Ruins of the past

Chapter 72 Average

Hao Wen looked at Chu Qiguang and said, "Chu Qiguang, do you understand?"

Chu Qiguang nodded, enduring the physical and mental discomfort, and thought to himself: 'There is something wrong with this Ding Daoxiao's attitude. Does he support the withdrawal of land?

But according to what Qiao Zhi said...he and his Ding family were conservatives in the future. Not only did they oppose reform, but they later settled a lot of land. This was also the reason why Ding Daoxiao joined the Demon Suppression Division and did not continue to embrace the Wu family. ’

‘Haha, the reformist Wu Ge Lao’s son refuses to give up his land. Will the conservative Ding Daoxiao support the withdrawal of land? If this is the case, then the water is very deep here. ’

'It's a pity that Qiao Zhi doesn't know much about the inside story of this battle in Qingyang County...'

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chu Qiguang could not decipher the key point in Ding Daoxiao's attitude for a while. He temporarily suppressed the doubts and discomfort in his heart and said slowly: "The way to break the situation lies in the demon salary..."

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, demons were everywhere in the world, and there were even more monsters gathering in the wilderness. In order to control demons and open up wasteland, Emperor Taizu levied demon wages and used them to mobilize his troops to defeat demons in various places.

Later, as the number of demons in the wilderness was greatly reduced, a large number of fields were opened up in various places, and the imperial court no longer sent troops to encircle and suppress the demons. Instead, it was handed over to various health stations and Taoist temples to cooperate with the Demon Suppression Division to deal with the demons.

The demon pay will be collected and distributed locally by each state and government, and will no longer be sent to the central government for unified deployment.

Now is the 15th year of Yongan, and in the 2nd year of Yongan, Beiyue Prefecture found that there was a problem with the increase or decrease in the number of acres in Qingyang County during the accounting, so they sent people to check, and finally calculated that Qingyang County’s demon rate was 1,051 shi less of summer wheat. quota, so he ordered the county to make up for the 1,051 shi of summer wheat every year in the future.

"The 1,051 shi of summer wheat should have been shared by the entire county of Qingyang County, so it was not much. However, among the six scribes in the county government at that time... there were no people from Nangou Township in Qingyang County. Instead, they all come from twelve other towns and villages in Qingyang County."

"So with a stroke of their pen, they joined forces and put the 1,051 stones of summer wheat on the head of Nangou Township. Because Qingyang County had to make up for the demon pay, the people of Nangou Township didn't notice it for a while. Problem. Just let them pay an extra 1,051 shi of summer wheat in a muddle-headed manner."

"Now is the 15th year of Yong'an. Nangou Township has paid more summer wheat for 13 years and has become more and more poor. However, the families of subordinate officials in the other 12 towns have passed down the six-fang position for 13 years and have a firm control. He gained the authority of the sixth house in the county.

Even if someone discovers Xia Mai's problem, they can push the matter aside by passing the blame to each other.

As for Daidai County Magistrate, as long as Qingyang County can collect all the demon pay, it doesn't matter which village pays more or less, and he is not willing to offend the gentry, officials, and people in the twelve towns for this. Once this matter comes out, Nangou Township and twelve other towns will be in trouble. "

Hearing this, Hao Wen's eyes also lit up: "If you are not satisfied, there will be riots. When the time comes, a little stimulation will lead to a popular uprising."

Inciting civil unrest, resisting the imperial court, and driving away county magistrates were the basic operations of local right-wing officials in the Han Dynasty. Hao Wen came up with a bunch of methods as soon as he heard this.

At this moment, Ding Daoxiao on the side frowned and said with a nonchalant expression: "Chu Qiguang, this method of yours won't work."

He criticized: "Then Nangou Township is just a group of unruly people, even if there are a few martial arts students, it is not enough.

Once the trouble broke out, He Wenyan directly led his people to suppress Nangou Township and let them continue to bear the overcharged demon salary. Could this group of unruly people be able to make more trouble than He Wenyan, a martial arts scholar?

What's more, you also said that the current six-room scribes are all from those twelve towns. It is even more impossible for He Wenyan to offend the gentry, officials and ordinary people of the other twelve towns for the sake of Nangou Township. "

Chu Qiguang looked directly at Ding Daoxiao and said word by word: "The overcharged monster salary should have been the burden of the entire county, but it was spread on the head of Nangou Township. How could the county know that as an official of Qingyang's parents, it should not be equalized? , to relieve people’s poverty?”

Housekeeper Hao Fulai said impatiently: "Didn't you hear what Mr. Ding said? It's just Nangou Township..."

"Shut up." After hearing Chu Qiguang's last words, Hao Wen laughed and scolded directly: "You slave knows nothing."

Hao Fulai stared blankly at Hao Wen scolding him, feeling angry but never daring to express it, so he could only glare at Chu Qiguang hatefully.

Hao Wen's words were equivalent to scolding Ding Daoxiao on the side, which made Ding Daoxiao's face turn blue and white.

Hao Wen did not realize this, and continued to laugh: "Equalizing taxes and levies... This is a national policy. He Wenyan measured the land just to equalize taxes and levies. Isn't it just a tiger's skin in the name of national policy? What about the devil's salary? Leveling the entire county to relieve the people's poverty is also to implement national policy."

Hao Wenchang said cheerfully: "We not only need to appeal to the people, but also write letters to the governor, inspector, and chief secretary to ask He Wenyan to quickly equalize the demon pay and benefit the people of Nangou Township."

Ding Daoxiao's face darkened. He wanted to object but couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Once the Wu family and the Hao family became famous, they began to fan the flames and instigate the people. In the name of the fair pay for more than a thousand dan of summer wheat, it was easy to cause trouble in the county.

At that time, all we need to do is find a few more leaders to surround the county government office, go to the governor's office to write a letter, and then beat up the county government officials... It will immediately be a civil uprising.

The ministers of the DPRK and the Central Committee must not blame everyone for this. They will only think that He Wenyan is incompetent and use him as a scapegoat.

Hao Yongtai on the side suddenly understood after hearing his father's explanation. At this moment, he looked at Chu Qiguang with some admiration, thinking that this guy is really a talent.

Hao Wen looked at Ding Daoxiao and asked, "Nephew Ding Xian, what do you think of this method?"

Ding Daoxiao's face froze slightly, he looked at Chu Qiguang and said with a smile: "It is indeed a good idea. No matter how equal He Wenyan is, the twelve towns and villages will be dissatisfied. Even if he knows, there is nothing he can do."

Hao Wen patted Chu Qiguang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This move is to retaliate in the same way. Nephew Chu Xian is really smart and quick, hahahaha."

Ding Daoxiao sat quietly aside, as if he was seriously looking at Chu Qiguang in front of him for the first time, and there seemed to be a hint of haze passing through his eyebrows.

Hao Wen said: "I will talk to Wu Wei and ask him to write a letter to Lingzhou Governor Li Peiqian first to reflect the situation in Qingyang County and urge He Wenyan to equalize the demon pay as soon as possible."

If the Wu family had their hands and feet restrained before, now that they have elevated their behavior to the point of responding to the court's call, they can freely exert their influence in the court and the county.

Hao Fulai had just been scolded by Hao Wen, and now he was standing aside with a dark face, looking at Chu Qiguang with surprise in his eyes.

The more Hao Wen thought about it, the more excited he became. He said hello and took the boy to Wu's house. He wanted to tell Wu Wei about this method as soon as possible.

Before leaving, he asked his servants to prepare a banquet and asked Hao Yongtai to greet Ding Daoxiao and Chu Qiguang well.

Looking at Hao Wen leaving, Ding Daoxiao smiled slightly, looked at Chu Qiguang and said: "You are really smart to see this loophole in the vast money and food account book."

"Thank you." Chu Qiguang looked at Ding Daoxiao without giving in, and suddenly said: "Brother Ding, doesn't he support the actions of the Wu family and the Hao family?"

Ding Daoxiao was slightly shocked, but he thought he had not exposed any flaws. He stared at Chu Qiguang with his eyes: "Why do you think so?"


The inspiration for this chapter comes from the Huizhou silk case from the Longqing to Wanli years of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, the Huizhou silk case in history must be much more complicated than this. Various Jinshi and senior officials took turns to appear on the stage. The process was strange and exciting. Everyone has If you are interested, you can learn more about it. The best one is "The Ming Dynasty under the Microscope" by Prince Ma. Not only is the information detailed and sophisticated, but it is also rare to explain it in simple terms

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