Ruins of the past

Chapter 655 Invincible

With a beast's roar, Huang Daoxu, who flew out, stepped hard, and divine power flashed under his feet, and his whole body rushed towards Chu Qiguang again along with the air waves.

But he saw Chu Qiguang strike out from the air with his palm again, and his great freedom burst out, knocking the opponent away.

I saw Huang Daoxu's body filled with divine light, sprinting back and forth around Chu Qiguang like a streak of yellow lightning, getting close again and again and being knocked away again and again.

Although it seemed that Huang Daoxu's body was being knocked away time and time again, everyone present felt that his speed was getting faster and faster, and his power was becoming more and more terrifying.

As soon as he stepped out, the ground within a radius of a hundred meters shattered.

Huang Daoxu braved his great freedom and rushed all the way to 10 meters in front of Chu Qiguang. Finally, he was shot into the sky, and then flew out with a bang.

Wang Zhishan murmured: "Isn't it still possible? How many trump cards does Chu Qiguang have? Is the headmaster really unable to defeat him?"

"No. Pay attention." Fu Nanzi said with bright eyes: "Although senior brother is repelled time and time again, the position where he is repelled every time is getting closer and closer to Chu Qiguang..."

Huang Huangpeng stared closely at the direction of the battlefield: "There is a chance... As long as we defeat Chu Qiguang, we will still have a chance to save the situation."

But at the next moment, Huang Daoxu rushed forward again and broke directly within one meter of Chu Qiguang.

A Buddhist door suddenly appeared in front of him.

The huge magical beast broke directly into the gate of the Buddha Realm and disappeared in front of everyone.

Huang Huangpeng's heart sank: "You still have this trick?'s obviously just a little bit close."

But Chu Qiguang took one step forward and disappeared in front of everyone. He had already entered the Buddhist world with the Sumeru Seal.

In the Buddhist world.

Prince Daxia, Zen Master Tianwu, and Duan Xuyan, the three immortals who entered Taoism, were photographed by Chu Qiguang and entered the Buddhist world. What they saw was a sea of ​​blood all over the sky.

The huge blood pool was filled with demon blood injected by Chu Qiguang.

The overwhelming demonic energy rushed towards their faces, causing the demonic stains in their hearts to surge.

When the three of them tried their best to resist Demon Ran, a steady stream of monsters emerged from the blood pool and attacked them.

For a while, the three of them had to resist the demon and kill the monster at the same time.

The prince of Daxia cut the monster in half with a water knife, and secretly resented in his heart: "I was dragged here, and I don't know what happened to my father."

At this moment, a gate to the Buddhist world suddenly opened not far from them.

The three of them looked at each other and immediately rushed towards the Buddhist gate.

But the next moment, he saw a giant shadow rushing out from the gate of the Buddhist world.

The Crown Prince of Daxia didn't think much, and a huge wave of blood rang out from his right hand, turning into a high-speed water sword and slashing at the giant shadow.

There was a loud bang, and the water knife was smashed into pieces by the beast shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them felt a sharp pain in their chests. Before they could see the opponent's move clearly, they were blown away by a huge force.

"So strong! Who is this person!?"

Da Xiazi looked at the beast-turned-Huang Daoxu in surprise, and found that the position where he was bombarded was constantly evaporating, and even his "Qingyang Water Tribulation" was unable to compete.

The beast eyes swept across the three princes of Daxia, and a frantic voice was suppressed: "If you don't want to die, don't move."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and rush towards the gradually closing gate of the Buddhist world.

But suddenly he realized that Chu Qiguang was already standing behind him, holding the Buddha seal with his hand and making another palm seal.

The next moment, Huang Daoxu was directly expelled from the Buddhist world without passing through the gate of the Buddhist world.

He appeared in the current world, and then banged out a huge crater in the ground.

This is another ability that Chu Qiguang has after displaying the form of Buddha, which can directly drive away opponents from the Buddha world.

Chu Qiguang turned to look at the three princes of Daxia and said casually: "He is right. If you don't want to die, don't move around."

The next moment, the Sumeru Seal ended, and he returned to the real world again.

As soon as Chu Qiguang returned to the living world, he heard an earth-shattering roar of a beast, but then the gate to the Buddhist world opened on the right side of Huang Daoxu.

With Chu Qiguang's horizontal palm strike, Huang Daoxu flew into the gate like a ball, disappeared from the world again, and crashed into the Buddhist world with waves of blood, energy, and gravel.

"Huang Daoxu, you really disappoint me."

Doors to the Buddhist world rose up on the battlefield, but kept disappearing, and then reappeared, constantly changing the position of the door.

At the same time, Chu Qiguang used the Sumeru Seal to cross the Buddhist world and the real world, and his figure flashed across every corner of the battlefield as if he was teleporting.

"Abandoning the human body and resorting to beastly power."

"It will only show your weakness even more."

Then I saw Huang Daoxu being flashed, knocked away, and hit constantly on the battlefield...

Before his eyes, the Buddhist world and the real world were constantly changing, and the whole world seemed to be turning upside down.

Heavy forces of freedom continued to erupt from all sides of the body, and he was knocked away crazily in the process of crossing the two realms.

Often one second he would hit a big hole in the ground, and the next second he would have crashed into the sea of ​​blood in the Buddhist world.

And bursts of Buddhist sounds followed him, causing large areas of Buddha transformation wherever he went, and the flesh and blood in his body seemed to be ready to move again.

Chu Qiguang sighed with disappointment: "Another boring battle."

Seeing that Huang Daoxu was being manipulated by Chu Qiguang, all the followers of the Tianshi Sect were shocked, scared, and angry.

When Huang Huangpeng saw this scene, a trace of despair gradually appeared in his eyes: 'If even Master can't deal with Chu Qiguang, who else in the world can stop him? Who can stop the layout of the outer gods? ’

Not only Huang Huangpeng, but everyone present understood that Huang Daoxu was the Tianshi Sect and a major pillar of the Han Dynasty.

In today's Han Dynasty, there are countless old monsters and cult fanatics hiding in hiding because of Huang Daoxu's shock.

He is a great banner of the human race. As long as Huang Daoxu still maintains his prestige, he will be enough to overwhelm all directions and make countless evil demons throw their weapons at him. He is also the first main force against the alien gods.

And once Huang Daoxu falls, not only will the world be in chaos, but humans will have no power to resist in front of the outer gods.

The cloud of despair hung over everyone's heads, and a disaster sweeping the world seemed to be about to break out in front of their eyes.

At this moment, Fu Nanzi whispered: "We must not let Chu Qiguang succeed. Senior brother... he cannot lose."

Fu Nanzi sat down and said slowly: "Brother Wang, let's pray for our senior brother together."

Wang Zhishan looked solemn when he heard this, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Tao takes Xuanyuan as its virtue, and uses the Xuanyuan of heaven and earth to sprout all things and protect us..."

As Fu Nanzi and Wang Zhishan prayed, more and more Tianshi Sect believers knelt on the ground and prayed to Taoist Xuanyuan.

"Tao Zun, please protect Huang Zhenren and save the world again..."

"We must defeat this devil. The big man can no longer withstand the turmoil."

"Taoist blessings, hurry up and send down divine punishment to kill this devil and save the world."

Various prayer sounds gradually gathered together, reverberating up and down the Dragon Snake Mountain like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

While they prayed, they looked at Huang Daoxu, who was still fighting hard.

The Chu Qiguang in front of him was like a mountain that was difficult to climb, blocking Huang Daoxu and them.

Every time Huang Daoxu breaks out or breaks through, he always finds that the strength Chu Qiguang showed just now is just the tip of the iceberg. He always seems to be so unfathomable and insurmountable.

Recalling what Chu Qiguang had said that he would never use all his strength, their eyes became more and more desperate.

A thought arose in the minds of countless people: ‘Is Chu Qiguang really so invincible? ’

At this moment, countless thoughts gathered together, eager for a miracle to come.


Thanks to ‘Zum’ for the great reward

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