Ruins of the past

Chapter 680 Attacking each other

The person who appeared in front of Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao was Chu Qiguang, who had returned from the Xuanyuan God Realm.

Seeing this familiar figure, Qiao Zhi was shocked at first, and then jumped up suddenly, as if he was frightened and jumped back more than ten meters.

Although Chu Qiguang disappeared after the battle at Longshe Mountain, Qiao Zhi has always had full confidence in him.

He believed that Chu Qiguang would definitely come back, it was just a matter of how long he had been missing.

So according to Qiao Zhi's original idea... he wanted to sort out the mess in Shuzhou before Chu Qiguang returned, and clean up all the troubles he and Jiaojiao had caused.

This is also the reason why he has become more and more unscrupulous and impatient in recent months.

But today, when he turned around, he found that Chu Qiguang was already standing behind him.

At this moment, Qiao Zhi was like a wild cat that had been severely frightened.

Not only was his whole body trembling, but even the transformed tail on his back hung down, and the cat hair continued to fall out.

"Chu...Chu Qiguang...are you back?"

Just when Qiao Zhi's mind was surging with countless thoughts, he was thinking about what to say to Chu Qiguang.

But he saw a black shadow flash past and hang directly on Chu Qiguang's body, it was Jiaojiao.

Just listen to Zhou Yujiao shouting loudly: "Brother! You are finally back! Master Qiao almost lost all your money! If I hadn't stopped him, our family would have gone bankrupt!"

Chu Qiguang looked at Qiao Zhi and said curiously: "Oh? Is that so? Master Qiao?"

After hearing this, Qiao Zhi said anxiously: "Nonsense! Obviously all the decisions were made by you and me, Jiaojiao!"

Zhou Yujiao sighed and said, "I'm just a teenager. How old are you, a can you listen to me?"

Qiao Zhi was slightly startled after hearing this: "I..."

Chu Qiguang looked at Qiao Zhi and said, "That makes sense, Master Qiao. What can you say?"

"I have it, I have it!" Qiao Zhi quickly manipulated the blood pool pipe in front of him, and saw a rippling of skin and flesh, displaying paragraphs of text.

"Look, this is Zhou Yujiao's expenses in the past year."

"This is the document she signed."

"And this account book. Last time she replaced the golden nanmu used to build the temple with scrap wood, just to raise money for her thirteenth birthday."

"You always have to do this, right?"

After Qiao Zhi finished speaking, he looked at Jiaojiao triumphantly, and Chu Qiguang sighed: "Jiaojiao, you really disappoint me."

Jiaojiao suddenly cried loudly: "Brother! It's all my fault!"

"But I didn't use this money to live my life, I used this money to repair..."

When the three of them came to the back hall, they saw a Zhuangzi that was exactly the same as Wangjiazhuang appearing in front of them.

Jiaojiao cried and said, "Brother, I really miss you."

"I can't go back to Lingzhou, so I want to build an exact Wangjiazhuang in Shuzhou. When I come back here every day, I feel like I'm back when I was a kid."

Chu Qiguang touched Jiaojiao's head and sighed: "She has such a pitiful heart..."

He turned to look at Qiao Zhi: "Master Qiao, do you have anything else to add? Think about it carefully."

Qiao Zhi walked to an earthen house in 'Wangjiazhuang' and said while looking around: "Zhou Yujiao, Zhou Yujiao, do you think it's enough to build such a village for cover?"

"Let me tell you, my spies from the Cat Party have long been infiltrated into the team that is repairing your house."

As he spoke, he pulled down a wooden cabinet. There was a big hole in the earthen wall behind the wooden cabinet, and large swaths of silver fell from the hole, spreading all over the room.

Qiao Zhi laughed loudly and said, "Zhou Yujiao! Are these silvers yours?"

Jiaojiao murmured: "Whose money is this? Who hid so much money here?"

Qiao Zhi drank: "It's not the black money you embezzled from the project funds this year! Now the Yuanshi Tianzun Temple outside... and the Xuanyuan Daozun Temple contracted by us in Shuzhou are all rubbish!"

"Did you also deduct the wages of Duo Chiwen and Prince Daxia?"

"There is also Zhang Xinhui, a lost soul who can't move. You even have to sell his talisman blood with water. Do you think you are still not a human being?"

"I'm telling you, I've been fighting with you all this year just to wait for Chu Qiguang to come back and expose you!"

After saying that, Qiao Zhi came to Chu Qiguang's side and rubbed wildly.

Jiaojiao cried sadly: "Our ancestors have been farmers for several generations. We are really afraid of poverty..."

"I haven't used any of this money."

"Because... these are not my money at all!"

"Qiao Zhi! Do you think I don't know that you secretly hid the money? Where is the big head?"

While talking, the Shar-Pei Big Head, the current leader of the dog party, ran out, dragging a large box in his mouth.

Jiaojiao opened the box and said, "Here is the account book, which records the filial money given to you by everyone in Shuzhou from top to bottom."

"On this list are all the people in Shuzhou who have built shrines for you."

"And here is the gift list you received for your birthday this year. Take a look..."

Several thick tentacles burst out of the ground under Jiaojiao's control, directly opening up the silver on the ground in front of them, revealing boxes of jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, antiques behind...

"This is what those cat gangs have given you filial piety over the past year. It's because you gangsters have been so corrupt in Shuzhou because of their wanton behavior. I secretly transferred your black money here just to keep an eye on my brother's money..."

Qiao Zhi said angrily: "Zhou Yujiao! Have you forgotten that it was you who approved the banner on the Zhaixing Tower? And you are nepotistic. A native dog in your Wangjiazhuang is now receiving a monthly salary in Night City!"

Jiaojiao replied: "Hey, Master Qiao, have you forgotten how many living corpses you still hide in the house outside Night City? You secretly made friends with Lei Yushu, Jin Hailong, Faxiang and other Taoist martial gods. Do you think I don't Do you know? You are so brave!"

Seeing the quarrel between the two getting more and more intense, Chu Qiguang coughed, and the scene instantly became quiet.

Qiao Zhi fell to his knees with a pop and said in a panic: "Boss! Old Qiao, I wholeheartedly do it for you. There are really too many places to spend money in Shuzhou, so I spent all my time on making money. As for the temple Those are all the decisions of the people below..."

Zhou Yujiao hugged Chu Qiguang's thigh tightly and cried: "Brother! Those monsters are so capable of living and eating. Before I woke up, I thought that thousands of taels of silver were gone again. I was so panicked."

"I only make money so that the Chamber of Commerce can continue to operate, so all the money is put in, and I don't keep a penny!"

Listening to their cries and explanations, Chu Qiguang nodded slightly and said, "I already went to Jin Nu's place before coming here. I have checked all the things about you."

Looking at one person and one cat, he said calmly: "You two...if you had done what I did before, you would be dead by now."

Jiaojiao and Zhou Yujiao trembled slightly when they heard this, and then they thought in unison: 'Has he found out already? Did you just trick us on purpose? ’

Chu Qiguang continued: "But one of you is my master and the other is my sister. In this era, you have some historical limitations and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Finally, you haven't done anything that would cost you your head. You are squeezing out money just to keep the Chamber of Commerce going."

With that said, Chu Qiguang looked at Qiao Zhi and asked curiously: "Did you come up with your latest plans for those Tianlecao and Variety Beasts yourself? Or... did I come up with it?"

Seeing the change in Qiao Zhi's expression, Chu Qiguang nodded: "I understand, these methods... you should not use them in the future. Although they are very effective, they are only emergency methods at best, and they will have endless consequences."

After hearing this, Qiao Zhi nodded repeatedly and swore quickly: "If you use me again, I will be a dog!"

Chu Qiguang asked again: "You have been managing Shuzhou for a year. What do you think is the biggest difference between this place and other places?"

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