Ruins of the past

Chapter 606 Sinking

Faced with the approach of the ghost, Wang Zhishan, a Taoist immortal from the Celestial Master Sect, seemed completely unaware.

He slowly raised his head and closed his eyes, as if listening to something.

In his mind, there seemed to be a pair of wet hands caressing his brain, and a voice whispered some sacred language in his mind.

Wang Zhishan listened to the deep voice and murmured: "I already know...the source of this curse..."

He gradually began to gnash his teeth, and his entire expression became extremely scary.

"Everything is a curse from the evil god...the cultist."

"I smell you."

Wang Zhishan raised his head suddenly. When he opened his eyes, his eyes had turned into turbid blackness.

The crazy eyes were fixed on Chu Qiguang, and he whispered: "This fishy smell... is the smell of the cultists."

"Tao Zun, please protect me and kill the evil."

As he spoke, Wang Zhishan opened his hands, and yellow talismans flew out of his sleeves.

Every piece of talisman and every talisman taught by Tianshi is a rare treasure in this world. It has incredible functions such as controlling wind and thunder, summoning divine generals, exorcising evil and suppressing demons, etc.

Even within the Tianshi Sect, talismans still need to go through layers of selection before they are given.

To the outside world, it has a price but no market. It is often difficult for ordinary people to buy one no matter how much money they spend.

But Wang Zhishan is a master who has entered Taoism through the "Zhengyi Dharma" taught by Tianshi, and he can make all kinds of talismans by himself.

At this moment, when he was about to kill the evil under the guidance of 'god', the talismans he had accumulated over the years immediately flew out one after another.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Wang Zhishan pinched the Tao Jue, and a yellow talisman spontaneously ignited without fire, turning into golden armor and wrapping around his body.

Xiaolan said: "Brother Chu, something doesn't seem right with him."

Chu Qiguang said: "Are you confused by ghosts?"

Xiaolan shook her head and said doubtfully: "I didn't feel the power of ghosts in him, it seemed to be something else."

Chu Qiguang looked at Wang Zhishan, who was full of hostility towards him. He frowned and reminded, "I don't know what situation you are in now."

"But you'd better try to control yourself and stay awake."

"Because if I fight you now, I can't guarantee not to kill you."

He sighed: "Every Dao-level combat power on this planet is precious, and too many have been destroyed in my hands."

With Chu Qiguang's current fortune and situation, if he were to fight Wang Zhishan, he would be worried that if he made a mistake... he would kill all the humans, demons, ghosts, and demons present.

But when they heard Chu Qiguang's sincere truth, Xuancheng and others on the side were filled with rage. They felt that this man was too arrogant and ignorant.

Wang Zhishan turned a deaf ear to what Chu Qiguang said. He walked towards Chu Qiguang step by step, laughing wildly and said: "Kill you... I will kill you... and sacrifice you to the Taoist Master."

"That way I can...hear His voice all the time."

"That sound is farther than the sky."

As the talismans burned one after another, the golden armor transformed by the power of faith on his body became thicker and thicker.

Layers of golden light almost covered his face and the madness in his eyes.

Behind Wang Zhishan, twisted shadows emerged one after another, which were transformed from virtual reality to reality. They were the protector generals summoned by the magic pot in his body. The originally majestic and solemn generals were now full of madness, with scarlet eyes. Full of desire for killing.

Seeing Wang Zhishan's change, Yunxiu on the other side felt something was sincerely wrong.

She quickly said: "Master, did you make a mistake? This person doesn't look like a bad person."

"And it seems that the ghosts at the bottom of the river have not been solved yet, and they seem to have boarded the boat..."

She looked at the pair of wet footprints, walking quickly towards Wang Zhishan.

But the next moment, Wang Zhishan pointed out, and a talisman turned into thunder and struck Chu Qiguang.

At the same time, he rushed towards Chu Qiguang with dozens of guardians.

Along with the rumbling sound of impact, the golden hands of the god generals were already pressing on Chu Qiguang's body.

But then there was a flash of black light, and whether it was the Dharma Protector General, Wang Zhishan, or Chu Qiguang, they all disappeared.

Only a black will-o'-the-wisp was left floating on the deck, emitting bursts of light.

All the disciples of the Tianshi Sect who were present were extremely surprised when they saw this scene in front of them. Xuancheng and others immediately stepped forward, looking at the black will-o'-the-wisp and not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the wet footprints suddenly turned towards Xiao Cui, who had been used as a sacrifice by the fishermen.

Xiaocui seemed to feel something, and stood up and walked towards the direction of the footprints.

Yunxiu had been paying attention to the footprints and shouted loudly when he saw this scene.

But the disciples of the Celestial Master around him seemed to be separated from him by a layer of hazy light and shadow. No matter how loud she shouted, she seemed not to notice this.

Yunxiu was shocked and said: 'Is it the power of that ghost? ’

She wanted to rush up to stop Xiaocui, but when she got closer, she felt a cold sensation under her feet, as if a hand had grasped her ankle tightly, making her unable to move.

At the same time, the wet footprints had stopped in front of Xiao Cui.

A dark wind seemed to blow over the girl who was used as a sacrifice, and her robes rustled in the wind.

The veins on her face popped out, revealing an inhuman expression.

At this moment, the Taoist priests around seemed to notice something strange, and each held a sword to surround Xiao Cui.

Xiaocui looked at them and said with a painful look on her face: "Why...why do you want to stop the village from worshiping the river god?"

Xuancheng snorted coldly: "Evil sacrifices and obscene sacrifices will be punished by everyone."

Xiaocui's sanity seemed to be gradually disappearing, her limbs were constantly twisted, and her long black hair stretched out in all directions.

She was heard roaring angrily: "If you hadn't blocked the ritual, none of the villagers would have died. I was sacrificed voluntarily! What does it have to do with you?"

"They just want to survive... If you don't help us... why are you hurting us..."

Xuancheng said righteously: "You can't do it voluntarily. It's just because of you stupid people and foolish women who go around offering sacrifices to evil gods that the world is disturbed and evil gods and demons keep coming..."

Most of the Taoist priests around him also seemed to believe that this was their belief, and they firmly believed in it.

Xiaocui looked up to the sky and roared when he heard this.

She seemed to have completely lost her mind. A large area of ​​scales had grown on her body, yellow-green foam kept pouring out of her mouth, and her four hands and feet had become webbed.

"Fall with me..."

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