Rise of the Plants

Chapter 92 Enthusiastic Leaders

The news of Chi Nan's return has spread throughout the territory in a very short period of time. Hongsha Ridge is not big to begin with, and if there is any news, it can be known quickly by just shouting a few times.

When Chi Nan walked all the way, countless citizens had gathered on both sides of the road to welcome him. This is what Chi Nan thought in his heart. As for what the residents were pointing at, Chi Nan didn't care.

But things around him were very tense, completely separating Chi Nan from the civilians. He nervously pointed pea cannons at the people around him. These civilians also knew the power of the pea cannon, so no one dared to step forward.

Chi Nan waved his hand and walked to the gate of the castle. Seeing no one else, Chi Nan waved his hand and asked the soldiers to put down the huge green thing. "Open it and let everyone see it."

The soldiers quickly opened the leaves. As soon as the leaves were opened, the eyes of the people around them suddenly widened.

"Oh my God, what is that? It's so big, it looks like it's using a scorpion."

Before Chi Nan came back, in order to prevent residual toxicity, he wrapped the green-headed scorpion with the detoxification grass he had produced, wrapped it with big leaves, and tied it with a rope. It was transported to the territory and then opened. Many people saw this big package along the way, but no one knew what was inside.

"That one seems to be a green-headed scorpion. I heard that green-headed scorpions are very dangerous monsters. Why would they appear here? I remember that green-headed scorpions can only be found deep in the forest of death."

People with knowledge have already recognized it, and it is precisely because they have recognized it that they are even more frightened.

Chi Nan pressed down his hands, and everyone shut their mouths: "Have you seen that the reason why the river behind us cannot be used is because of this green-headed scorpion. This green-headed scorpion lives upstream, As a result, a lot of poisonous fogweed grew around, thus contaminating our water source, which has now been restored."

Chi Nan pointed to the river: "But the river still has some residual weak toxicity. For safety, we have to wait for another ten days before using it. From now on, our drinking water will no longer be a problem."

After hearing Chi Nan's words, the leaders looked at each other and cheered loudly. "Long live my lord."

Water source is a big problem. In the past, the only way to drink water was bitter well water. After all, the soil quality here was too poor. Now finally there is water to drink. Not only drinking water, but other water use is also no problem.

There were more and more people here, and there were some conflicts and conflicts over drinking water. If it weren't for the soldiers guarding the territory, I'm afraid many people would have started fighting by now.

Now that the water source problem has finally been solved, everyone suddenly feels like a big stone has fallen in their hearts. Water is the source of life. You can survive without food, but without water, you will really die.

At this time, Hermila and a leg also rushed back from a distance. "Lord, great, you are finally back. It went well this time, you are not injured." Hermila quickly stepped forward and inspected Chi Nan's whole body. This kind of enthusiasm made Chi Nan feel a little embarrassed.

Is Hermila really interested in me? Chi Nan thought in his mind, but then shook his head, how could this be possible.

She could only look at such a good woman when she was on Earth before, but Chi Nan didn't believe that she had such great charm.

The change of identity is so fast that Chi Nan has not fully adapted to it until now. For a goddess like Hermila, Chi Nan dares to take advantage at most, but not more.

"See you, my lord." One leg bowed to the side and saluted. Chi Nan is allowed to use one leg without having to kneel. This is a privilege that only a few people in the territory have. The other soldiers had already knelt down to show their loyalty.

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "Okay, everyone, get up. You have done a good job, and you will be rewarded later." Chi Nan asked the soldiers to stand up, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please disperse. Go and do whatever you need to do." What are you going to do?"

The lords all spoke, and everyone dispersed quickly, no one dared to stay any longer. It's just that today is a good day, the lord has returned, and the water source has been solved. On the road, laughter can be heard everywhere. Many people celebrated at home and took out the things they usually wouldn't eat.

Nowadays, the pasta here has entered thousands of households, and the only thing that people really can't bear to eat is meat.

The civilians left, but there were still some things left on the ground. It seems that he is right to be kind to the common people.

Chi Nan glanced over and saw some meat, some fruits, and all kinds of strange plants and seeds on the ground, which Chi Nan liked. Now everyone in the territory knows that Chi Nan likes these strange plants.

"Hey, why are you leaving so fast?" Chi Nan originally didn't want to accept the meat and fruits, but there was no one left. Chi Nan didn't know when these people put these things down and didn't see them at all.

"Sir, these are the thoughts of the citizens, just accept them. You have done so much for them, and such a small reward is nothing." The bald father wiped his sweat. The other nobles are constantly exploiting and squeezing, letting the common people do things for themselves. This is the first time that Chi Nan has been able to go deep into the Death Forest for the sake of his people.

Chi Nan rolled his eyelids, what a different philosophy. However, the people here didn't seem to find anything strange. Chi Nan had no choice but to nod: "Okay, okay, I'll take the things and carry them back."

"Hermila, I'm really not injured. You don't have to be so nervous. Don't worry, even they are not injured, let alone me." Chi Nan was talking about those things.

"Yes, before we die, if you get hurt, it will be our shame." The bald father said firmly. Although the bald dad is very smooth, he is also from the military after all.

"Humph, I understand. In short, don't take such risks in the future." Hermila blushed and backed away, and said seriously to Chi Nan.

"Don't worry, this time it's just something that only I can do. I won't ask for trouble for things that others can do."

Chi Nan quickly changed the subject: "Okay, everyone, stop talking nonsense and go back first. Tell me what happened in the territory recently." Chi Nan led the people into the castle.

Looking at the castle, Chi Nan shook his head: "It looks like we need to add a few pillars here, otherwise it will be bad if it falls down that day." Chi Nan was very dissatisfied with the castle.

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