The next morning, Bai Ziyu was still asleep when he was suddenly awakened by an annoying phone call.

He reached out his hand in a daze and felt something warm.

After groping for a few times, he finally found the culprit at the head of the bed.

After struggling his head out of the warmth, Bai Ziyu yawned and said sleepily,"Who is it?"~".

The next moment, Bai Shi Taozi's anxious voice suddenly came from the microphone:"Boss, something bad happened. I went to deliver breakfast this morning and found that the person on the third floor was missing!"

"Hmm~, are you leaving again?"

Bai Ziyu murmured softly after hearing this. He paused for a moment

, ended the call with the secretary, and looked at the maid beside him with rosy cheeks, twitching nose and seductive eyes....

It was already noon when Bai Ziyu left the room feeling refreshed and went to the courtyard to stretch his slightly stiff waist.

Looking at the blazing camellia and sniffing the rich fragrance, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Kuraki Yuriko, dressed as a widow, slowly walked over:"Isn't the camellia beautiful?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu nodded with a slightly dull expression:"Yes! Very beautiful!"

"But it is at its most beautiful at night. You can go to Lingcai's room at night and watch it with her."


After a while, when Kuraki Yuriko left, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly. He shook his head with a little"bewilderment" and continued to appreciate the camellia in front of him.

In the evening, Kuraki Reina, who returned to the room and was about to rest, suddenly smelled a faint scent of camellia.

Then, she felt as if a blazing flame emerged in her body, burning constantly.

Gradually, her skin, which was originally as crystal as snow, showed an attractive blush.

Even though she lifted the thin quilt on her body, the girl still felt impatient and turned over and got out of bed.

But at this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened.

Bai Ziyu, who looked a little dazed, walked in slowly.

Seeing the other party, Kuraki Reina frowned slightly, and shouted in a delicate voice:"This is my room, who asked you to come, get out~々 !"

But Bai Ziyu seemed not to hear it and walked towards her slowly.

Seeing this, Kuraki Reina's brows gradually wrinkled into the shape of a"川" character. She quickly walked up to Bai Ziyu, pointed at the door and said angrily:"Did you hear me? I told you to get out!"

But the next moment, something unexpected happened to the girl.

Bai Ziyu suddenly grabbed her snow-white wrist. As their skin touched, Kuraki Reina felt her body getting hotter and hotter, her mouth became dry, and her brain gradually became a little confused.

Looking at the handsome face that was gradually approaching, she held on to the last bit of clarity:"Da..."

But before she could finish, she felt a warm sensation on her lips.

Instantly, the last bit of clarity was washed away, and the pair of snow-white, delicate jade arms slowly embraced the strong waist.

The white veil fell to the ground, and the girl's eyebrows suddenly frowned....

Standing under the camellia tree, looking at the scene happening in front of the window, Kuraki Yuriko's mouth slowly curled up into a faint arc.

In the early morning, the golden light shines through the bright window, shining on the serene jade face, awakening the sleeping girl. She blinked her long eyelashes slightly, slowly opened her eyes, and saw Bai Ziyu's handsome face.

Seeing this, she was suddenly shocked!

Then, a memory suddenly emerged in her mind, and the pain from her body proved the authenticity of this memory. Did

I really have sex with this guy?...

In an instant, tears as big as soybeans rolled down from his eyes.

Looking at Bai Ziyu who was still dreaming, Kuraki Reina was immediately furious:"Baka!"

With a feeling of falling, Bai Ziyu fell heavily to the ground.

He opened his eyes dazedly and saw the girl sitting at the head of the bed, pulling the thin quilt to block the scenery in front of him. He only felt a sense of"confusion".":""Reina, what are you doing in my room?"

Seeing that the other party did such a thing to herself and pretended to know nothing, Kuraki Reina was so angry that her chest heaved:"Baka! Baka!" A moment later

, Bai Ziyu rushed out of the door with his upper body naked and hurriedly closed it.

The next moment, a slightly dull cracking sound was heard from behind the door.

At this moment, Kuraki Yuriko came over, covering her mouth and chuckling:"Kouichi, it seems that you are not happy with Reina?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ziyu's face immediately showed a bit of"embarrassment", and he lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, Kuraki Yuriko shook her head lightly:".` Hao Yijun, go and have a rest. I will take care of Ling Cai!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu nodded as if he had been pardoned:"Then I'll have to trouble Aunt Yuriko."

After saying this, as if he remembered something, he immediately said apologetically:"Now Ling Cai doesn't want to listen to my explanation, so please help me apologize to her later, Aunt Yuriko."


With a faint smile, Kuraki Yuriko walked past Bai Ziyu, came to the door and slowly pushed it open.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a teacup fell at her feet and broke into pieces.

Along with a crisp shattering sound, there was also the girl's angry rebuke:"Get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"


Hearing this gentle voice, Kuraki Reina's movements suddenly stopped.

Then she saw the beautiful mother, and she was like a bullied child, crying and shouting, wanting to find her parents for support.

But just after running two steps, she suddenly felt a sharp pain, and her body suddenly softened and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was a soft carpet on the ground, otherwise it would have hurt for at least several days.

The next moment, the grievance in her heart suddenly burst out, and she pounded the ground heavily, and the girl turned into a little girl again. Crying, tears streaming down.

Slowly coming to her side, Kuraki Yuriko gently embraced her in her arms, gently stroking her three thousand black hair.

With her movements, Kuraki Reina's crying gradually stopped, and the expression on her face gradually began to become calm and indifferent.

The camellia outside the window seemed to be blooming more fiercely and beautifully than before.

At this time, Bai Ziyu was resting his head on the round thigh, silently enjoying the ear cleaning service of the little maid.

After a while, the little maid's cheeks were rosy, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito:"Master, this side is ready!" Hearing this, she withdrew her hand from the rich capital, Bai Ziyu turned around, and slowly changed direction.

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