Ruins of the past

Chapter 634 War everywhere and the past and future

"Has it started yet?"

"Jiaojiao, take a good look."

“The performance of every one of our employees.”

"We have to evaluate them afterwards."

"How they perform in this battle is related to their future treatment, future arrangements, and post-war rewards."

Another immature female voice rang out: "Why do I feel that the strength distributed in these four directions is not evenly distributed? And why don't I let my Hercules fight!"

The other person replied: "The most important thing in managing employees is balance."

"We can't let one family dominate."

"They need to be given as fair a chance as possible so that they can develop in a balanced way."

"In this way, if they have conflicts or competition with each other in the future, they can only rely on us to judge and weigh."

"Whoever benefits more, who benefits less... This qualification of ruling and judging is the source of our power."

"Especially these powerful people who have entered the Tao. Normally, all of them have their eyes set on top of their heads. Now it is my genius who can overwhelm them."

"If you want to manage the Chamber of Commerce for me in the future, you need to learn balance."

The two people who were having a conversation were Chu Qiguang and Zhou Yujiao.

Before today's battle at Long Snake Mountain began, Zhou Yujiao and Qiao Zhi launched the technique of complementing humans and cats, organically combining the powers of the two.

One person and one cat controlled countless monsters transformed from the flesh and blood of Hercules to monitor the entire battlefield and grasp the situation on the entire battlefield.

A small snake-shaped monster was attached to Chu Qiguang's ear to maintain communication between Jiaojiao, Qiao Zhi and him.

During the battle with Huang Daoxu, he was still able to spare some energy to talk to Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi.

Zhou Yujiao shouted: "The Tianshi Sect sent a total of five people to the four gates of the Buddhist world. How strange? Shouldn't they gather their people to attack a Buddhist gate?"

Qiao Zhi said: "I'm afraid they thought that Chu Qiguang wouldn't have many powerful Taoists under his command, so they chose to spread their hands and try to break through a Buddhist gate as quickly as possible."

Chu Qiguang said: "Then they will definitely send someone who is recognized as very strong to deal with Li Yaofeng. After all, Sister Feng just blocked Huang Daoxu's sword in full view of everyone."

Qiao Zhi said: "Fu Nanzi passed by."

Fu Nanzi, the head of Tianshi Jiaodan Academy, Huang Daoxu's junior brother.

Since entering the Taoist realm, Qiao Zhi has had many more memories in his mind.

At this moment, he recalled Fu Nanzi's memory and said, "Fu Nanzi, I remember that he happened not to be on the mountain when Long Snake Mountain was besieged.

Later, he followed Huang Daoxu to reorganize Dragon Snake Mountain. After Huang Daoxu's death, he inherited the position of leader of Tianshi Sect. "

"This person will also enter the realm of spiritual manifestation in the future."

"He also reformed the elixir technology and system of Tianshi Sect. With the support of... one person, he opened the first medical technology university and promoted elixir technology to the entire Central Plains at that time."

Chu Qiguang said in surprise: "Oh? He is such a technical talent?"

Qiao Zhi continued: "But his greatest achievement is the invention of an elixir."

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "What pill?"

Qiao Zhi said in a complicated tone: "Wangchuan Powder, a pill that can forget any memory after taking it, even martial arts and Taoism."

"Knowledge is the source of magic dye, and forgetfulness and ignorance are the natural enemies of magic dye."

Zhou Yujiao said in confusion: "What do you mean by these words!! Why can't I understand it at all!!"

At this moment, a bolt of thunder exploded in front of Chu Qiguang's door, and Huang Daoxu said, "Are you distracted?"

He glanced in the direction of the Buddha Realm Gate: "Are you worried about your men?"

"Don't worry, Fu Nanzi and the others won't kill your people. At most, they will just subdue them."

Thunder and lightning surged like a dark void, and Chu Qiguang walked out unscathed. He smiled slightly and said, "You are the one who should worry about your own people. Two of my brothers have bad tempers."

The next moment, thunder, flames, divine power, and blood collided together again, and Huang Daoxu and Chu Qiguang continued to fight fiercely.

The yellow talisman in Fu Nanzi's hand spontaneously ignited without fire, turning into a gust of wind and sending him towards the Buddhist gate in front of Longshen Mountain.

Although he achieved Taoism through the "Zhengyi Dan Sutra" taught by the Celestial Master, as a senior member of the Celestial Master's Sect, he certainly did not lack talismans to use.

'With Chu Qiguang's earth-shattering martial arts cultivation, and at such a young age, he still devotes everything to martial arts... I'm afraid he spends very little time in managing his power, and he doesn't have a few strong men who have entered the Taoist realm. . ’

‘Maybe it’s even the one just now. ’

'Speaking of which... Chu Qiguang should be practicing martial arts for most of the day. He won't have much time to make friends with powerful people. I'm afraid this person also admired Chu Qiguang and joined him, right? ’

Fu Nanzi's mind recalled Li Yaofeng who had just blocked Huang Daoxu's sword.

So after landing in front of the gate of the Buddhist world, Fu Nanzi said: "Come out, girl, you should still be here, right?"

From the shadow of the gate of the Buddhist world, Li Yaofeng walked out step by step, and said with a gloomy face: "What... did you call me?"

In the shadows, countless deformed and twisted beasts slowly emerged.

Jiaojiao said: "Sister Feng and Fu Nanzi started fighting."

Chu Qiguang asked: "Sister Feng, there should be no problem, right?"

While watching the battle, Qiao Zhi said, "It's hard to say, but Fu Nanzi can refine the Nine Heavens Splitting Divine Pill. This is a pill that only he can refine in the world today."

"The Nine Heavens Splitting Divine Pill contains the will of the sky thunder. After eating it, you can have strong resistance to demon dyeing in a short period of time."

"The only drawback is that the output is too small. But Fu Nanzi shouldn't be able to become a demon until he finishes eating the elixir."

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Sister Feng may not be able to kill him easily, but Sister Feng's vitality is too strong now and she has many clones. Even if Huang Daoxu wants to kill him, he will have to use up his hands and feet, and he may fail."

"Fu Nanzi shouldn't be able to defeat him either."

"What about the other three doors?"

Qiao Zhi said: "Dharma encounters Wang Zhishan."

In Chu Qiguang's mind, he thought of the Taoist immortal who had been rescued by searching for the "Refining the Soul".

He commented: "Wang Zhishan should be stronger than Faxiang, but the winner between the two cannot be determined in a short time, and this is enough."

Qiao Zhi continued: "Lin Lan's opponents are Li Chixin and Wang Feipian."

Since awakening more memories, Qiao Zhi has learned more about many masters in the world.

Through the eyes of an eagle-shaped monster, he looked at Li Chixin and Wang Feipian and said: "These two people are both martial gods who have mastered the Zhengyi Sword Sutra."

"Li Chixin seems to be a righteous person on the surface. He has been upright since he joined the Tianshi Sect, but he still surrendered to Daqian at the critical moment."

"After the Dragon Snake Mountain was destroyed, he rebuilt the Dragon Snake Mountain in the north, recruited traitors for Daqian, and appeased the believers. From that time on, the Tianshi Sect had two factions, one in the south and one in the north."

"As for this Wang Feipian, he was originally the top military scholar in the imperial court, but later abandoned his official position and became a religious man."

"He has presided over the affairs of the Tianshi Sect in the three southeastern states. This guy made a lot of money while he was in power. It is said that his family's land has exceeded one million acres."

"When Dragon Snake Mountain was breached, he was still collecting money in Yuezhou. When he heard the news that the mountain gate was breached, he gathered two thousand Taoist priests and believers to go back to support."

"The two thousand people were naturally wiped out, and he himself was captured by the army led by King Ninghai and King Baoen of Dagan."

"Daqian originally wanted to recruit him, but Wang Feipian blew himself up and died."

Chu Qiguang understood clearly after hearing this: "It shouldn't take much effort for Dalan to deal with them. In this case, the three doors will be stable."

He looked at the last gate again and asked, "Who are the opponents of Lei Yushu and Jin Hailong?"

Qiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and said with confusion: "This is... Huang Huangpeng? He... He is completely different from what I remember."

Zhou Yujiao couldn't help but said again: "Master Qiao! Why do you know everything? What is going on?!"

I will update a chapter first, then I will go to the bank to apply for a card, and then go to the kindergarten to register. After I come back at about two or three o'clock, I won't have too many chores today, so I can continue writing. I will try to add two more chapters by then.

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