Ruins of the past

Chapter 666 The Changing World of Gods

Outer gods have always been a serious concern for Shenghuang Ji, and they are the outer enemies that he is most wary of.

Knowing that Taoist Xuanyuan was spreading the faith of foreign gods, this matter was a big taboo in his heart.

However, Taoist Xuanyuan was the master of Holy Emperor Ji after all, so he found him to hold a candle night talk.

Ji originally thought that Taoist Xuanyuan would stop preaching under his advice.

Unexpectedly, the other party went even harder, not only spreading the faith all over the world, but even building a temple on Zulong Mountain.

The conflict between the two sides escalated day by day. Finally, after Taoist Xuanyuan preached to the royal family, Shenghuangji chose to take action.

One master and one apprentice battle it out in the palace.

On this day, the strong men throughout the Central Plains felt the aftereffects of this battle and were shocked by the terrifying power of the two.

In the end, Shenghuangji was superior and defeated his master and imprisoned him.

But Taoist Xuanyuan's demonic dye broke out and turned into a terrifying monster.

In order to heal the opponent, Shenghuangji could only launch the god-making plan in advance, transforming Xuanyuan Taoist into Xuanyuan Taoist, and using Xuanyuan Taoist to replace the previously spread belief in foreign gods, which later became the Tianshi Sect.

Chu Qiguang woke up from his memories again.

The first thing he felt was a burning sensation in his chest. Massive gifts continued to pour out, and finally turned into hundreds of profound gifts, dozens of dark gifts and cursed gifts.

But when he opened his eyes, he was still shocked by the divine power storm not far away.

At this moment, the Divine Fire Palace is moving towards the center along the swirling sea of ​​clouds, getting closer to the divine storm.

Looking up, it feels like most of the sky has been filled with golden storm.

The entire Shenhuo Palace seemed to have expanded in a large circle, becoming more majestic and larger.

After Lin Lan approached, Chu Qiguang asked: "How long will it take this time?"

Lin Lan said: "It's been almost seven days this time. We encountered two more palaces and collided with one of them..."

After encountering the two palaces, the people of Shenhuo Palace controlled the priests and invaded each other.

Not only did they eat all the enemies inside and outside the palace, they also moved part of the opponent's palace to the Divine Fire Palace and expanded the entire Divine Fire Palace.

At this moment, Li Haochu was floating in the air, his figure flashing around in the atmosphere.

With the explosion of Xuanyuan's divine power, he demonstrated two abilities: flying stunts and teleportation.

Chu Qiguang was also slightly surprised when he saw the heat wave of energy and blood erupting from the opponent's body.

‘I have become stronger again, and my progress is faster than mine. Is this the power of Taoist Xuanyuan? ’

At the same time, countless people in the Shenhuo Palace had risen into the sky like Li Haochu, flickering and jumping back and forth in the air.

Feeling the surging power in his body and his newly acquired abilities, Li Haochu's eyes were full of confidence and excitement.

"Look at Teacher Chu! I've become stronger!"

"Now I can appear in any corner of Shenhuo Palace at will."

"I even feel... that I can appear in your body..."

At this moment, Li Haochu suddenly looked at Chu Qiguang with a strange look in his eyes.

At this moment, he could already sense Xuanyuan's divine power within a radius of several thousand meters, but he could not find any trace of Xuanyuan's divine power on Chu Qiguang's body.

This made Li Hao's eyes full of doubt when he looked at Chu Qiguang now.

‘Why doesn’t Teacher Chu have the mysterious power in his body? ’

‘Since he doesn’t have Xuanyuan divine power, how does he tap into the potential of divine power? ’

Lin Lan on the other side was listening to Chu Qiguang's story about memory.

After listening, Xiaolan said in surprise: "The memories of these two times... are very similar but very contradictory."

"Brother Chu, when I heard about the previous paragraph, I thought it was the Holy Emperor's treachery, but in this paragraph, it turns out that Taoist Xuanyuan has become a disciple of an external god... It's really..."

Lin Lan analyzed: "It seems that the black and white in the memory represent two different viewpoints. One of them represents Tao Zun's reason, and the other represents Dao Zun's madness."

"Of the two memories, only one is correct."

There was a thoughtful look in Chu Qiguang's eyes, he didn't say anything more, he just planned to watch more memories again.

On the one hand, you can unlock the mysteries of Xuanyuan Taoist Master, and on the other hand, you can accumulate gifts and improve your strength.

This time sinking into memory, Chu Qiguang knocked out Li Haochu like last time.

But not long after Chu Qiguang sank into his memory, Li Haochu's eyes moved, and his consciousness also sank into the depths of his memory.

Black lights appeared in front of him, drawing him into them.

Before the Holy Emperor ruled the world and established the Han Dynasty.

Throughout the Central Plains, demons are the rulers of the world, and the people are like weeds. They can only survive under the influence of demons by cohering together.

Under such circumstances, a boy named Ji met Taoist Xuanyuan and was accepted as a disciple because of his outstanding talent.

Taoist Xuanyuan was once surprised by the boy's talent, but after the two had been together day and night for many years, the boy finally revealed his secret.

He worshiped an external god named Taishang Tianzun.

In order to clear out the monsters and revitalize the human race, he was determined to use all available power, even the alien gods.

That night... Ji knelt down in front of Taoist Xuanyuan, praying to him to spread the faith of the Supreme Heavenly Lord for him, so as to seek the support of the external gods.

With a sigh, Taoist Xuanyuan agreed, because after getting along day and night... she found that she liked her student and was willing to support him in everything he did.

From then on, Taoist Xuanyuan secretly spread the faith and performed rituals for him.

But people's hearts will always change.

After establishing the Han Dynasty, becoming the first emperor of the human race, and mastering unparalleled power in the world.

He became more and more greedy and unscrupulous.

He wants to have an endless lifespan, be more powerful than the outer gods, want to rule the earth under his feet forever, and even lead his own army to fight into the sky.

For this reason... he determined to become a god. He would first kill Taoist Xuanyuan to silence him, and then turn his flesh and blood into his own transformed eggs.

Chu Qiguang woke up from his memory again and felt that the gifts in the Ring of Foolishness continued to surge and grow.

At this moment, he discovered that the entire Shenhuo Palace had expanded ten times in size.

The entire palace is built with carved railings and jade inside and out, and is magnificent. Rather than being a palace, it is better to say that it has been transformed into a small city. There are schools of thought, shops, yamen and even a temple for Taoist Xuanyuan.

Apparently when he read Taoist Master Xuanyuan's memory, the entire Shenhuo Palace annexed several palaces and underwent earth-shaking changes.

At the same time, Li Haochu opened his eyes in front of him.

I saw that his eyes were as peaceful as the sea, and his whole body exuded an inhuman temperament.

"You lied to us."

Li Haochu looked at Chu Qiguang and smiled slightly, and said calmly: "But if it weren't for your deception, there would be no way for us to develop at full strength."

"So don't worry, we don't intend to retaliate against you."

I came back a little late after finishing my work, so I only had time to write two chapters first. I'll take a nap first and write more when I wake up.

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