Ruins of the past

Chapter 692 You have a huge loan that has been approved


The moment Immortal Buddha saw the agreed option, he noticed that the option vibrated slightly, as if it had been directly selected.

He immediately understood that this thing was activated just by looking at it.

And with the agreement of the Incorruptible Buddha, the dense text in front of him disappeared quickly, as if he was afraid that he would continue reading.

At the same time, the Buddha felt a slight heat in his chest, as if something was growing.

"This is……"

The monk's robe on the chest of the Indestructible Buddha shook slightly and then suddenly shattered, revealing his generous chest.

But at this moment, there is a silver pattern in the center of the chest, as if the Babel Banknote has been printed on it.

And at the edge of the silver pattern, there is a circle of golden light flowing back and forth.

The light was like a golden flame surrounding the silver lines.

The Buddha of Immortality looked carefully and could vaguely see weird words burning in the golden flames.

The content seems to be 'It is universally accepted and will accompany your growth for the sake of the freedom of cultivation for one billion people in the world...'

The writing on the back became blurry, and even the good Buddha couldn't see it clearly.

But no matter what, he knew that he had been hit by Chu Qiguang's Taoism, but he still didn't know what the specific function of this Taoism was.

'The Taoist techniques in the realm of Taoism can actually work on me in the realm of manifesting gods...'

The Indestructible Buddha raised his head, surrounded by Buddha light, and transformed into a giant Buddha sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​​​fire.

I saw him looking at Chu Qiguang coldly, and the sound in his mouth turned into thunderous sounds, sweeping across all directions.

"Chu Qiguang, what kind of Taoism is this?"

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly when he heard this, and thought to himself: 'Those who use Tongtian Baobao will naturally become a common user in the world, just like opening a bank account. ’

‘And Tian Xia Tong Xing… If you want to describe it, it can be said to be a bank that distributes energy and blood power. ’

‘After becoming a Tianxiatongxing user, you have three options. ’

‘The first one is to store energy and blood power inside. ’

‘The second option is to take out the energy and blood power you have saved and earn interest. ’

‘The last one is the third one, which is also the inevitable choice of the Incorruptible Buddha, from which the power of Qi and blood can be borrowed. ’

While Chu Qiguang was thinking, he was sitting cross-legged and pressed down with one hand in a seal, and the sea of ​​​​fire beneath him roared.

I saw the increasingly turbulent Buddha Fire being drawn out from the air by Chu Qiguang, and then continuously condensed into a massive amount of treasure money.

The sudden dissipation of the Buddha's fire formed a huge hole, directly exposing Chu Qiguang and the Indestructible Buddha above the City of Night.

At this moment, countless people inside and outside the city could see and hear Chu Qiguang and the Indestructible Buddha. Of course, this was Chu Qiguang's deliberate move.

As soon as he spoke lightly, a sound wave visible to the naked eye swept out and resounded over the entire Night City.

"Incorruptible Buddha, I have always heard that you are the number one genius in Buddhism for thousands of years, and you are known as the reincarnation of the Buddha."

"It's a pity that even though I defeated you with my own hands in the last battle, your level was lower than mine and I didn't try my best. This is really a big regret in my heart."

"Today I see that you have returned to the state of manifesting the spirit. It is just the right time to continue the unfinished battle between you and me and put an end to the regret in my heart."

The Indestructible Buddha snorted coldly when he heard this: "Junior, when I cultivated the supreme method of Buddhism, you were not born yet."

After saying that, he saw his palms forming seals, his mouth erupting with thunderous sounds, and the flesh and blood on his body expanded to grow terrifying mouthparts, from which bursts of Zen chants erupted.

At the same time, twisted arms grew out from his back, forming different Buddhist handprints.

The Indestructible Buddha was a Buddhist genius who practiced the Three Dharma as early as hundreds of years ago.

Later, he also practiced the demonic path, and the demons and Buddhas became one.

Finally, he faked death and reincarnated into the world's first demon Buddha.

I saw him pointing one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, and said in his mouth: "Worlds in the ten directions, great compassion, the gate of perfection..."

In an instant, under the shocked gazes of countless people, a sky full of gods and Buddhas appeared behind him, taking the form of an angry-eyed Vajra.

"Chu Qiguang, why don't you just surrender? I will destroy your foundation and wipe out your whole family."

The gods and Buddhas all over the sky took action, and thunder, lightning, and flames rushed toward Chu Qiguang.

Facing this overwhelming offensive, Chu Qiguang made a horizontal movement with a single palm, and his great freedom exploded, directly bringing up heavy air waves and sweeping towards the front.

In the crackling sound of explosions, all the offensives that were touched by the Great Freedom Dissipated one by one, and the offensives that did not collide hit Chu Qiguang's body, erupting with a roar.

There was a fierce fight between the two sides. Chu Qiguang's Great Freedom was so fierce that it opened and closed, causing everything in its path to collapse.

The offensive of the Indestructible Buddha is ever-changing, with virtuality and reality intersecting each other. One second it was a shadow, and the next second it became real. However, one moment it was real, and the next moment it could turn into an illusion.

"Illusion?" Chu Qiguang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the voices of Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi rang in his ears.

Jiaojiao: "Brother! Master Qiao has something to say."

Qiao Zhi said quickly: "Chu Qiguang! Be careful! This is the "Thirty-two Causes and Conditions" after the "Thirty-Six Meditations"."

"The Thirty-Two Causes and Conditions Technique is also one of the most difficult Tao techniques to practice in the same realm."

"It's just because this dharma of manifesting the gods focuses on the word fate."

"Only through thirty-two causes and conditions can one understand and realize its method."

"The Indestructible Buddha is probably because he has already cultivated this method a long time ago. He only needs to recover his cultivation level to be able to cultivate this magical power again so quickly."

"It is said that after practicing this method, you can not only have extraordinary perception, travel thousands of miles at night, but also transform into mortals in your dreams. The illusions you cast can even create illusions and reality. The illusion can be real, and the real thing can also be a dream..."

During Qiao Zhi's introduction, Chu Qiguang also deeply understood the horror of the other party's divine method.

I saw that the fight between him and the Buddha of Incorruption became more and more intense, and the power of freedom exploded again and again, but it was always bombarded by layers of phantoms.

On the other hand, the flames all over his body were surging, and he was resisting the attacks of the Indestructible Buddha again and again.

At this moment, the Indestructible Buddha had the upper hand. He sneered and said: "The evil sect has secretly learned the true Buddhist teachings. Do you think you can compete with the authentic Buddhism?"

Chu Qiguang used his palms, the energy and blood in his body surged and roared, and he once again blocked the opponent's attack with his great freedom, but he smiled happily and said: "Buddha, you are really powerful."

"In this case, I don't have to hold back anymore... I can finally have a good fight again."

During the fierce fight between the two sides, both Chu Qiguang and the Buddha were frantically extracting the Buddha's fire around them.

Massive amounts of Buddhist fire were continuously devoured, refined, and absorbed by both parties.

The lines on the Immortal Buddha's chest felt hot.

Another line of words appeared in front of his eyes.

"You have a huge loan that has been approved..."

The next chapter is still being written.

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