Holy Emperor be controlled by the demon clan. ’


The raging storm centered on Ji Haoran's body and surged in all directions.

At the same time, the sound of huge waves rushing to the sky resounded in his body, and the Qingyang Water Tribulation was activated, bringing the giant wolf into the strong wind.

Suddenly, a fierce storm spread out.

The green bricks on the ground shattered instantly, the earth was cut open layer by layer, and the blood pool instantly collapsed and turned into blood mist, which was then swept into the storm.

The wind and water moving at extremely high speed seemed to turn into an indestructible magic weapon at this moment.

Pierce and cut open all matter within the field of vision.

The storm swept towards Jiang Hongyun in an instant.

But Jiang Hongyun, who was watching this scene, just sneered, and the monsters under his command roared loudly, and strong demon stains rose into the sky.

"That's not how the Nine Heavens Roaring Sword is used."

There was a soft snap.

In Ji Haoran's shocked eyes.

With a snap of Jiang Hongyun's fingers, the storm that had hit his face suddenly dissipated, as if it had been directly wiped away by some terrifying force.

"Whether it's you or Ji Yuan, you descendants of Daxia have really disgraced the Emperor Tiansheng."

"Not even one ten thousandth of his level."

Jiang Hongyun swept across with one hand, and the magic stain bloomed all over his body. The light, walls, and storm in the entire underground hall seemed to be distorted like noodles.

At the same time, streaks of lightning flashed away.

A billowing stream of heat roared in.

There was a roar like the exploding stars.

There are air currents, water currents, and the earth is slowly cracking...

The abilities of 23 kinds of monsters work together, and the calamity of Heaven, Evil, Sky, and God suddenly breaks out.

"My move of 'Heavenly Destruction and Sky Divine Tribulation' uses 23 kinds of monsters that have entered the Dao to activate each other."

"Under the catastrophe, everything will collapse."

"There is absolutely no martial arts or Taoism that can resist him head-on."

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