The next moment, pale white fluorescence shot into Bai Ziyu's body, causing the"Goddess Record" to glow with golden light.

With the sound of flipping pages, the page finally stopped at the fourteenth page, and Kuraki Reina, wearing a lavender dress, appeared on it!

At the same time, a pleasant system prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the fourteenth goddess, Kuraki Reina. Feedback rewards from the"Goddess Record": Saving points: 2000, pupil technique: Mangekyō Sharingan (purple), skill: Flying Thunder God Technique (blue), space mark. 】

Hearing the six characters"Mangekyo Sharingan", Bai Ziyu slightly increased the strength of his right hand, causing the beautiful lady to frown slightly.

Finally, after waiting for so long, he finally waited for the"Goddess Record" to give feedback. It was too difficult!

As a great contributor who helped him solve a big wish, he must be thanked! Thank you very much!

But then, looking at Kuraki Reina, whose beautiful eyes showed a bit of pain in his arms, Bai Ziyu was stunned.

After reacting immediately, he hurriedly let go as if he had been electrocuted.

Seeing the red mark that appeared on the capital, his face was full of apologies: 030"Sorry, Reina-chan, I was thinking too much just now, so...".

Facing Bai Ziyu's apology, Kuraki Reina snorted softly in her nose:"Humph! As a knight, you actually dared to attack the princess. How do you think I should punish you?"

"As long as Her Royal Highness the Princess is willing to forgive me, I will do anything!"

"Okay, then I want you..."

Fortunately, Chunchuan Zhimei had left before, otherwise, if she heard the two talking, she would have to say: You two really know how to have fun!

After a while, Bai Ziyu kissed the already sleeping beauty, slowly got up, walked to the bathroom, and called the system in his mind:"System, I want to fuse the Mangekyō Sharingan. You said before that it would be 100% successful, right?"

【Yes, but the fusion process will be a little painful, please be patient. 】

Upon hearing this, his face changed slightly, and then Bai Ziyu gritted his teeth and said:"It hurts, as long as we can fuse!"

【OK, the fusion begins! 】

As the system prompt came down, Bai Ziyu suddenly felt a stinging pain in his eyes.

That kind of pain was several times more painful than when the transplant was first performed.

But fortunately, it didn't last long.

After three or four minutes, the pain slowly faded away like a tide.

He reached out and touched the corner of his eye, and it was blood red where he touched.

He quickly turned on the faucet, rinsed it, and looked at himself in the mirror.

He saw in the mirror that the blood-red windmills in his eyes had disappeared, and were replaced by two blood-red hexagrams that kept rotating.

Even with his current mental attributes, he almost lost his mind after taking a look.

He quickly hid it, and then Bai Ziyu checked its new attributes:

"Name: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

Type: Eye Technique

Level: Purple


1. Tsukuyomi: Constructs a Tsukuyomi world in which the user can feel endless torture until mental breakdown. 2. Amaterasu: Releases black flames, which cannot be extinguished before burning the target. 3. Susanoo

: Summon a burly god of war wearing Karasu Tengu armor and holding the Ten Perfect Sword to attack the enemy.

Introduction: One of the eye techniques in a certain world, it has incredibly powerful power."

Looking at the system introduction, Bai Ziyu couldn't help wanting to try it out.

So the next moment, he took out the space door and flashed to the coast of the East China Sea.

Carrying the wings of the storm and standing above the East China Sea, Bai Ziyu shouted in a deep voice:"Susanoo!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blood-colored hexagram that had disappeared in his eyes reappeared, and then a stream of blood-colored energy flowed out from his body and slowly gathered on his head.

After a few seconds, the blood-colored energy finally gathered into a burly war god about ten meters tall, wearing Wu Tiangu armor and holding the Ten Perfect Sword.

With Bai Ziyu's mind moving, the blood-colored war god swung his long sword violently.


With a deafening roar, a huge sword mark about 100 meters long and more than ten meters wide appeared on the vast East China Sea.

However, this sword mark only lasted for a moment before it was smoothed out by the backflow of surrounding seawater.

But even so, Bai Ziyu was very satisfied.

It is worthy of being a complete Susanoo, this ability is really abnormal!

Next, he tried the long-range attack skill - Yasaka Magatama and the close combat skill - Susanoo Sword again, and stopped only after he felt his brain was slightly swollen.

After closing the Sharingan, looking at the floating fish on the sea, leaving an apology, Bai Ziyu took out the space door and turned to leave.

Back in the bathroom, rubbing his temples gently, Bai Ziyu checked the other reward he had just reported:

"Name: Flying Thunder God Technique

Type: Skill

Level: Blue

Effect: Use energy to form a mark. Activating this skill can teleport to the place marked before.

Introduction: A space ninjutsu developed by the second generation of Hokage in a certain world, which has very good power."

Is the Flying Thunder God Technique powerful? Of course it is powerful!

Being able to teleport to the place where the mark was left before, what a perverted ability.

But the problem is that Bai Ziyu now has a space gate.

As long as he wants, he can get to any place in the world in one second, even if he has never been there before.

In comparison, the ability of Flying Thunder God seems to be a bit - useless!

That's right, it's useless!

Perhaps Senju Tobirama would never dream that the S-level space ninjutsu he developed with great effort would be despised by others one day.

It's true that life is unpredictable!

""Forget it! It's free anyway, so don't be too greedy!"

Then, shaking his head gently, Bai Ziyu walked out of the bathroom.

He picked up the clothes on the desk and slowly walked out the door. After leaving the room and taking a few steps, he saw Chunchuan Zhimei coming up with a face full of resentment:"Master~"

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu, who knew why he was like this, gently stretched out his arms and embraced her in his arms. His right hand slowly moved for a long time, looking down at the little maid with charming eyes and orchid breath. Bai Ziyu lowered his head and pecked her lightly:"Be ready to be punished tonight!"

After that, he let her go, wiped the corner of her clothes lightly with his right hand, strode away, and forced himself not to fall. Looking at Bai Ziyu's back, Chunchuan Zhimei's eyes were filled with ripples.

After a moment, when her figure completely disappeared, she slowly walked towards the bathroom.....

I said: Hieu Baocot

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