The next morning, when Tomomi Harukawa was about to go to school with Suzuna Kuraki, she was suddenly stopped by Ippei Harukawa:"Tomi, don't go with Miss Suzuna today. The family has a mission for you!"

Looking at Suzuna Kuraki who had already got on the car, Tomomi Harukawa nodded slightly with a little disappointment.

In a dilapidated warehouse, the girl looked around and didn't find anything she needed to do. She looked at Ippei Harukawa with a puzzled look:"Grandpa, why are we here?"

But Ippei Harukawa not only did not answer, but asked inexplicably:"Tomi, you have been in the Kuraki family for thirteen years, right?"

Although she didn't know why the other party suddenly asked this, Tomomi Harukawa still answered honestly:"Yes! Tomomi was brought back from the orphanage by her grandfather when she was five years old. It has been thirteen years today!"

"So how has grandpa treated you during these thirteen years?"

"Grandpa is naturally very nice to Zhimei!"

"Now it's time for you to repay me!" As soon as he finished speaking, Chunchuan Yiping stretched out his right hand and grabbed Chunchuan Zhimei.

Bai Ziyu, who was still drinking tea and playing chess with Zhou Gong in his dream, was suddenly awakened by a hurried system prompt:.

【Emergency! Emergency! Chunchuan Zhimei is in danger! Chunchuan Zhimei is in danger! Host, please teleport to her side immediately! Host, please teleport to her side immediately! 】

His face changed slightly, and Bai Ziyu chose to teleport immediately.

As soon as he teleported, he heard a"hissing" sound of cloth breaking.

Along with the sound of cloth, there was the girl's terrified cry:"Da Mei..."~"

""Looking for death!"

With a cold shout of murderous intent, Bai Ziyu's right leg was like a whip, lashing out heavily.


A dull sonic boom sounded, and the next moment, Chunchuan Yiping was hit hard and flew out.

At that time, he was still holding the girl's maid outfit in his hand, and then...

Looking at the large expanse of white in front of him, and the body that was bound by ** and was about to burst out, Bai Ziyu couldn't help being dazed for a moment.

But fortunately, he was also a veteran in the battlefield. After being stunned for a moment, he reacted.

He quickly took off his upper body T-shirt and handed it to the other party.

All this happened in a flash, so that the girl had no time to react.

She didn't come back to her senses until she saw the T-shirt in front of her. She lowered her little head, whispered thank you, and stretched out her hand to take it.

At this time, Chunchuan Yiping, who slowly slid down from the wall, spat out a large mouthful of blood, and looked at Bai Ziyu with a gloomy face:"Ahem~, I didn't expect that Master Yushan would have such good skills. I underestimated you."

"But this is not the place you should come, so - go back!"

As he said that, a flash of red light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

But the next moment, Chunchuan Yiping's face suddenly turned pale, and then he spat out a large mouthful of blood again, his eyes full of horror:"You, you can actually resist the bewitching spirit, you are simply..."

"You've said too much. Now I ask, you answer!"

Bai Ziyu said this lightly, and took out an ancient pocket watch from his arms.

With a flash of blue light, Chunchuan Yiping's expression gradually became dull.

"Why did you attack Zhimei?"

Chunchuan Zhimei, who had just changed into a T-shirt, couldn't help but prick up her ears when she heard this.

"Because Zhimei is a sacrifice,..."

As Ippei Harukawa spoke indifferently, Tomomi Harukawa's eyes gradually turned red, and tears flowed like pearls from a broken string.

Especially when she heard that the other party wanted to turn herself into a thousand-man Machi in order to activate the power of Yaki in Bai Ziyu's body, and that she would be watched by thousands of people, the girl felt her heart was about to break.

The kind grandfather and gentle lady she thought of were all fake! Fake!

When the last word fell, the girl could no longer bear it, her legs softened, and she fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, Bai Ziyu was quick-witted and supported her in time, so that no tragedy happened.

""Tomomi, are you okay?"

Facing the gentle and concerned gaze, Chunchuan Tomomi burst into tears.

Holding her in his arms, Bai Ziyu gently patted her warm and delicate body, silently comforting her.

After a while, when the girl calmed down a little, Bai Ziyu let her go and slowly came to Chunchuan Ippei.

He snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand, and Chunchuan Ippei, who had a dull expression, suddenly showed a deep fear on his face:"You, what did you do to me?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Bai Ziyu curled his lips in disdain.

Then, he put his right hand on his head.

With a flash of blue light, Chunchuan Ippei seemed to be tortured by something. His face was hideous, he covered his head, and lay on the ground wailing.

Soon, the wailing gradually stopped, and Bai Ziyu retracted his right hand.

Looking at Chunchuan Ippei who was lying on the ground unconscious, Chunchuan Tomomi's charming face was full of hatred and disgust:"Master, what's wrong with him?"

"I modified his memory, and from now on you don't have to worry about him hurting you!"

As soon as these words came out, a hint of gratitude flashed in the girl's beautiful eyes:"Thank you, sir!"

But then, she suddenly changed the subject:"But sir, you have forgotten the most important point!"


Hearing this, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel confused. He had done what he should do, so what was missing?

And then, the girl used her actual actions to tell him where the omission was!

After a moment, looking at Chunchuan Zhimei, who was panting and breathing like orchid in his arms, Bai Ziyu said softly:"Do you know what you are doing?"

"You are the future master of the Kuraki family, and everything about Zhimei originally belongs to the master!

The other party has said this. If Bai Ziyu does not do anything, he can go to the palace to be a TJ.

He lowered his head and kissed the soft cherry lips, waved to take out the space door, and directly carried the girl back to the room.

The black T-shirt slipped off, and the whispers slowly floated.

From then on, there was one less girl and one more woman in the world.

And just as Chunchuan Zhimei was undergoing transformation, Chunchuan Yiping woke up faintly in the warehouse.

He coughed lightly a few times, shook his head a few times, looked at the dried blood on the ground, and showed satisfaction.

Then he slowly got up from the ground and walked out of the warehouse step by step.

Now that the sacrifice has been completed, it is time to go back and report to the young lady.

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