Ruins of the past

Chapter 628: Descending Fees and Demons

January 13th, the 20th year of Yongan.

The news that a battle broke out on Dragon Snake Mountain, and that Huang Daoxu defeated many powerful Taoists by himself, soon spread to the bottom of the mountain, causing a sensation.

The most powerful man in the world once again proved his own strength, which also caused many people who were ready to make moves and ambitious people to temporarily suppress their thoughts. The entire Long Snake Mountain area seemed to become calm in an instant.

Soon, the closure of Longshe Mountain was announced, and the news that only 10 visitors were accepted for this appointment also spread.

In other words, there are only a maximum of 10 outsiders who can watch this fight at close range.

As the news came, the entire Long Snake Mountain was shaken.

However, although some people complained and some were dissatisfied, no one dared to defy this rule in the face of Huang Daoxu, who had just swept all the powerful forces.

On the contrary, more and more people began to buy this qualification to watch the game. In just one day, the price of such a qualification to go up the mountain had been sold to tens of thousands taels.

"Any restrictions will increase in value. This is an unchanging truth in the world."

"I didn't expect that the Celestial Master Sect, who looks thick and big-eyed, is actually so good at making money."

Chu Qiguang stood in a restaurant in Hongxingfu City, looking at the people on the street who were seeking to buy tickets to watch the game, curled his lips and asked: "Do you think we can collect cash?"

The Dharma Prime Minister on the side was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "Isn't this... not good? Now that all the heroes are here, the cashier... will inevitably be criticized by others."

Chu Qiguang was unmoved by Mo Yan, and continued: "Huang Daoxu did not fight alone."

"He charges a fee for going up the mountain, so I can charge a fee for going down the mountain after I finish playing."

"If you don't give me any money then, I won't let you go."

The Dharma Minister had a sad face after hearing this, and felt that if he really did this, he would be so embarrassed that he would be embarrassed all over the world.

'Who can come and persuade him...'

At this moment, a sparrow fell down, and a delicate voice came from it: "Brother! What are you talking about? How can anyone accept the money from the mountain? And Longshen Mountain is the territory of the Tianshi Sect, how can you stand? Keep people from going down the mountain.”

After hearing this, the Dharma Minister kept nodding secretly: "That's it, someone finally came to persuade him." ’

But I heard Jiaojiao continue to say: "If you ask me, if Tianshi teaches you money, we will accept our lives."

"All the heroes in the world are here, isn't this a good opportunity to catch them all?"

“I think we’ll pack them up and send them all to Shuzhou to build roads!”

'These two brothers and sisters...' Fa Xiang felt a chill in his heart after hearing this: 'Sure enough, they are both descendants of the Incorruptible Buddha, with deep evil roots in their hearts. ’

Chu Qiguang held his chin and thought for a while: "It's not that I can't consider it. Let's see who is there first."

Having said this, he turned to look at the Dharma Prime Minister: "How are the formation preparations going?"

Dharma Prime Minister solemnly said: "Nothing goes wrong."

January 14, the 20th year of Yong'an.

There is still one last day left until the date of the battle.

Hao Xiangtong looked at the small building in front of him and said helplessly: "Master, aren't you planning to come out?"

Taoist Yulou on the side said: "Master said that Taoist Master Tianxian would not do anything meaningless. He was worried that Hao Zhentian's Mingjian was deceitful and wanted to completely refine the sword before the battle."

Hao Xiangtong frowned and said, "He wants to use this sword to deal with Chu Qiguang?"

Taoist Yulou laughed when he heard this: "How is this possible?"

"This divine sword is prepared for others."

"You have also seen that someone is secretly fanning the flames, making the entire Hongxing Mansion uneasy now."

"Master refined this divine sword to deal with those behind the scenes."

"The Immortal Way, Baiyang Sect, Holy Fire Sect, Buddhism, descendants of Daxia, and the Northern Wolf Clan... may all be involved."

"What's more, after I finish giving Chu Qiguang instructions tomorrow, I want to show off my Taoist skills in front of the heroes of the world and stabilize the situation. With the help of such a divine sword, it will be even more powerful."

Hearing the names of these enemies, Hao Xiangtong felt his scalp numb.

Then he was full of admiration for Huang Daoxu, who had driven away so many enemies by himself.

‘Only the best in the world can deal with so many powerful enemies alone, right? ’

However, Hao Xiangtong already knew at this moment that Huang Daoxu would not hit Chu Qiguang hard, and he was already half relieved.

‘It’s just that Brother Chu is proud and arrogant. This defeat will definitely hit him, right? ’

'However, with Brother Chu's character, he will definitely be able to regain his strength, understand his shame and then be brave, and his future cultivation will be even higher. ’

Hao Xiangtong said goodbye to Taoist Yulou and walked towards his residence.

But when I came to the back mountain, I suddenly saw a sneaky figure on the mountain road in the distance.

Hao Xiangtong's eyes were focused, and after watching the figure pause for a moment, it disappeared into the forest in a flash.

"That's...Elder Li?"

The sneaky figure she just saw was none other than Li Chixin, the head of the Tianshi Sect's Sword Academy.

"Why did Elder Li come here?"

Although she felt strange in her heart, she had no intention of delving into it. After all, there were too many secrets on Dragon Snake Mountain. There were countless secrets and legends on this sacred mountain that embodies thousands of years of Tianshi Sect history.

But when she was about to leave, a voice suddenly came from her mind: "Aren't you going to have a look?"

Hao Xiangtong was shocked: "Who?"

But the surroundings were quiet, and only the sound of cold wind blowing across the mountain wall could be heard. There was no longer any human voice, which made Hao Xiangtong even wonder if what he just heard was an auditory hallucination.

But at this moment...she couldn't help but feel curious about the place where Li Chixin had just left.

So Hao Xiangtong walked along the mountain road and discovered that there was a huge cave behind the forest immediately behind Li Chixin.

Seeing this cave, Hao Xiangtong was surprised and asked: "Is there such a cave in the back mountain?"

At this moment, a arrogant voice came from the cave: "Who is he again? Dare to come see me?"

Hao Xiangtong asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

The voice snorted coldly, making Hao Xiangtong feel like there was a wild beast baring its teeth and claws in front of him. The sharp claws seemed to be able to tear his flesh apart in the next moment.

"Jiang Hongyun."

Hao Xiangtong frowned and said, "Jiang Hongyun?"

The voice then came: "What? After such a long time, no one knows about me anymore?"

After a sigh, the other party said: "I have been locked up here for too long."

"It's so dark and cold in here."

"I haven't talked to anyone in a long time."

"Little girl, do you want to come in and talk to me?"

"You don't have to come in."

"Just tell me a story, any story is fine..."

Hao Xiangtong had strong doubts in her heart, just when she was thinking about whether to go in and take a look.

A voice came from behind her: "Junior sister, why are you here?"

Hao Xiangtong turned around suddenly and saw Taoist Yulou looking towards this side with a solemn expression.

"Senior brother? Where is this? Who is locked up here?"

Taoist Yulou grabbed Hao Xiangtong with a serious look and pulled him out of the cave.

"This is a forbidden area, and a big devil is imprisoned inside. He was imprisoned here about two hundred years ago."

"It is said that the seniors in the past tried many methods but could not kill him. They could only suppress him in Longshen Mountain and use the divine power of Taoist Xuanyuan to wear away his flesh and blood."

"In a few more decades, this devil will be completely gone."

As he spoke, Taoist Yulou reattached the talisman on the side. As he recited the incantation, the entire cave gradually disappeared in front of the two of them.

After doing all this, Taoist Yulou breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Hao Xiangtong: "How did you get here just now?"

On the eve of the battle, countless people on and off the mountain were busy for their own purposes.

But time passed ruthlessly, and finally it was January 15th, the day Chu Qiguang had agreed.

The war is about to begin in the next chapter, and I still need to think about some things. I won’t update it until this afternoon.

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