Ruins of the past

Chapter 595 Oath

In the Lan River Valley.

The original wilderness has turned into an extremely prosperous town. Except for a small part of farmland, most of the area has been turned into schools and workshops.

There are two main types of schools: basic general schools and advanced technical schools.

When the monsters first arrived, they all had to go to a general school to lay a foundation. Within three months, they learned basic mathematics, writing, martial arts, and the most important ideological education.

After leaving the general school, the monsters will be further trained in the technical school according to their own performance and wishes.

After graduating from technical schools, some monsters who are good at arithmetic, management, and social interaction will join the chamber of commerce and become shopkeepers, accountants, and waiters.

Some who are good at martial arts will transport goods or become guards...

There are also many cat demons and dog demons who have joined the cat factory and dog factory respectively to collect intelligence...

There are also some monsters who don't like humans and often choose to contract a piece of land and use living corpses to farm the land for the chamber of commerce...

Others joined the engineering team of the Chamber of Commerce, manipulating living corpses to build bridges and pave roads across Shuzhou...

Many monsters also joined the factory, responsible for operating the blood machine to make cotton cloth, weapons, armor, farm tools and even living corpses.

Chu Qiguang's base in the Lanhe River Valley is like a huge transformer, constantly absorbing monsters from all over Shuzhou.

Especially after the Shuzhou War for half a year, a large number of monster refugees escaped from the Snowy Mountains.

Most of them were absorbed by Chu Qiguang, and they were constantly transformed into qualified working demons, and gradually integrated into Shuzhou society.

Among these working monsters, only the most elite and talented monsters who are proficient in words, mathematics, and have a certain level of martial arts can have the opportunity to join the Qi and Blood Workshop and participate in it after passing various tests. The most core research work.

At this moment, deep in the workshop area of ​​the Lan River Valley.

In a huge underground space, rows of living corpses wearing bone armor were walking back and forth.

Some of these living corpses are tall and majestic, like generals in the army.

Some were crooked and crooked, like deformed lunatics.

Some even crawled and squirmed on the ground and walls, making unconscious roars from time to time.

The flesh and blood on these living corpses squirmed from time to time, and their heads rotated in a circle, looking towards the center.

In the center, a luxurious bed was placed.

The faint scent of sandalwood fills the surroundings of the big bed, and the gorgeous carvings reveal the bed's expensiveness.

A pink-yellow gauze hangs above the bed, embroidered with flowers, cordyceps, and flowers.

There was a petite girl lying under the gauze tent, and the exquisite and gorgeous Yunluo silk was rippling under her body like water.

The girl's eyes were closed tightly, her hair spread along the wrinkled lines of the satin, and her delicate facial features looked extremely soft and tranquil at the moment.

Anyone who sees it at first glance will think that the girl sleeping on the bed is the daughter of a wealthy family.

Just then, footsteps sounded.

Lei Yushu walked in slowly under the gaze of the living corpses. When this genius among the eight generals of the Xinghan Dynasty saw Zhou Yujiao lying on the bed, a strange look appeared on his face.

The girl sleeping in front of her was really quiet compared to how noisy she used to be.

"According to the master, all you need to do is make an oath to Jiaojiao."

"Although she is asleep now, she already has stronger abilities."

Looking at Jiaojiao on the bed, Lei Yushu knelt on the ground and raised his right hand: "I am determined to become a pledge of destiny to defeat the enemies of Buddha."

"I wish to become the shadow of the Buddha Realm, your protector, and I will defend you to the death."

"I am willing to be the sword that slays demons, receive the power of destiny, and defeat the enemy..."

As Lei Yushu's gestures and vows were gradually completed, a crisp ringtone came from the girl on the bed.

Lei Yushu felt something different about himself, as if a burden had been lifted and he felt relieved.

She immediately said the end of the oath: "I am the sword of destiny, and I will fulfill the responsibilities of the oath. I will bear this in my heart as proof."

As the oath was completely completed, flames burned in Lei Yushu's hands.

The flames gathered together and turned into a sun-shaped talisman, which represented the end of the entire ritual.

At the same time, Lei Yushu felt that his vision had greatly increased, and he could actually see scenes from all angles around him, including front, back, left, right, up and down, without any blind spots.

"It's exactly what the master said. Now as long as you make an oath to Jiaojiao and complete the ritual, you can get her blessing."

"In the Buddhist world, you can have a blind-sighted line of sight, you will have better luck, and you can also have spiritual communication with people who have also taken the same oath."

"But accordingly...when Jiaojiao is in danger, we must defend her to the death."

Lei Yushu felt the newly acquired ability for a while, walked to the bed and sighed: "Jiaojiao, I didn't expect you to go so early."

"But don't worry, although the master no longer has you, he still has me."

"I will definitely work with my master to realize his dream."

"Just sleep well here. Don't you just like lying in bed every day?"

Suddenly Lei Yushu's eyes moved, and she seemed to see the girl's hands clasped on her chest trembling slightly.

"Jiaojiao? Did you move just now?"

"Are you moved by what I said?"

Jiaojiao on the bed gritted her teeth and roared in her heart: "Smelly Lei Yushu..."

"It's all Ergou's fault! Why did I let you come here!"

"She actually asked me to bless her..."

After being impacted by a large amount of knowledge about the Buddhist world and the knowledge of "Dragon Elephant Great Freedom", Jiaojiao's spirit underwent some kind of unexplainable transformation, and she gained abilities related to oaths, the Buddhist world, and luck.

As the other half of the human-cat complementary skills at that time, Chu Qiguang also knew this.

So in the past few days, he hid Jiaojiao deep in the workshop and asked his subordinates to try the oath and see the effect.

‘Damn it! ’

‘Why should you move me to a place like this! ’

‘And let so many living corpses used for experiments stay here. ’

'It makes me afraid to move...'

‘I really want to turn over. ’

Jiaojiao said bitterly in her heart: 'No... I must wait until Ergou kneels in front of me and confesses to me...'

Not long after Lei Yushu left, there seemed to be a large number of living corpses moving back and forth outside the hall, as if they were cleaning up something.

Not long after, there were footsteps again, and a voice that was very familiar to Zhou Yujiao came: "Jiaojiao, can you hear me?"

Jiaojiao's heart moved: 'It's finally here. ’

Chu Qiguang walked to the bed and sighed: "Oh, if I had known you wouldn't be able to sleep, I should have disconnected then."

Jiaojiao tried hard not to raise the corners of her mouth, thinking in her heart: "That's how it should be! Hahahaha... confess to me quickly!"

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