When the lady finished speaking, Bai Ziyu just flipped through the documents in his hand.

Immediately, he frowned slightly and said,"Is that all?"

"Well! The Kuraki family is a secluded family, and they usually don't interact with the outside world, so..."

After hearing the secretary's explanation, Bai Ziyu shook his head helplessly:"Okay! I have to go to Xindu County in the next few days, so I'll have to rely on you to take care of this side!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the snow-white hand and pulled it into his arms with a little force.

"This, this is what Taozi should do!"

"By the way, Aoi is going to move in in the next two days, please help her find a suitable room!"


As they were discussing, a rustling sound suddenly sounded.

Holding the handrail, they walked down the stairs step by step. They wanted to find something to eat. Looking at the scene in the living room, Chiyoko Sawaguchi's cheeks immediately turned red.

After spitting, she hurried upstairs!

At noon, after having a sweet lunch with the secretary, Bai Ziyu took out the space door.

In a dense forest, a tall figure slowly emerged from behind the pink door.

Hearing the birds and insects chirping in his ears, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then 10, took out the bamboo dragonfly and placed it on his head, rising to the air. After searching for a while, he finally found the location and went to the Kuraki family.

Five or six minutes later, he slowly landed outside the manor and rang the doorbell:"Zhi~"

Along with the slightly harsh doorbell sound, a hunched man with gray hair and a gloomy aura came over.

Glancing at Bai Ziyu, the other party asked in his hoarse voice:"Who are you looking for?"

"My name is Yushan Haoyi, and I am the distant cousin of the head of the Kuraki family."

Hearing Bai Ziyu's self-exposure, the man's eyes flashed with surprise.

There is still some time before the ceremony begins, why is the other party here now?

"Please wait a moment, I will go ask the young lady!"

The man said this with a little respect, hunched over, and slowly walked into the manor.

Looking at his back, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly, with a hint of amusement in his eyes:

"Name: Harukawa Ippei (Demon Servant)

Age: 55

Personality: Aloof, tyrannical, dark

Skills: Rope, Bewitching, Sacrifice

Favorability: 0

Overall Strength: Middle of the third rank

Recent Thoughts: Why is Yushan Haoyi here now? It's not time for the ceremony to start yet...."

"The two words"demon servant" are enough to explain everything.

This Kuraki family has a big secret!

Of course, as the only two demon beasts in the original play, he is also on Bai Ziyu's must-kill list.

After all, the reward is really good!

【Mission requirements: Kill the devil Chunchuan Yiping. Mission rewards: Rescue points +1000, magic tent (blue), mission failure: no punishment.

Soon, Chunchuan Yiping came over with a mature and beautiful woman in a black gauze dress, with a slim figure and a coquettish physique.

The faint resentment between the beautiful woman's eyebrows made people want to hug her and comfort her gently.

But Bai Ziyu didn't have this idea, because the other party was not a human:

"Name: Kuraki Yuriko (Demon Spirit)

Age: 38

Personality: Calm and peaceful

Hobbies: Longing for resurrection

Sensitive point: **

Appearance: 91

Favorability: 10

Strength: Upper third rank

Recent thoughts: Is he really Yushan Haoyi? Why can't I feel the Yaqi bloodline in his body?..."

Seeing his inner voice, Bai Ziyu thought he had miscalculated, and hurriedly communicated with the system in his mind:"System, is there any good solution?"

【By spending 100 rescue points, the system can help the host simulate the Yaki bloodline in the body. Do you need it?】

"Need it! Need it!"

【100 rescue points have been deducted, simulating for the host..., simulation successful! 】

Kuraki Yuriko, who was doubting, suddenly felt the desire in her blood, and her beautiful eyes immediately showed some brilliance.

"It turns out to be Hao Yi-kun. I almost didn't recognize you after not seeing you for more than ten years. Please come in!"

As he said that, he motioned to Chunchuan Ippei beside him to open the door. After a moment, Bai Ziyu walked into the manor and said in a gentle and soft voice:"Aunt Yuriko, long time no see!"

Then, under the guidance of Kuraki Yuriko, he was arranged into a bedroom with exquisite decoration.

On the right side of the bedroom, there is a gorgeous camellia tree in full bloom.

Looking at the camellia tree, Bai Ziyu was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, a triumphant smile appeared on the face of the beautiful woman, and she slowly left.

Little did he know that after she left, Bai Ziyu's eyes immediately regained clarity.

A fifth-level camellia demon tree without a demon spirit wants to confuse himself who is also at the fifth level, hehe~

And through what he has seen now and the clues revealed in the original drama, Bai Ziyu probably has some guesses.

But whether it is true or not, it still needs to be verified in the future.

At the same time, Kuraki Yuriko, who came out of the bedroom, looked at the gloomy Chunchuan Yiping in front of her and said calmly:"Tomomi should be eighteen years old tomorrow!"

"Yes, miss, I have waited 373 years for this day."

Speaking of this, Chunchuan Yiping stretched out his broad tongue and licked his dry lips, with a glimmer of greed in his eyes.


Kuraki Yuriko nodded lightly, put her hands on her belly, and floated away.

Looking at the slender back and the seductive Hunyuan, Chunchuan Yiping's eyes emerged with a strong greed.

He had coveted this warm and delicate body for a long time.

"It's almost time! It's almost time! As long as the day of the ceremony comes, I can enjoy this beautiful body to my heart's content."

After both of them left, the door that was originally tightly closed slowly opened a crack.

"It seems that Chunchuan Zhimei has not been hurt. I came at the right time!"

Accompanied by a soft murmur, Bai Ziyu slowly closed it.

If the guess is correct, this should be the room of Kuramoto Suzuna. He is very interested in this arrogant young lady.

Time soon came to the evening. Kuraki Yuriko opened the door and saw Bai Ziyu still standing in front of the window, looking at the gorgeous camellia. A satisfied look immediately appeared on her charming face. She moved lightly to Bai Ziyu, and Kuraki Yuriko called softly:"Kouichi-kun! Koichi-kun!"

When calling, a faint red light suddenly flashed in her eyes!.

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