Ruins of the past

Chapter 688 Stop Chu Qiguang

"Twenty-six rectifications?" Jiang Hongyun was secretly shocked.

He didn't expect that Chu Qiguang could actually create the twenty-sixth dharma.

It is also difficult to imagine what kind of Taoist techniques these twenty-six righteous methods are, which actually made the messenger of the outer gods so nervous.

In fact, Jiang Hongyun has never forgotten this since he witnessed Chu Qiguang's Bian Chen skills in controlling monsters during the battle at Long Snake Mountain.

Later, he asked around, but found no news about this Taoist technique. Then he came to Shuzhou to look for information, and immediately discovered the blood pool.

In the following time, while recovering his strength, he studied the blood pool technology, which was a great achievement.

This time Jiang Hongyun and the demon prince wanted to suppress Chu Qiguang and completely seize the blood pool.

At this moment, since Shi, the messenger of the alien god, was so afraid of the Twenty-Six Zhengfa, Jiang Hongyun would certainly not give Chu Qiguang a chance.

boom! Under the control of Jiang Hongyun, the bear demon Badan suddenly burst out meat balls from behind, and the meat balls were full of deformed mouthparts.

Accompanied by a roar from the mouthparts, a torrential stream of flames erupted from it.

I saw the entire monster rising into the sky like a shooting star, and its target was the Buddha's fire in the sky.

Qiao Zhi was shocked when he saw this scene: 'Looking at him like this, is he going to deal with Chu Qiguang? How did he know that Chu Qiguang was in the Buddha's fire? ’

‘He actually gave up the fight. Could it be that something happened to Chu Qiguang? ’

When he thought of this, Qiao Zhi took a deep breath: 'No matter what, I should stop what the enemy wants to do...'

As soon as he saw a movement on his body at this moment, he controlled the billowing energy and chased Badain like the god of storms.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hongyun's cold snort came from Badan's body: "Get out."

I saw the tentacles in the mouth flashing with strange blood.

Qiao Zhi's approaching body seemed to have been hit head-on by an invisible sledgehammer. The whole body stopped in the air with a bang, and exploded into a ball of blood mist that blew over Badain's body, and then gradually dissipated in the air. in the air.

Just when Jiang Hongyun continued to soar into the sky, thinking that Qiao Zhi had been killed by him.

Badain's body was suddenly broken open one after another, and countless dust particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye went in and out of his body and body, frantically destroying and devouring flesh and blood.

Jiang Hongyun's heart moved, and he immediately realized that there was demonic power in those dust particles.

He was slightly shocked: "You're not dead?"

Qiao Zhi's voice came from all directions at this moment: "Old man! What I have in my grasp is the "Shadowless Tribulation" a hundred years from now!"

"This move is called the secret tactic!"

At this moment, Qiao Zhi was controlling countless miniature monsters that were indistinguishable to the naked eye, frantically destroying Zhe Badan's body.

This is a technique he only mastered again after he achieved enlightenment and awakened his memory.

Originally, with the realm of Taoism, it was impossible to control monsters as small as dust.

But a hundred years later, someone carved extremely complex strategic group commands into the monster.

In order to control monsters as small as dust in the realm of Taoism, they can achieve terrifying vitality and destructive power.

Qiao Zhi recalled his memory. He didn't know why, but he was forced by Chu Qiguang to memorize hundreds of thousands of lines of orders that were thicker than a dictionary.

Now he understands...

'Did Chu Qiguang already expect that I would learn "The Unforgettable Tribulation" in this life? ’

At this moment, a burst of demonic dye swept across the sky.

Jiang Hongyun's voice came slowly: "It's a good idea, then I'll accept it."

"As for you... do you really think you can beat me?"

"Jiang Hongyun, you are the Patriarch of the Demonic Way, the founder of the Tribulation Sect..." Qiao Zhi said coldly: "I am indeed no match for you, but it shouldn't be a problem if I want to hold you back for a while."

At the same time, Shi's voice continued to echo in the ears of Duo Chiwen, Mi Siri, Da Xia Zi, and the four princes of the Yao clan.

"Chu Qiguang is in the Buddha's fire! Stop him immediately!"

"He is causing a catastrophe!"

"Stop him! This is also to save yourselves and your world..."

And Jiaojiao's voice also echoed in the ears of the powerful practitioners in Night City.

"Don't let anyone near the Buddha's fire!"

"Stop them at all costs!"

"Whoever is lazy, I'll tell my brother to go!"

"A catastrophe?"

Da Xia Zi was noncommittal about Shi's views.

He glanced at the severely injured and bloody Faxiang in front of him, then he snorted coldly and wanted to rush into the sky to stop Chu Qiguang.

However, he saw that Dharma Xiang's whole body was once again wrapped in bursts of golden Buddha light, and he stopped directly in front of him.

Da Xia Zi Ji Yuan's eyes flashed, and he said with murderous intent: "Fa Xiang, not only did you betray my son, but you also took refuge in Chu Qiguang, a big traitor. Is he so worthy of your devotion?"

Fa Xiang sighed: "Donor Ji, it is not Chu Qiguang who I seek refuge with, but Shuzhou under his rule."

"Have you taken a good look at this night city?"

He looked up at the sky, looked at the fading sun and said, "Chu Qiguang is like the sun transformed by the Buddha's fire."

"The people of the entire Night City lit the sun with Buddhist fire."

"And this sun nourishes the people of the whole city with Buddha's light."

"Chu Qiguang changed not only his own destiny, but also the destiny of countless people. This is something that no emperor in the past dynasties has done..."

Da Xiazi's eyes were full of murderous intent: "You are talking nonsense, you are just a traitor, but you dare to compare yourself with the wise kings of the past?"

"I'll kill you first, and then I'll cause trouble for Chu Qiguang."

Although he said that, the reason why Ji Yuan made such a choice could not be said in his heart whether it was because he was unwilling to rush forward to face Chu Qiguang, or whether he was really so angry at what Fa Xiang said...

Li Yaofeng looked at the direction of the battlefield and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Jiang Hongyun, Da Xiazi and Mi Siri's offensive... are all crazy."

"What happened?"

He looked up at the sky and found that the center of the Buddha's fire sun had turned into an increasingly larger black spot at some point.

"What on earth did Chu Qiguang do? To make these people so crazy?"

At this moment, Xiaolan and Dalan appeared behind him.

Da Lan looked at the demonic demon coldly: "Let's go, Li Yaofeng, come with us to deal with that Jiang Hongyun."

Li Yaofeng shrugged: "Although I don't know what happened, they did interrupt our project..."

At the same time, dozens of people of different sizes, male and female, old and young, fat and thin, with wings, half-human and half-animal, and even two heads... Li Yaofeng Walked out.

The next moment, Lin Lan and Li Yaofeng had joined the battlefield, blocking Xiang Hongyun with Qiao Zhi.

These four powerful Taoists are not afraid of demon contamination, especially Li Yaofeng and Qiao Zhi, who have made great progress this year.

Although he was not Jiang Hongyun's opponent at the moment, he managed to block Jiang Hongyun for a moment no matter the cost.

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