Ruins of the past

Chapter 602 Soul Refining Record

Chu Qi smiled and looked at the bloody head in front of him: "Yes, when I can't do it anymore, I will leave it all to you."

"When the time comes, you will be the one to protect me from the wind and rain."

At this moment, a figure ran out of the darkness: "Teacher! And me!"

I saw Lei Yushu walking out with his body covered in flames.

At this moment, she was over 1.8 meters tall, and her pair of slender, straight legs were wrapped in layers of flames.

Lei Yushu, who originally looked like a little girl, has now completely transformed into a slender Valkyrie.

The flame energy gained after entering the Tao was worn on her body like a war dress.

And unlike the "Sumishan King Sutra" practiced by Chu Qiguang and Jin Hailong, the transformation she obtained allowed her to gain the ability to compress flesh and blood while growing in size. After all, the transformation after entering the Tao varies from person to person, and everyone's circumstances are different. Even if they practice the same method, there will be some differences.

The slender and graceful figure brought about by this are just the appearance, the physical body that is stronger than the ordinary Martial God is the key point.

"Teacher." Lei Yushu looked at Chu Qiguang excitedly: "I have entered Taoism."

Chu Qiguang nodded with satisfaction: "Well done."

As a martial arts genius who was one of the eight generals of the Xinghan Dynasty, Chu Qiguang knew that Lei Yushu would definitely become a martial arts god when he was his disciple.

In particular, the opponent's growth rate was far faster than in the previous life due to his use of a series of resource infusions.

Whether it's body refining secret medicine, Buddhist fire, various elixirs, or talismans, Chu Qiguang can provide it.

In the past month, after making a vow with Jiaojiao and receiving the blessing of luck, Lei Yushu has made rapid progress and finally crossed the threshold of entering the Tao.

Recalling his experiences over the years, Lei Yushu was full of gratitude to Chu Qiguang.

It was the other party who grabbed her out of the quagmire and taught her carefully, so that she could regain her life.

Lei Yushu was even more fascinated by Chu Qiguang's ideal of changing the trend of demons in the world.

Feeling the admiration of the other party at this moment, Lei Yushu's face was filled with a smile: "Teacher! I have become a Taoist Martial God now, and I can help you!"

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Now that the Chamber of Commerce is developing, it is time to hire people. You are here at the right time. Next, go to the Blood Pond Workshop to combine martial arts and Qi and Blood Machines."

Looking at Lei Yushu in front of him, Chu Qiguang also felt a little emotional. The seeds he planted were taking root and sprouting one by one, and his workers were becoming more and more numerous and stronger.

He thought in his mind: 'Shuzhou's development is on the right track, and even if I don't take care of it personally, it will become stronger and stronger. '

‘When the problem of luck is solved, I will go to Longshe Mountain to borrow the Book of the Earth. ’

'Then connect the forces in the world one by one, promote the Shuzhou model, and prepare to fight against the foreign gods...'

Jiaojiao on the side looked at the graceful Lei Yushu after entering the Taoism, and then at the deformed flesh and blood she was controlling: 'Damn it, the devil is so ugly, I have to become more beautiful. ’

Chu Qiguang encouraged Lei Yushu and Zhou Yujiao again, and then returned to his room.

At this moment, he heard a strange crashing sound.

Chu Qiguang turned his head and found a red ball slowly rolling to his feet.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the ball was rolling, and saw a frighteningly pale child standing there, looking at him with wide, bloodshot eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qiguang let out a long sigh: ‘Did you hit a ghost again? ’

As he walked towards the little ghost in front of him, he thought in his mind: 'Speaking of which... I can now look for the follow-up skills of "Ten Thousand Ghosts". ’

After saving the dead souls, Chu Qiguang came to the basement where the "Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts" was stored for the first time in a long time, and once again entered the ghost realm inside.

This time, when Yu Li in the ghost realm saw Chu Qiguang, he exclaimed: "You?"

His tone was full of surprise and disbelief: "A breakthrough?"

Chu Qiguang nodded and said: "I have already practiced the "Dragon Elephant Great Freedom" and reached the state of manifesting the spirit. This time I came here to find the follow-up skills of "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts"."

When Yu Li heard this, he fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, he slowly uttered four words: "Incredible."

He thought to himself: 'This boy is really not simple. ’

Yu Li continued: "The realm of manifesting the gods is enough to be invincible in this era. Are you sure you still want to find the follow-up method of "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts"?"

"Let me remind you that the techniques of the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Record" line have not been perfected at all. The further you go, the more dangerous it becomes. It is almost impossible to survive."

"After so many years of research by the Theosophical School, they have only managed to come up with the "Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts". As for the subsequent "Record of Souls"... From the founding of the Han Dynasty, no one has figured out what it is."

"Since you have already cultivated the "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom", why bother looking for other methods."

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "One lineage inheritance is not enough for me, I need stronger power."

Yu Li sighed: ""Refining the Soul" should also be in a ghost territory. If you must look for it, I can give you an approximate location..."

Donghai Prefecture, on the bank of a large river south of Guyun Prefecture.

A merchant ship was heading south along the river, but the originally smooth river was now filled with boats, all blocked together.

A crew member looked helplessly at the blocked river: "What happened? Why is it blocked?"

Another crew member on the side said: "It probably has something to do with the water ghost. The river has not been peaceful recently..."

There are many legends about water ghosts circulating today.

It is said that when a businessman named Wang was crossing the river here, he boarded a ferry disguised as a water bandit.

Not only was all the gold and silver he carried robbed, but he was also thrown into the middle of the river to be fed to the bastard.

A few days later, another merchant boarded the ferry disguised as a water bandit. He saw that the merchant's package was bulging with gold and silver exposed from time to time.

The water bandits were so greedy that they sailed the ferry to the middle of the river and asked the merchants to hand over their money.

The merchant nodded and agreed to hand over the money, but also made a request, asking the water bandits to send him across the river.

The water bandit promised, but in his heart he planned to throw the merchant into the water and drown him.

Unexpectedly, not long after he agreed, a cold wind suddenly blew on the river, dark clouds rolled in from the sky, and the ferry boat under his feet started to spin.

Waves of shouts came from the shore. The water bandit looked towards the shore, and the next moment there were dead souls.

I saw that the shore was full of dead people who he had thrown into the water and fed to the fish.

Looking back, the merchant who took the boat had turned into the merchant named Wang.

After the crew member finished telling the story, he smiled and said, "It is said that the water ghost in the river is still there, and it sank another merchant ship a few days ago."

"Ordinary people can't deal with ghosts, and the government can't control such ghosts..."

Another crew member wondered: "Then now..."

"I heard that a big shot from the Tianshi Sect came forward to seal off both sides of the river, specifically to catch the water ghost."

Sorry, Kavin feels stuck.

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