Hearing this, Nanao Akane's mouth slowly curled up into a smile, very beautiful! Very sweet!

The next moment, a faint white fluorescence slowly floated out from the top of her head and shot into Bai Ziyu's body.

With the influx of fluorescence,"Goddess Record" instantly shone brightly.

The pages of the painting kept turning, and finally stopped at the thirteenth page.

On the originally blank page, a girl in a lavender dress with a plump figure slowly emerged.

Next to her, there was a detailed introduction to her.

Just as Bai Ziyu was admiring the other party's beautiful figure, two system prompts sounded one after another:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully collecting the thirteenth goddess - Nanao Akane."Goddess Record" feedback reward: rescue points: 2000, skills: Fenghou Qimen, free beauty point*1, space mark】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Stop Qiwei Akane from falling. Mission rewards: Twelve Immortal Slashing Flying Knives (blue), rescue points: 500. 】

Bai Ziyu can ignore the others for now, but what is this free beauty point?

Adhering to the principle of asking the system if you don't understand something, he called the system again:"System, what is this free beauty point?"

【Reporting to the host, free beauty points are a specialty of"Goddess Record". They can increase the beauty of any person by a point. They are very precious!】

"Can it make anyone more beautiful?"

After getting the system's answer, Bai Ziyu's eyebrows slightly raised.

He now had sufficient reason to suspect that the Goddess Record was intended to be given to Chiyoko Sawaguchi, otherwise the timing of its appearance would not be so perfect.

And a new car developed by himself was indeed worth the price he paid.

He was very satisfied with this reward, and after coaxing the beauty to sleep, he immediately checked the other two rewards:

"Name: Fenghou Qimen

Type: Skill

Level: Purple

Effect: Able to place the center palace under one's feet, and can freely turn the four plates in the Qimen. In addition, there is the ability to control time - Luanjinju, which can put oneself or the opponent into a slower time and space, making the movement slow down and almost stagnant, but in this state, it is impossible to directly attack the opponent.

Introduction: One of the eight strange skills in a certain world, with very powerful power々. "

"Name: Immortal Slaying Flying Knife

Type: Weapon

Level: Blue

Effect: Can attack the enemy at will of the user

Introduction: The life-blooded weapon of a wielder in a certain world, with very good effects."

Looking at the twelve flying knives in his hands that exuded a faint chill, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly. If he remembered correctly, this should be that person's, right?!

At the same time, in a certain world, in a small mountain village in western China, a scream like a pig being slaughtered suddenly rang out:"Where is my Immortal Slaying Flying Knife? Why is my Immortal Slaying Flying Knife gone?..."

Hearing the other person's scream, a burly middle-aged man pushed the door open and walked in:"Zhengliang, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

"Oh no, my Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife is gone and I can’t find it!"

"What? How could that thing be gone? Look carefully for it!"

"I looked everywhere, but couldn't find it...."

Bai Ziyu, who knew nothing about these things, was now commanding the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife to fly everywhere with great interest.

Rapid sounds of breaking through the air continued to ring out from the room.

After a long while, Bai Ziyu, who had almost finished playing, put it away. He slowly pulled out his right arm as gently as possible, kissed the tranquil beauty lightly, and slowly left.

Sugimoto Shoko prepared such a big surprise for him, so he had to thank her well.

The next morning, Bai Ziyu, who was still asleep, was awakened by a warm feeling.

Looking down at the red flames, a faint smile gradually appeared at the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, a phone rang suddenly.

He raised his head slightly, pursed the corners of his mouth, and Sugimoto Shoko answered the phone:"Hello, this is Sugimoto Shoko."

"Yeah! OK, I got it, thank you!"

After a while, seeing the girl put down the phone, Bai Ziyu gently stroked the fiery red hair and asked,"Shoko, what's wrong?"

"The school called and said that the situation has been investigated and asked us to go to class now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nanao Akane hurriedly pushed the door open and said,"Shoko,..."

Because the action was too violent, the capital in front of him trembled, and someone felt something strange coming from below. Sugimoto Shoko's beautiful eyes immediately showed a faint light, and she said dissatisfiedly:"Onii-chan~" Bai Ziyu, who had reacted, saw this and immediately showed a bit of apology on his face:"Sorry! Sorry!"

Then he looked at the two women:"` 「Hurry up and pack up. I'll take you to school."

In front of the gate of Mashiro High School, looking at the familiar campus, Katase Shoya felt relieved.

Now that Togo Rizo is dead, no one knows about the incident.

And because of such a scandal, the school has decided to close the baseball club.

This is definitely very good news for him. Without the constraints of those club rules, he can...

Thinking of this, noticing the purple-haired beauty not far away, Katase Shoya's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the other party's figure has become more plump and attractive.

Immediately, he smiled lightly and walked towards her quickly:"Nanao-senpai!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Nanao Akane subconsciously turned her head away.

Looking at the object of her former affection, she is now calm in her heart.

After she came to her side, a polite but distant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:"Hello Katase-kun~"

Hearing the other party's (Qian Zhao) address and feeling the other party's alienation from him, Katase Shoya's smile on his face froze. What's going on?

Just at this moment, a tall young man came up and put his arm around the plump waist:"Akane-chan, what happened, who is this?"

Nestled in Bai Ziyu's arms, Nanao Akane's smile suddenly became incomparably sincere:"This is Katase-kun, who was also a member of the baseball club"

"Katase-kun, this is Yuichi-kun, my boyfriend!"

At the end of the conversation, the girl's body suddenly softened, and she pressed tightly against the broad chest, breathing like orchid.

Seeing the person he loved in someone else's arms, Katase Shoya suddenly heard a"crack" sound like broken glass in his ears.

After forcing a smile and leaving a sentence"I wish you happiness", he hurried away. Looking at his flustered back, Bai Ziyu curled his lips in disdain. He is indeed a top-notch tortoise man.

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