Ruins of the past

Chapter 682 Reform and digestion of

Inside the Sala Palace.

Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao felt a sense of shame and guilt in their hearts when they heard what Chu Qiguang said.

Jiaojiao hugged Chu Qiguang's thigh and shouted, "Brother! I was wrong."

"I originally thought you were just greedy, but I didn't expect that you looked like you were living in a land of fish and meat, scratching your bones, extorting money, committing murder and arson, bullying men and women, and greedy for money... But in fact, you really have great love in your heart, The great sage who treats the people like his own children!”

Qiao Zhi on the side became anxious again when he heard this: 'Why did this stinky woman take the lead again! ’

The cat demon quickly hugged Chu Qiguang's other thigh and shouted: "Chu Qiguang, I know, I understand... We must get rich first to drive wealth later, and we must achieve common prosperity!"

"I've obviously learned these things a long time ago, and you've obviously been talking about them this time, Chu Qiguang."

"I have always thought it was a slogan you used to flatter your subordinates, brainwash the people, and make excuses to make money for yourself... It's because my consciousness is too low."

"But I understand now that I will definitely work hard for the new era in the future. I want to change the world with you!"

Looking at one person and one cat, Chu Qiguang nodded with satisfaction: "I'm very pleased that you can correct your mistakes after realizing them."

"The future will depend on your performance."

Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi nodded again and again, and looked at each other, a chill seemed to flash in their eyes.

Zhou Yujiao: 'This stinky cat... actually took a black account of me! You are also trying to sow discord between us as brothers and sisters, hoping that I will send you to build roads and work on the construction site forever! ’

Qiao Zhi thought to himself: 'This stinky woman... actually plotted against me behind my back and subdued the gangster! I must send you back to school for reform, and let you study until you die! ’

At this moment, the air between the person and the cat became slightly anxious, and both sides seemed to feel the other's feelings.

Chu Qiguang touched Jiaojiao's head with one hand and Qiao Zhi's cat head with the other. While touching, he said: "Okay, let go of the grievances between the two of you. From now on, we will all be comrades in arms. We must unite and cooperate with each other." Help each other.”

"Come on, shake hands, and let's forget this for today."

Under Chu Qiguang's gaze, Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi reluctantly touched their hands, and then immediately took them back with disgust.

At this moment, Zhou Yujiao suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind, and remembered what Chu Qiguang once said: "The most important thing in managing employees is balance."

"We can't let one family dominate."

Jiaojiao thought to herself: 'Is what I'm doing now a balance between me and Master Qiao? ’

She turned her head and looked at Chu Qiguang aside, but she could only see the gentle smile on his face and his unfathomable eyes. She couldn't see anything strange.

At the same time, Xiaolan in Chu Qiguang's body sighed: "Brother Chu deserves to be Brother Chu. All he wants to do is change the world."

Dalin Lan snorted coldly. He wanted to say something but didn't say it after all. He just thought in his heart: "Who knows if he is telling the truth."

Huangtian's son thought in his heart: 'Chu Qiguang's insights are indeed not something that the natives of this planet can tell in this era. ’

‘It seems that he really came from outside the world, and he might have been a member of the God’s Hair in the past. ’

‘Let Chu Qiguang come to this planet and do these things. Could it be that those crazy people in God's Hair...want to rebel against Emperor Tian? Haha, that would be interesting. ’

While everyone in the Sara Palace had different thoughts, Chu Qiguang began to arrange the next work.

"In the past year, although you have worked hard for the Chamber of Commerce and looked for money everywhere, you have also created a very bad atmosphere and made corruption serious within the Chamber of Commerce."

"Next, I will give you ten days to each be responsible for rectifying the Cat Clan and the Dog Clan."

"I don't care about the past. If anyone dares to mess around in the future, don't blame me for not cherishing our old friendship."

When Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi heard what Chu Qiguang said, they both felt a coolness rushing towards their faces.

"Next, I will take the time to compile a set of teaching materials with Qiao Zhi and put them in the blood pool. You can make a draft first and I will take a look at it then..."

"It's mainly about knowledge about common prosperity and liberating people's talents. When the time comes, all chambers of commerce will have to learn together..."

"From now on, cadres at the middle level and above will have to connect to the blood pool for assessment every month..."

"This is a matter of ideological courses. Next is the construction of clean government and anti-corruption laws and regulations. You have been corrupted a lot in the past year. When the time comes, work with me to formulate it..."

"After the laws and regulations are completed, all the key nodes at the grassroots and middle levels will be sent to supervise all the Jin Nu. In the past year, the original Jin Nu has created many sisters, which can be used to inject new blood into the Chamber of Commerce..."

When Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao heard that Chu Qiguang was going to manage the chamber of commerce from all aspects including ideology, regulations, supervision, and grassroots level, they felt that the past days were gone forever.

Then Chu Qiguang laid out a new plan to completely improve the bank.

After the Lingzhou Chamber of Commerce was completely swallowed up by Emperor Yong'an, the Zhixin Bank was also taken over by the royal family, but some of its backbones and monsters returned to Shuzhou and continued to operate the business of Shuzhou Zhixin Bank.

Over the past year, the technology of blood pools and qi and blood machines has continued to improve, and can now store a large amount of data. For example, the resident data that Chu Qiguang just called is one of the results.

Chu Qiguang's next goal is to reform the credit bank. From now on, all bank information, including user data, account data... will be recorded in the blood pool and supervised by him and Jin Nu.

"In the future, all internal accounts of the chamber of commerce will be handled at the credit bank, and all employees of the chamber of commerce must have their own accounts..."

"Salaries within the Chamber of Commerce will be paid directly into this account every month in the future..."

"Next, we need to promote the deposit and consumption services in branch credit banks. Deposits have interest and consumption has discounts..."

"In the future, when all the shops in Night City are connected to gas lines, you can pay directly with your credit bank account. Then we will offer a 10% or 20% discount..."

"From now on, I want every penny of money in Shuzhou to be recorded in the blood pool."

"It will definitely be difficult at the beginning, and people will not get used to it, but you still have to push it forward slowly..."

As each matter was arranged by Chu Qiguang, Jin Nu 888 on the side recorded everything in detail.

Chu Qiguang glanced at Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi and said, "Let's do this for the time being. You will do as I say."

"First spend ten days cleaning up the cat and dog gangs under your command."

"As for me……"

Chu Qiguang's fingers flicked gently in the air, and the great power of freedom was instantly activated.

Including the "Book of the Earth", the original classics and ancient books brought out from the Xuanyuan God Realm were taken out of the packages and floated in front of him.

Reaching out to take the "Book of the Earth" that he had been thinking about for a long time, Chu Qiguang sat in the Sala Palace and said calmly: "I just want to digest what I have gained this time..."

After returning to Shuzhou, meeting Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi, and confirming and controlling the situation in his hometown, Chu Qiguang finally opened the "Book of the Earth" that he had been looking for for six years.

I’ll update one chapter first, and I’m still writing the next chapter.

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