Ruins of the past

Chapter 663 Dao Zun’s Past

Chu Qiguang said: "In that case, does the devastating divine storm and various chaotic celestial phenomena represent the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan?"

"If the remaining humans in the God Realm are really wiped out..."

Lin Lan said: "Maybe Xuanyuan Dao Zun and Xuanyuan World will be ten times and a hundred times crazier than they are now."

The Son of Emperor Tian on the side listened thoughtfully to the analysis of the two men, and thought in his heart: 'The analysis makes sense, so to speak...will those who ate the divine officials and were protected by the divine power of Xuanyuan Taoist and... How is it connected with Taoist Xuanyuan’s thinking? ’

Next, Chu Qiguang continued to direct the citizens of the Shenhuo Kingdom to search for books, and persuaded people from the nearby Yunmen Palace and Shangyuan Palace to join the Shenhuo Kingdom and began to help Chu Qiguang collect and search. work.

It's a pity that Dalinlan has not been found for a long time, and Chu Qiguang has not sensed the call of "Book of the Earth" again.

Closing the book in his hand again, Chu Qiguang sensed that the profound gifts in the Ring of Foolishness had risen to more than four hundred.

‘My gains in the Xuanyuan God Realm during this period are not small. ’

‘If I stay here all the time, I should be able to collect the profound gifts needed to cultivate the second spiritual dharma. ’

Even so, Chu Qiguang felt a little anxious because he had not found the Book of the Earth, Lin Lan, or a way to leave the Xuanyuan God Realm.

And even if he can't communicate with the outside world, everyone knows how much impact his temporary absence will have on the outside world.

What's more, there are also spoils from the battle at Dragon Snake Mountain. Among them, Da Xia Zi, the demon Jiang Hongyun, Hao Zhentian's Ringing Sword, and Longxu Tianhai Sword... all of which he captured have not been put away.

‘If you don’t go out, won’t you be giving others an advantage? ’

At this moment, shouts kept coming. Chu Qiguang went out and took a look, only to find that in the distant sea of ​​clouds, a violent golden storm was sweeping towards a certain palace.

With an earth-shattering roar, the entire palace exploded, and was then submerged by the sea of ​​clouds rising into the sky, leaving no trace behind.

After destroying this cloud island, the golden divine storm expanded again and turned into wind pillars connecting the sky and the earth. It struck in another direction with terrifying power and gradually disappeared in Chu Qiguang. within the field of vision.

‘Is another palace gone? ’

Feeling the terror of the divine power storm, Chu Qiguang also frowned slightly.

He also heard from people in the Divine Fire Nation that since a year ago, the power of the divine storm has become more and more powerful. At first, they just demolished the palace, but now they just demolish the island.

‘If it continues to expand like this, this storm will destroy the entire Xuanyuan God Realm sooner or later. ’

‘We can’t wait any longer. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang decided to implement another plan... to control Xuanyuan's divine power.

‘Xuanyuan’s divine power is the power of Taoist Xuanyuan, which pervades the world he created. ’

‘Whether it is a divine storm, a divine official, or the person who ate the divine official, their power comes from the mysterious power of Xuanyuan. ’

‘If I can also master Xuanyuan’s divine power, I can find Dalinlan and the Book of the Earth faster, and find a way to escape from the Xuanyuan Divine Realm. ’

‘And... Zhou Bai seemed to have asked me to find Dao Zun in the end. ’

Chu Qiguang looked at the female ghost beside him and asked, "Xiaolan, do you think my idea is feasible?"

Xiaolan nodded: "If we can master Xuanyuan's divine power, it will indeed be very helpful for us to explore this world."

"But Xuanyuan's divine power is too dangerous. Those who eat the gods feel as if they are parasitized by the divine power."

"Brother Chu, if you also use the gods to master Xuanyuan's power... it would be too risky."

During this period of time, Xiaolan continued to study the classics in the Xuanyuan God Realm, and Xiaolan's understanding of the gods became deeper and deeper.

In her opinion, the gods were not like the enlightened devout believers in myths and legends.

On the contrary, it was more like being assimilated by Taoist Xuanyuan and even losing himself because of it. Only then after Taoist Xuanyuan went crazy did he directly turn into a statue-like unconscious figure.

Chu Qiguang knew that Xiaolan was right, but he was already prepared for this.

Just listen to Chu Qiguang explain: "I know, don't worry... I don't plan to eat those things."

"I plan to try to control the Xuanyuan divine power in the people here."

The method Chu Qiguang planned to use was the technique of complementing humans and cats.

So a moment later, Chu Qiguang and a guard stood across the door, and the door panel blocked his changed cat form.

Under his guidance, the guards used the art of combining humans and cats together.

Lin Lan stood by carefully, as if afraid that something might happen to Chu Qiguang.

The son of Emperor Tian was also lying on the side, looking at Chu Qiguang curiously: 'Something should happen quickly...'

After dozens of failures, Chu Qiguang finally felt like he was controlling two bodies at the same time.

And the perception coming from the guard was that there was more than just an extra body.

Chu Qiguang felt that there were countless signals opening to him. With his thoughts, he could see different scenes such as fairy ponds, sea of ​​clouds, palaces, pavilions, etc.

You can hear all kinds of different sounds, including men, women, old and young, wind and rain.

Those are all scenes in the sight of others in the Shenhuo Kingdom.

Then Chu Qiguang worked hard to sense the mysterious power of Xuanyuan in the bodyguard.

Soon he felt something strange in his chest, as if something alive had been entrenched there.

When he tentatively focused his attention on it, he felt like there was a trace of golden light jumping there.

When Chu Qiguang tried to sink his consciousness into it, he immediately felt that along with this trace of divine power... there was an endless force as thin as the sea and as vast as the sky emerging in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, countless lights and shadows began to flow in front of him, and various broken pictures flashed in Chu Qiguang's eyes.

'these are……'

The next moment, Chu Qiguang felt a voice calling him.

‘This voice… is Dalan? ’

He tried his best to lean in the direction of the sound, and felt that he had entered a fleeting scene.

In the huge square.

Countless people in robes are placing various incense candles, desks, statues... They seem to be performing some kind of ritual.

A tall man wearing royal robes stood in the center of the ritual, looking up at the sky, his eyes full of confusion.

Standing in front of him were several white-bearded Taoist priests, with various divination tools swinging back and forth in their hands, calculating something.

One person said: "Holy Emperor, our prediction is correct, the opportunity is today..."

Chu Qiguang felt like an invisible ghost at this moment. No one was looking at him in the crowd, but he could clearly see and hear everything here.

'what is this? Tao Zun's memory...the memory of a madman? ’

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