Ruins of the past

Chapter 621 Multiple Transformations

Ever since the last time Chu Qiguang used Yuanshi Tianzun to counter Taishang Tianzun, he had completely mastered the Ring of Foolishness on his chest.

From then on he was able to use the power of its gifts more freely.

For example, for Cursed Gifts, Chu Qiguang could use 10 Cursed Gifts at one time to redeem them.

The transformation obtained... is often far more powerful than the result of a cursed gift in the past.

It can be said that each one is a transformation of the Taoist level.

After he entered the realm of manifesting the gods, the Ring of Foolishness could already use 100 cursed gifts to redeem it in order to obtain the transformation of the realm of manifesting the gods.

This is all because Chu Qiguang has completely mastered the power of the Ring of Foolishness, and can continue to unleash its potential as his own realm improves.

This time, more than 500 cursed gifts were used by Chu Qiguang one after another, and the five consecutive transformations of the divine state... immediately caused earth-shaking changes in his body and even his spirit.

Every corner of his body seems to burst with amazing potential.

A steady stream of power bursts out from every ounce of flesh and blood.

His consciousness seemed to be connected to the depths of the universe, constantly receiving information from outside.

In the seeker's eyes, lines of text are constantly written, all symbolizing the strange changes inside and outside his body.

"No thoughts ghost body."

"It comes from the void ghost body being influenced by the knowledge of the Supreme Heavenly Lord."

"A body that incorporates both ghostly power and demonic dye."

"It is said that you can escape into the void for a long time."

"This is how to avoid disaster."

"It is said that the void is the projection of heaven."

"But with this, the way of heaven is no longer so far away."

At the same time, Chu Qiguang felt black flames burning in his eyes. It was the ghost power that surged out of them, and became even more turbulent and weird after all the twisted and secret knowledge was injected into it.

"The ghostly eyes of the evil spirit."

"The turbid ghost eyes are affected by the Supreme Heavenly Lord."

"Gradually there are new changes."

"Ghost eyes are originally organs that house ghost power."

"But the ghost power is now compatible with flesh and blood."

"So they can be transformed into each other."

Then the third level of transformation began, and the transformation here came from praying to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Countless voices, like the whispering of the mountains, continued to pour into Chu Qiguang's mind.

At this moment, he felt the rotation of the planet under his feet and the movement of countless earth crusts.

"Crazy Mountain Spirit."

"After being blessed by the Yuanshi Tianzun, the crazy spiritual veins."

"It seems to be a little different than it used to be."

"Mortal objects that step into the realm of gods."

"You will be able to hear the roar of mountains that did not exist before."

"And in the roar, the echo called spiritual veins was extracted."

"It is said that spiritual veins were originally the power of the earth's movement."

"But after the great demon dyeing, the earth's crawling also took on a hint of madness."

"Crazy spiritual veins can both deflect damage and may also cause madness."

The next moment, the Dragon Elephant Divine Fire in the body, which represented the power of manifesting the martial arts, also underwent a new transformation. Chu Qiguang could feel countless flames bursting out of the body and making crazy screams.

"Dragon Elephant Sky Fire."

"After receiving the blessing of Yuanshi Tianzun, the Dragon Elephant Divine Fire transformed into a new form."

"The dragon elephant is originally the brave one among the Buddhas."

"Then he became a crazed monster."

"Finally returned to its true self in pure flames."

"After being blessed by the gods."

"Sake an oath before this fire."

"It will transform into a more terrifying form of Buddha."

Chu Qiguang felt the four consecutive transformations inside and outside his body. The first two came from the Supreme Heavenly Lord, who upgraded the two transformations in the "Ten Thousand Ghosts" series to the transformation of the manifest realm.

The latter two came from the blessing of Yuanshi Tianzun, which further enhanced the two transformations of his "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom".

The next moment, Chu Qiguang obtained the fifth level of divine transformation.

Looking at the writing in the seeker's eyes and feeling the drastic changes in himself from head to toe, he could clearly feel the power of this transformation.

"The Black Seal of the Origin."

"In the vast universe."

"Yuanshi Tianzun will impart mysterious knowledge to the monks he values."

"The truth about the legendary universe."

"Built on lies."

"Mastered the knowledge of the black seal."

"You can use your own talents to leverage the power of lies."

"Work hard to deceive and make Yuanshi Tianzun feel happy."

The five consecutive transformations gave Chu Qiguang a surge in combat power, and countless knowledge and information flew wildly in his mind.

It's like setting off a huge storm in the sea of ​​consciousness, bringing intense pleasure.

After a long time, he recovered from this pleasure and let out a deep breath.

The energy and blood that had been silent in the body began to circulate and boil again with the stimulation of the Dragon Elephant Sky Fire, and then broke the seal.

As the seal of the Heavenly Eye Magic Rui was forcibly broken, a bloody moonlight rose in Chu Qiguang's mind.

He felt that the bones in his body were boiling under the irradiation of blood.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that it is not the bones that are boiling, but the power of faith contained in the bones of faithlessness.

"The Oath of Courage."

"Taoist Master Xuanyuan tests the courage of his followers with the Dharma Ribbon."

"According to ancient custom."

"Those who pass the test represent an oath to the Taoist Master."

"The test has become a formality."

"But the power of the oath remains."

"If you use this body to cast the talisman, you will receive preferential treatment."

Chu Qiguang glanced at the content of the oath blood and knew that it was a transformation that could enhance the effect of the Heavenly Master's teaching talisman.

‘This should be very suitable for followers of the Celestial Master Sect, especially those who practice the line of "Zhengyi Dharma Ribbon". ’

Although it is not the most suitable for Chu Qiguang, it is a free transformation after all, and one more person always makes him feel happy.

At the same time, under the gaze of the seeker's eyes, the halo behind him fluctuated round and round, turning from twelve rings into thirteen halos.

Thirteen halos of light entangled back and forth, spinning constantly, exuding bursts of deep and ominous aura.

The dog-shaped Jiaojiao kneeling beside looked at Chu Qiguang curiously, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother, are you so happy to let me kneel down?"

"You just laughed so obscenely."

Chu Qiguang smiled and said, "What do you know? This is piety after praying."

Jiaojiao was stunned: ‘You didn’t hit me like this? He looks really happy. ’

Recalling the strange look that Chu Qiguang had just asked him to pray to the god, Jiaojiao couldn't help but worry in her heart: 'You are not really sick, are you? Then I can only inherit the family property. ’

Chu Qiguang recalled the knowledge he had just acquired, each of which required him to spend time slowly understanding and adapting to these newly acquired powers.

But in addition to the content related to the five-fold transformation, there is also some additional knowledge that is a bit strange.

‘This seems to be...a design drawing of a temple. ’

‘Yuanshi Temple? ’

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